
When using translators……..
CENZO1 162 Reviews 52 reads

…. my advice is to stick to simple words when you can. Once you get up to three syllables or more, you have entered a minefield. Thank God all these gals know the meaning of the word “fuck”. LOL!

Today I saw a Chinese gal at her AMP and we exchanged Christmas gifts.   I've known her for about 4 years now, and she has taken lately to communicate using the Chinese-English translator on her smart phone.

When I gave her my gift (a jade bracelet) she spoke into her phone which translated her Chinese into:   I love my hand lottery.

Later she (or her phone) said:    I am so anorexic for you.   (She is definitely NOT anorexic!)

Anyone else ever converse via phone translators and have similar amusing tales?

(She gifted me a bracelet made of mahogany beads and a bottle of wine.)

Tis the season.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  
The whisky is agreeable, but the meat is rotten.
Out of sight; out of mind.
Invisible idiot.

Posted By: mrfisher

Today I saw a Chinese gal at her AMP and we exchanged Christmas gifts.   I've known her for about 4 years now, and she has taken lately to communicate using the Chinese-English translator on her smart phone.  
 When I gave her my gift (a jade bracelet) she spoke into her phone which translated her Chinese into:   I love my hand lottery.  
 Later she (or her phone) said:    I am so anorexic for you.   (She is definitely NOT anorexic!)  
 Anyone else ever converse via phone translators and have similar amusing tales?  
 (She gifted me a bracelet made of mahogany beads and a bottle of wine.)  
 Tis the season.

Translators are quite annoying at times.  I usually translate back saying the translator is drunk, can you try again 😭
The struggle is real

Sometimes the free ones produce all kinds of mistakes, especially from Chinese to English, while the English to Chinese on the same ap can be fairly accurate, so she will know what you mean, but you won't have a clue.  In that case, I tell her to rephrase it and try again because the translation is not correct.  There are translator aps they can subscribe to for a small monthly fee or a one-time purchase that are much better, but don't ask me which ones they are, because I don't speak Chinese either.   Lol

As a side note, that is a very nice gift, but for an active guy like me, a bracelet with a bottle of wine on it would be clumsy and impractical, but I would accept one with beads only.    Lol

…. my advice is to stick to simple words when you can. Once you get up to three syllables or more, you have entered a minefield. Thank God all these gals know the meaning of the word “fuck”. LOL!

seem to know the lexicon of the sex worker well enough so they can get through a basic session of the usual activities.  It's been over 12 years since I had one where I had to resort to hand gestures to let her know what I wanted to do.  Lol

I was just texting with a retired Kgirl in Seoul this afternoon and she complained that, because she has no American friends in Korea, her English is getting worse.  Her solution was that I should come for a two or three week visit so she can practice her English 24/7.  I told her to ask me again at the beginning of summer.  She laughed.  

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