Las Vegas

New Lap Dance Regulations
Sig12 2 Reviews 2184 reads

Can someone tell me if this is true on what's happening in Vegas?  It was in the LA Times here in OC

This would absolutely suck.  That's a big selling point for Vegas.  Dang ACLU

Don't know, but when I get to Las Vegas I'm gonna have to do some research!

If they enforce that shit I'll be forced to start going to escorts instead. It's a good thing that's still legal.

Andrea Abruzzi1636 reads

If the local cops are like the cops here in the Tampa Bay area, they will ignore the laws just like they do here.  There is a rule on the books here that there must be 6' between dancer and customer but the locals LE ignores it as they have better things to do.

is that it is up to the whims of the LEO. They may have better things to do, but they always seem to have a penchant for easy pickings that harm no one, e.g. Strip Clubs, Escorts, Marijuana Posession, Gay Marriage, Tinted windows.

The only safe assumption one can make when it comes to LE is that, if they can they will.

Metro, specifically vice, is a bit miffed that the regulations for lap dances differ between the city and the county.  Whether they bother to enforce the provision outside of what they try and limit (mostly limited to illicit extras and solicitation) is questionable.

The city council will probably redo the ordinance but I doubt it'll change much.  It'll probably go back to the courts to be fought again.

Personally, I'd take a lap dance from LaRue (whoa) anyday.


A lap dance from LaRue is like no other. And with all the fringes, oh la la.  Try and get that in a stip club. lmao

Just as I am about to make a trip there....

What about "what happens here..." crap in all the commercials....

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