
No reviews or chatter!
badger48 103 Reviews 756 reads

What's your take on a Kprovider with no reviews on TER or chatter on other forums?
She's been around for a few months without any info surfacing.  
Only the Booker had a couple of positive comments.
Gatekeeping or no one has tried her?  
Any thoughts?

However, I do have to admit I've occasionally seen some that passed through here that were good providers but given almost no reviews.

Not sure how you looked but, coincidentally, a could of weeks back I was curious about one the girls here now and how see seemed to be received so tried looking for the review. I think I searched only by name, location and ethnicity but found nothing. Thought that was strange but not interested enough in diffing into why that might have been. (Though did some minor checks and seemed like the one agency was not showing any recent reviews but others in the area were.) Just checked again and now plenty of reviews, even recent (November). This time it was by phone number.

Perhaps my earlier search was poorly structured somehow or perhaps something was going on with TER's DB and that agencies reviews were not getting found (index problem or some maintenance activity) and that has now changed. That certainly would not explain other sites.

Is there a link you can post? Maybe with that or the ad pics someone will know more.

was just kind of a general, hey anyone run into this lately.
I did a couple of ISO threads going back to October 10.
The most recent was about Lily, which you sent a post to, thank you!

At least in my neck of the woods I can say that it's near pointless to gatekeep a kgirl.

First, kgirl rely on advertising. We've all seen inflated ads, questionable reviews and aggressive campaigns.

Second, many kgirls if they aren't getting enough biz theyll just leave at some point. So people who like a certain girl are more likely to talk about her sis she doesn't leave.  

Third, the whales who could gatekeep some girl by keeping quiet and renting her for a day or week, don't have incentive to keep quiet because they already have first dibs and there isn't a point to gatekeep. Many of the whales would rather show off that they were able to take a girl out for a week and rub it in regular mongers noses. Hell we had a small drama with a bro who bragged about booking a very popular kgirl for a week or something and taking her to his company's office party as his date and putting up pics on insta.


Gatekeeping does exist in storefront amp community, but for different reasons specific to storefront nuances (girl rotation, girl jealousy, too much exposure, etc)  


Here are my reasons why the girl wouldn't have reviews here :

1. Org is flagged by ter and profile(s) have been pulled.  

2. (this is bay area specific but it may apply) org is deemed as low tier and untrustworthy by mongers and people refuse to toftt and generally don't talk about the org much. In bay area peach cafe/alpaca is such org and their girls typically don't get many reviews on ter.  

3. The girl is actually a dupe (duplicate) of another girl on roster. People may realize it but won't review the girl because of some solidarity with shitty org practices. Idk.  

4. Girl has only been there for a week so either people haven't seen her, her ad isn't updated to reflect availability properly, or didn't have time to review when she bounced. Obviously not the case in ops post.  

5. Rare but still happens. I call it nova style. The girl isn't good and people are too nice/play along with po/org and don't say anything instead of giving a bad review.

gatekeeping, it's used somewhat on other forums, as a maybe it's one possibility.
I personally don't think that could happen for long, someone's gonna say something!

Thanks for the other input.

advertised for 2-3 weeks, but had no reviews, and I ended up being the one to create her TER profile, where usually, I'm the second or third reviewer because I wait a week or two after the session and by then, someone else has put up a review.  For the most part, these girls have turned out to be average, so it's understandable if the bookers are not pushing them onto their customers because the bookers have their own cred to worry about.  With that said, a few months seems kind of long to not have some buzz or a review.  With that said, if the girl is not getting a lot of customers, maybe she will up her game a little for the ones she does get.  Could be an adventure or a dud, but you won't know until you go, at least that's the way it was in my own experiences.

to see her soon.
But I will be texting the Booker tomorrow, for something else, and will ask at that time for info and any feedback that she might have.

Thanks for the post.

If you are asking about a second girl at the same time you are booking a different one, the bookers will not consider it wasting their time with 20 questions about a girl you may decide NOT to see.  I use this a lot and have had good results.

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