
These k-girls are amazing but I know so little! So what’s the story?
androswell 28 Reviews 3669 reads

I have been a hobbies/monger for over 40 years - I’m 71, but only a few months ago really got into k-girls. Now I’m addicted. But they puzzle me. I have questions!

Korgs and providers
* Do they recruit girls in Korea and then bring them here?  
* How do they recruit them?
* Do they run these girls’ lives, choose places to live, pay rent, have rules about what they do when not working,betc. or is it more like a typical job?
* They are all clearly trained. Who does that and how?
* Who are the PO’s? Where do they find them?  They seem to have good English? Who are the owners? Korean?  
* Are there really many korgs or are there really only a few, but each using multiple brands and websites?
* How come I can’t find hardly any TER reviewed girls in the southbay who are GFE/PSE, but not Asian, at reasonable prices (under 300)?  The k-orgs seem to have cornered the market.  

The job
* Do the girls work 40 hr weeks, several weeks off a year, or is it something completely different?
* Do they live in the apartments they see customers in? That would certainly be more economic.
* Do they otherwise have normal lives, see movies, go shopping, have cars, go on dates, or not so much?
* What is the split of the fee like- 50/50 or what?
* How many customers do they typically see each day?  What percent are BBFS sessions? what percent are CIP sessions?  
* Do they get good breaks?
* Do they ever see some customers on the side, and cut out the k-org?  That was very common for me in LA with small, non-Asian agencies.  

- With so many exposures they must get STDs at some regular rate. Are they tested regularly? How often?  
- if they find an std, are there reliably taken off the circuit until non communicable? Is this what “on vacation” is really all about?  
- Does the org enforce the std policy, or is it up to each provider?
- Are the girls trained to detect guys who are more risky, and do they refuse to serve them?
- Do they have special techniques to reduce the rate of std occurrence?
- Do any ever get a super serious std, like hiv?

Milf k-girls
- Currently the going rate for attractive young (or youngish) in the southbay of SF seems $280/hr but it is easy to find Asian Milfs for $160/hr. How does this transition occur?  At some point are they demoted? Discarded? Go out on their own?

Your questions are impossible to answer definitively.  Which is good actually.  

My opinion:  

3 entities make this Kgirl world work. The Kgirls The Bookers and the Hooches.  

K-Orgs are fairly organized but the KGirls are independent. Some clearly have handlers and sponsors  if they are new to business or US.  I think the Bookers control the brand but they stay 2 arms length from venue, money drops or Kgirl handling. Since it’s a cash business, everything is likely cash to pay for all elements of business.  

The Kgirl world is likely very closed shop.  Families run functions of business.  Word of mouth is probably how Kgirls get an invite to participate in business. We too are invited.  If Kgirl or any of us becomes a concern, that person is cancelled.  

$$$. I’m an outlier on this forum because I think Kgirl gets a relatively low percent (30) and rest is divided between venue, Booker and handler. Kgirl keeps more if she uses her private apartment and doesn’t need handler. KGirl keeps tip of course. I doubt if many of these Kgirls make a lot of money.  Some do. Most don’t.  They are probably happy to clear $500/day, the earlier in the day the better.  Some can clear much more.  But just like a stripper in a club these Kgirls need to stay available during their “shift”. The legends make themselves less available but they are booked by regulars.  The new ones or old ones need to do more tricks bbfs rim anal duos etc to clear their daily nut, hopefully $1000. I think as the Kgirls .  

Many on this forum think these Kgirls take in millions but they don’t. Some might do $200k/year but most make much less.  

STDs.  Ugh.  I’m your age.  I don’t need that drama so I hang out with legends and milfs.  Skyns   I’m not judging.  I just like GFE KGirls.  

I didn’t answer all your questions.  My Bottomline is these KGirls of LA have been great for me!!!  I treat them respect.  I never discuss activities donation or complain to bookers. If something isn’t to my liking. I just move on.  I like the reviews but only for entertainment value. I have nice PM exchanges with many reviewers over particular Kgirls.  

