
Current crop of new flowers
badger48 103 Reviews 1734 reads

A lot of talk, discussions and reviews about the latest flowers in L.A. has dominated a couple of forums.
Good looking, service oriented, good attitudes and even young, 26 to 32 range.
Also, there are some under and some over, but still good looks and service!
And here is one thing that the rabid anti BBFS guys should take note of, quite a few are CFS!
Real quick, please don't get your panties in a bunch, because this thread shouldn't be turned into another
pro/con BBFS argument (start your own thread, again) that's not what this thread is about. TIA!

     I'd like to get feedback about the current Kgirl scene, the influx of new/different Kgirls.
Are any of you aware of what seems to be happening with the Kgirl situation?
Has anyone met any of the latest Kgirls and your thoughts?
Do you think the chatter and evaluations are pretty accurate?  

Thank you for all on topic posts.

I met one of them and yea she does look pretty young and great english too which i guess would be true for the younger ladies? Whether she's a uni student as she mentioned i don't know.  All agreed, good looking, service, attitude. I always book earlier sessions though, who knows how tired/service she is later in the day.  

Still trying to book one of the other one that seems to be all the rage now. Always be filling up her time slots quick. Is this how it usually is during the summer? Some short stay Uni ladies/younsters ?

That and seems like good jobs have been hard to come by for younger people in Korea (and other places in Asia).

Maybe I misunderstood the post, but if one doesn't read other forums, coukd you summarize this chatter and evaluation?

Otherwise hard to answer the question lol :)

Just kidding. I have now idea what you're talking about. How are we supposed to answer you without seeing all the relevant info? Or did you phrase the question wrong? I don't get it.

But might also help if you stop trying to emulate my writing style:
"I have now idea what you're talking about."
a) "have no idea"
b) "now have an idea"
c) something else

pretty sure you mean a) but . . . LOL

-- Modified on 6/24/2023 6:40:55 PM

Are you serious, or are you being funny(LOL)?
You post on that forum, so I guess you read it too.
I would think that you'd get what the chatter is.
And, IMO, your posts are not as harsh and repetitive as here.
Reason for the toned-down posts?


That was my response to what I did see on the forum. One girl who is not available to mere mortals for weeks and is gathering up hype and inevitable FOMO doesn't golden age make. At least to me. Pretty sure golden age refers to combination of quality, value, ease of access and ease of booking, across the board for an average monger.  

My posts there toned down? In what way? I don't think so. If you think I'm less hard on shills there, its because the ad_min already goes against them harder than I ever can. Editing the shills posts and making it seem as if they are shitting on their own product is quite heinous.  

I thoroughly enjoy it when he slam dunks their candy asses tho :)

-- Modified on 6/27/2023 8:01:29 PM

LOL, so he's talking about all the chatter thats going on on a different forum. Pretty much 3 new short stays from same LA org, if that helps. One supposedly book solid for 2 weeks, haven't tried to book a session w/her yet

there are still smart guys posting!
Thanks for the reply!

Unfortunately, even with this fascinating and brisque conversation, it's still a).😘

If you're in L.A. and you search the Korgs sites, you should have noticed a lot of new/different Kgirls on them.
So, I know that you know about the usa forum, because you asked me about it in another thread!
And I answered your question! The answer was usa.
But, if you forgot, yes, it's in the usa threads, hot young Asians and the BB thread, among others.

As I put in my post, the posters are saying the Kgirls are good looking, good service, happy about the many new/different choices in Los Angeles!
Some have mentioned a new golden age has hit LA!
The reviews are positive and seem to be honest.
The posters are doing a lot of comparing between the newest Kgirls on the org sites and some of the existing popular Kgirls.

Well -- and no surprise here -- with your additional context, I was able breeze right through it.  
You guys get more girls and at better prices that us EC/MA guys, and it sort of pisses me off. How the WC could have the same class of flowers and service (ultimately from one of only a very few sources), yet they charge us a good 25-35% more. 🤯 Enjoy your good fortune.

I didn't see anything of the sort in terms of golden age. There's one girl whose name starts with C who's getting hyped off being booked like fifteen days in advance. But you already had some reports saying someone got disappointed. Other that seems extremely weird someone would even contemplate calling it the golden age given what kind of quality/price was there in socal a decade ago.  


What I did see is, not for the first time there , some simps/capt save-a-you-know-what trying to put down fellow mongers in order to prop up girls. The usual bullshit rhetoric of "aw shucks these poor girlz they get fucked/pied by old ugly smelly homeless people". And of course yours truly can't stay away from deconstructing this bullshit rhetoric claims publicly :)

HYA thread 6/21 13:30
They are saying not Golden Age in their posts.
I couldn't find the post with the poster's opinion about the new Golden Age.
Not a member so I can't search.
But someone mentioned it for it to be denied.
Maybe the Mod deleted it?

Yeah I don't know. I checked it out and like you've said, it  actually says it is NOT the golden age.

I think if one is to consider a "golden age" because one post buried deep down in one thread said that, you can go down so many strange rabbit holes (no pun intended) on the internet.

I'm surprised you don't post, just read there.

A lot of talk, discussions and reviews about the latest flowers in *L.A.* has dominated a couple of forums.

For anyone that is still in the dark LA = Los Angeles

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