Las Vegas

Jenni or Nikki???
mark2222 11 Reviews 2848 reads

I'm a newbie who had his 1st and only escort experience in March with Jenni.  It was (obviuosly) fantastic.  I'm going back in a couple of months and was going to try and see Jenni again but I hear and read just as many good things about Nikki A as well.  Hopefully I can stay an extra night and see both... any recommendations???  Jenni was amazimg and I'd hate to miss an opportunity to see her!!!

Are you nuts. See both at all all costs. If not seperately, see them both at thye same time, then you'll know what/or who to do on your next trip to Las Vegas. Just an idea. I know it will also be based on wehta you want to spend, and if you see them both together it won't be cheap.

SuperBowlKen1657 reads

Since you have already seen Jenni, then I would go see Nikki.  Both are fantastic ladies, so you can't go wrong with either one of them.

Have fun,


SuperBowlKen2747 reads

Damn, I miss seeing that "Pocket Rocket" Nikki.  I gotta get my butt back out to Vegas and soon!!!


-- Modified on 9/7/2005 3:14:13 AM

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