KGirling is a lot of fun!  I have “dated” a few legends. They are real people and very nice.  They also like “us” and they like sex. Their lifestyles are on par for someone making $150k/yr.  Not much for LA.  But it’s cash. They probably send a lot home. I got to know one who buys a lot of gold jewelry.  Smart girl.

As I said androswell saw a few providers I saw back in 2017.  That’s how I discern mongers from all others.  He’s legit and his questions show normal curiosity. That said, never look at a gift-horse in the mouth. In other words, the KGirl World works just fine.  Don’t ask too many questions.  Between ourselves, fine. But don’t start quizzing the KGirls bookers etc. keep everything anonymous with plausible deniability.  “I just want a fantasy massage”. The K Girls and organizations also want to keep everything anonymous. Nobody in their right mind thinks this situation is anything more than a modern version of 1920 era speak-easy clubs. Enjoy as long as nobody gets hurt.  

When I go down apartment hall to magic door, if I see anyone at all, I make a pass by. A couple weeks ago the Booker had to send down someone to get me on elevator. I didn’t ask any questions. I just went with the flow. When I get into Kgirl apartment I discretely put my keys sunglasses cell phone and fanned out C Bills.  Obviously the KGirl can see the C Bills. I then take off my clothes and ask for shower. What happens after that is private and mutually agreeable. If any KGirl asks what I want I say fantasy massage but to date that has never happened.  For the few Kgirls who don’t speak any English I will translate “Soft GFE” and show them a JAV of a bikini massage. Things just happen after that.  

The STD BBFS stuff never gets on my radar.  I always toss my Skyn on bed near their supplies.  I once posted a little bleep on Probiotics.  These KGirls douche with Probiotics. If they took doxycycline daily (same shit used to prevent pimples ) then it is likely they could avoid most STDs. That said, I use Skyns because I do not like drama.  


See above for an example of drama to avoid.  

Be kind. Be safe. Be generous. Be thankful. Don’t look at a gift-horse in the mouth.

"Milf k-girls
- Currently the going rate for attractive young (or youngish) in the southbay of SF seems $280/hr but it is easy to find Asian Milfs for $160/hr. How does this transition occur?  At some point are they demoted? Discarded? Go out on their own?"
I'll take just this one.  
I think you're mixing up K-Girls with Asian MILFs.  Probably no K-Girls have reduced rates to 160 lately.  The MILFs you refer to are mostly Chinese, started at that rate, and anyhow were never in K-orgs.  A very few of them are very good, even up to K-Girl level of service, but (I hear) most are not.  
Also the younger or more-hyped K-Girls seem to be asking more than the sorta-regular 280.  
I can't speak to SoCal or any other area on this topic; SF Bay Area only.

I’m sure you’re right, and that I got this wrong. I’ve only been with one of these MILFs and she likely was Chinese not Korean. And then, anyway, are the best providers in the southbay at the lower rates, in particular ones who are PSE and get off on well-served DATY (my specialty 👅)

These many questions all so structured.  This amount of research does not seem normal for a monger.  

You LE?  Politician with an agenda?  Religious type?  Reporter?

No, I am a monger/hobbiest pure and true. Look at my reviews, going back many years.   I am a very curious guy, and I tend to think the more I know, the better I can do in the k-girl world, find more of what I like, and save some money. It’s just my personality. I’m a scientist so I like to understand how things work, at the deepest level.    

But I also understand the approach “go with the flow” and don’t question too much. It’s just I became so tempted to. Ask my brothers what they know, since it’s so easy.

Most of your questions have been asked and answered or asked and debated here at this forum over the years. Use the review system to help identify KGirls you would enjoy and gradually learn about the KGirl world by following this forum here.

the most important question, and that is, "how to get screened to see Kgirls."  If you can't get approved, then none of these other questions matter, right?  

