
Wife Girlfriend or KGirl. What is best?
rgh550 59 Reviews 1229 reads

Me: Married in early 30’s. Couple of kids.  Life good except wife decided not to stay nice looking or very nice to me. Kids grow up. I split scene and big D. Luckily not in CA. She gets everything except my pension.  I feel lucky.  If I was California resident it would have been much much worse. 10 years later I am back on my feet in California living large with 15 years of KGirling to fill void.  

My good friend of same age lost his wife to cancer. Kids all grown and gone. He decides to “date”. Date.com.  Finds a milf match. Within a month Date moves  in.  She’s 45 yo with kids who live out of state. Date Swaps out all his kitchen stuff China crystal and furniture for $160k of stuff she likes.   He sells all his classic stuff for $20k.  Date grinds on his dick a dozen times. Runs up $100k on credit card. He’s unhappy. He pays her $50K to leave after 6 months of playing house.  

In the same 6 months I fuck at least 20 different KGirls at least twice a week for a total of $25K + several overnight/weekend dates with a KGirl (several times over past few months) for another $20K (plus airfare hotel food clothes which was probably another $15k).  

So my friend is very sad.  Heart broken 70 year old but wealthy. So what.  He was used. Trashed. Had sex about 10x by his estimate. He is out at least $250K.  

Me?  Happy. Sex twice a week. Overnights and weekend trysts at least every 6-8 weeks. Sex by hot KGirls 1/2 my age. Total expense?  Maybe $60K.  

My friend now KGirls.  I think at least 5 times a week.  He is in much need to heal. He loves this life.  We have dined together with Kgirl double dates. Twice.  It’s fun. The Kgirls dress up and talk Korean while we wear blue blazers and smile ear to ear because we know the best of life is in front of us.  

Do you blame him?  Do you blame me? I don’t.

If it flies, floats or fucks - Rent It!
Bitches are like busses, if you miss one, there' another one comming

icyblu93 reads

Society looks down on sex workers, but they've helped me find happiness and balance with life.  

With what you guys have been through, enjoy the kgirls!!!

Just don’t marry em!!!!


The kgirl is instant satisfaction, but the only problem is that the kgirl will guaranteed to not be there for you if you had a issue in your real life(though some bad wives may be the same).  
I wouldn’t be smiling that much knowing they are only with me for money.  
Overnights are a joke. You can fly to Asia and probably get a new girl everyday for a month for the price of 1 night here.

Try this instead. Go to Asia Thailand Philippines and get 2 girls at the same time , one for each arm. And replace them weekly. You will still come our way ahead and you’ll have a girl 1/3 your age, because technically they are expired goods there when they are late 20’s. I don’t know about you, but I prefer a natural youthful beauty vs make up beauty.

 This is from my own experience.

Thank me later or just buy me a new corvette with the money you will save :)

can organize your time well, and can afford it, why not have all three at the same time?  

you got me there.  I can't think of a reason except cooking and laundry, but I like sending my clothes out and eating in restaurants, so I still don't have a GOOD answer.  You have my surrender on this point, sir.  Lol

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