Las Vegas

I didn't bring any chunks home fooooo....and btw..regular_smile
lv2daty 1565 reads

guess where she went AFTER. lmao

Kit's little friend Sassy wants to try some escorting on her own.  She doesn't have a computer, so I agreed to help her out.
She is cute, thin and quite energetic.  Sassy is willing to run a special for special people to get started.  This is good for people who are TER whitelisted, RS2K, Date-Check, Preferred 411 or that I know personally and will last for 2 weeks.
1 hour $300
2 hours $500
4 hours $800

If you would like to see Sassy, please do NOT PM or e-mail me.  Please fill out the reservation form.
Nikkie works M-Sa 8-4 and she doesn't have access to my e-mail or PMs.  It will get too confusing.  Plus the form gives us the information that we need in the order that we want it. :)
If you are whitelisted, one of us will PM you to make sure that you are the member that you claim to be. :)

If you quaify for the discount, we will let Sassy know.

-- Modified on 11/19/2006 1:13:53 PM

Any friend of Kit's is a friend of mine. At least I hope she's gonna be.

lv2daty2080 reads

Glad Mars is safe.

-- Modified on 11/18/2006 5:31:36 PM

I am sure that she would love an wonderful intelligent person like you. :)

Naranek3187 reads

This may seem like a dumb question, but how does one get whitelisted? I won't be able to take advantage of the special, but I would be interested in knowing. Thanks.

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