I’ve already been screened by and accepted by three k-orgs in the SF South Bay, and seen 8 lovely providers. I’ve reviewed several. Wasn’t a problem.

just ask them these questions.  That's what I have done over the years.  Many times the info you get here is sheer speculation.  Get it from the horse's mouth and it'll probably be more accurate.  To give you an example, I asked newly-arrived Kgirl why she started off a little timid on her BBBJ.  She said she was still a little insecure about her skills because she did not go to "the school."  That opened the door for me to ask all about it.

I love talking with providers and they seem to open up to me EXCEPT now that I’m into k-girls it may not work well. Most don’t speak English and I definitely don’t speak Korean!  I’m so curious - what did you find out about “the school”?

Korean educational system starting at age 4 or 5.  They may PRETEND not to speak English with guys they don't want to talk to, but unless they did not go to school at all, they will usually understand and speak a passable level of English.  I have had some that pretended not to understand me on the first session, but when I repeated, they became very chatty . . . .  in English.  Lol

My technique is to butcher what little Korean I know so badly that they'll happily switch over to English just so that I'll stop 😄

I've seen a few with limited functional conversational English (including one of my regulars). My assumption is that she/they're probably North Korean.

I have thought the same thing on the rare occasion that a new Kgirl could not understand me.  Then when I gave up and went to the translator app, she confirmed it.  

Bruh... Guys, come on. Every single alarm should be sounding. Dude ain't right or above board. This is the most ridiculous and obvious set of questions I've ever seen.

He's just curious but can't ask them because they don't speak English?

Huh? In one of his rapid fire interrogation questions in his OP, he says: * /Who are the PO’s? Where do they find them?  | THEY SEEM TO HAVE GOOD ENGLISH? | Who are the owners? Korean?  

That's a big contradiction. He says check his reviews, as if they're proof he's not LE or his wife operating his handle. Or his handle hasn't always been LE. Or recently became. It doesn't, but fine.

His recent reviews w/Kgirls talk about laying there and talking. He can explain to a girl that squirt is called "Amrita by the Tantric crowd, “nectar of the Gods.”, using an app to understand complex ideas. So are they good at English, don't speak it, use an app to translate, what?

Since he supposedly returned to hobby, he has mentioned his precise age in every single review. Prior, he never mentioned a specific age. Not once. Oct 2017 he said "I am in my 60's and sometimes I don't get very hard", but never specified his age. Now it's every review.

He also mentions his big dick in all his reviews now but only ONE mention before, in passing, that he dismissed. Almost like the author isn't the same person it used to be. The try to be, but they're not them.

This handle has always unnecessarily forced SW lingo. What 60's to 71 year old says things like this?
 - "But I didn’t want to pop yet, so I said “teach me about DATY and DATO.”  
 - "I was recently initiated into the wonders of Greek by an L.A. mistress of the art (see my recent review)"

His whole premise is he's new to the K-girl game. But his early reviews reflect him dealing with Asian providers through agencies and this post shows he doesn't distinguish between K-girls and Asian. E.g., his 4th and 6th reviews ever. Speaking of those reviews, this is sketch y'all.  

 - His first review ever was to a provider that never had another review (before or after)
 - His second review was to a provider that never had another review (before/after)
 - His third review was for a provider done 2.5 years later
 - His fourth review was for a Kgirl that never had another review (before/after)
 - His fifth review was for a provider in Chicago, he said she verified his boarding pass a week in advance. Couldn't get your BP a week prior in 2012. Provider gone 2.5 years later
 - His sixth review was through Los Angeles Asians
 - His 7th review he describes a different verification process than other reviews
 - His 8th review was a provider done .5 years later
 - His 9th review was the first ever for the provider who was done .5 years later
 - His 10th review was the first ever for a provider who was done .5 years later (and dramatically different than the other 5 reviews she got - he gave 9 for performance, 3 of the other 4 gave a 2 and said it wasn't the girl in the pics)6

His questions are clearly LEO. Scientists don't inherently ask invasive questions that have zero to do with the task at hand. They use critical reasoning, logic, hypothesize based on information available to them. And who has ever met a scientist that calls themself a scientist? I've met Biologist, Geologist, Chemist, Astronomers, and Botanist. I've read works by Physicist. Not once has anyone ever said "Hi, I'm Joe, Scientist."

