
I have a soft spot for Tales of the Weird!
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 763 reads

Perhaps it's because I've been around the adult entertainment business so long that it's reassuring to hear new stories, just to know that I really HAVEN'T seen or heard it all yet.  No matter the reason, I love reading/hearing such stories even more than sharing my own!  

It's been a very long time since I toured in Kansas, but I'll never forget this one...  
I'd been in town for a couple of days during the fall, finishing up my visit on a Friday to leave first thing the following morning.  
Unbeknownst to me, the hotel where I was staying was where fans of a visiting college football team had chosen to stay en masse.  They started showing up in the afternoon, with lots of noise (there was a full marching band!) and raucous behavior.  

Well, not one but 2 clients showed up but then called to say they couldn't come into the hotel for fear of running into someone who may recognize them!!   Not being familiar with college-football-fan culture, this threw me for a loop!  LOL!

When I return, I'll be sure to pick my hotel with due care.  ;-)


-- Modified on 8/17/2015 9:58:24 PM

This board is mostly dead on responses so I thought a fun question might get things going again.  
What is the weirdest/strangest/funniest thing that has happened to you while in playing/working in Kansas?

Mine: I went to a hotel, checked in and later found a provider who would come to the hotel. I went out to check on the best way to get from parking lot to my room. I saw a parking lot of cop cars. I asked the front desk about the cars. I was told there was some sort of convention. I meet the provider. She was super nervous but we walked in and rode the elevator up and talked to some on our way to the room and had fun.

Perhaps it's because I've been around the adult entertainment business so long that it's reassuring to hear new stories, just to know that I really HAVEN'T seen or heard it all yet.  No matter the reason, I love reading/hearing such stories even more than sharing my own!  

It's been a very long time since I toured in Kansas, but I'll never forget this one...  
I'd been in town for a couple of days during the fall, finishing up my visit on a Friday to leave first thing the following morning.  
Unbeknownst to me, the hotel where I was staying was where fans of a visiting college football team had chosen to stay en masse.  They started showing up in the afternoon, with lots of noise (there was a full marching band!) and raucous behavior.  

Well, not one but 2 clients showed up but then called to say they couldn't come into the hotel for fear of running into someone who may recognize them!!   Not being familiar with college-football-fan culture, this threw me for a loop!  LOL!

When I return, I'll be sure to pick my hotel with due care.  ;-)


-- Modified on 8/17/2015 9:58:24 PM

ottolbrock757 reads

You should find your way back to Kansas again someday. Maybe check the local college sport's schedule first.

I would like to know more about the soft spot. lol.

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