Las Vegas

Advice on interacting with bookers?
itabasami 1 Reviews 675 reads

I will be in Vegas for the weekend and would like to book with one of the Asian/K-Girl agencies. In a few reviews I’ve noticed some caution about the bookers. I have only ever seen independent providers in the past, and not that many times. What should I know about talking to a booker? Should I call first or email? Do I need to speak in “code” or is it straightforward/unvarnished?

I get the impression the Asian agencies have different screening requirements than the usual “prove you’re a professional and a real person” approach of most independents. What should I expect?

Any other general advice/caution/tips on approach and etiquette would be much appreciated.

jbrstorm48 reads

I've never had any probs with the "Booker." They ask for a few bits of info but Ive never had to speak a diff lingo than I usually do with anyone in the hobby.

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