But we didn't need me to break all this down. Just go back to the questions with a clear motive and agenda. Who recruits, where and when. Who trains then handles, where and when. How do they bring them to the country. Who's in charge of the location. COME ON.

No one should engage with any person talking like this person is. LEO all the way. On the slim, remote chance I'm wrong, no harm done. What's the upside in risking and engaging in this type of behavior?

*Written by AI and I have no idea what any of your guys are talking about or any of this stuff means. Am I still sleeping?

We are a cult; we are Monger brothers.

Mind your own Biz and let the kgirls mind theirs.



Did you do a search for these questions which have been discussed here a hundred times before showing the board how little you know?   Lol

I will get you started by answering your question where they get trained.  It's a vocational school in Seoul colloquially referred to as "Phuck U."

Give a brother a break, jeez. I’ve been reviewing for years, but only a few weeks ago paid any attention to the boards. I tried using search, but I found it a slow tedious way to get a lot of knowledge fast. And it looked like my fellow mongers liked to share. I had no idea that some of you would find my questions annoying.  Sorry. Really. No offense. Just saying.


Welcome to KGirl Board, we show no mercy. Like the first day for a new kid in 6th grade.  

The questions you asked are cyclic and any answer is wrong by posters.  

CDL is correct in admonishing your first OP though he was more terse than usual.  

Keep posting

It’s funny, we pounded the same pussy back in 2017.  That’s how I know you’re a legit monger.  You’ve now discovered KGirls which I did many years ago.  These KGirls are fantastic here in LA.  I sampled “Lee” of San Mateo earlier this year.  She was great but a particular local monger tore into me for suggesting previous bad reviews were mean spirited and I had no right to rock the San Mateo boat, etc etc.  geez.  That guy was an asshole but everyone knows it.  

Welcome to 6th grade.  

Enjoy KGirling.

post AGAIN what they have already posted multiple times in the past because YOU don't have time to do a search?  No offense, but suggesting that YOUR time is more valuable than anyone else's here comes off as arrogant and disrespectful to the guys and ladies that have been providing info here for years.  Just saying.

-- Modified on 10/24/2023 3:07:42 PM

Ha! Ha!!!

Antroswell, you could also PM a few of us

Where do these KGirls get their training?

Training Films titled Bikini Massage  

Use Spank Bang website. Search Bikini Massage or JAV Bikini Massage.  Those are their training videos.  

People have already said what I wanted to say.

When someone has such a detailed list, it makes one raise an eyebrow and many will think you're a leo looking for info.

Many of these questions you'll find an answer to on this and other forums dedicated to kgirls. Many of the answers are the same as any other non-Asian agency.

I was too lazy to read through all the responses, but I’ve had a K-girl and a J-girl both tell me apx the same thing. In the DC area, agency gets $140 or $160 of the hourly donation. They also offer to “hold” their money and then take a 10% cut to wire it back home or deposit it for the provider if she needs their help which they almost always do. Same J-girl complained to me that the “uncle” at one agency tried to take $2k of her $11k to wire the money back to Japan and often tried to take liberties with the girls. They supposedly complained and started dealing more with an “auntie” after that, but some won’t work for that agency now. Doesn’t mean that this is the norm though, just what I was told.

in these kinds of practices where they try to extort additional money from the girls are the ones who end up prompting the kinds of investigations about human trafficking that are in the Kgirl scene recently.  There is a cardinal rule of business that when you employ people, whether they be contractors or direct employees, there are two things that are sacrosanct that you don't mess with, their days off and their pay.  It's the APPEARANCE of trafficking evidence that gets the attention of LE when orgs don't play it straight when it comes to the money.  Girls should be suspicious of any agency that wants to "hold" their money for them, regardless of the reason.  The SoCal model where the girl collects the money directly from the customer and then pays the agency their cut is the safest one for all involved.  

It's probably not best to reference current agencies, especially in that area, and anecdotes related to $, publicly.  

At least make the leos work for info.


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