
Re: Most guys
MalachaiPhl 7 Reviews 2 reads

Dude…well fucking said. +1 right here.

Reading some recent reviews and the reviewers are giving 8's & 9's. At best they give one or two words to describe the Kgirl, cute, really nice, but worthless, IMO! They don't even try to compare the pics. Not any useful info on her looks.
That makes it really hard to make a decision to see her.

I always give as complete a description as possible, picture comparison, my impression of what and how I see the Kgirl to help the reader as much as I can.

I'm sure everyone would like to have the best description as possible, right?
And I know it's all subjective, but that's mostly saying she's good looking or not, an honest description can and should be given!

casinova2 reads

I agree with your point on comparing the girl to the pics, as that gives a good frame of reference.  Even comparing a girl to someone famous helps.  Other than that, I don't give much weight to one person's descriptions of beauty.  I also compare a reviewer's rating of looks with my own experience of the same girl just to gauge their tastes.  Even then, I find myself sometimes second guessing my own ratings after the fact.
I remember in High School (a few years ago), all the guys drooled over a certain girl, but I could never get into her looks.  Then one day, I happened to see her all sweaty with messy hair after gym class, and that really turned me on.  What I'm saying is that we all know "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," but even within the beholder, perception can change from one moment to another.  

I think I'm guilty of not giving a description but I don't think I've given a 9 or 10 on looks.  To get that I pretty much have to jaw drop and pop a huge boner the second I see her.

One man’s 9 is another’s 6 and visa-versa. After almost 40 years of day to day experience interviewing men I can unequivocally state that their powers of observation and description suck.

You’d hope her pictures would settle her looks… wouldn’t it?

Cant even gauge cup size semi accurately. My reviews tend to concentrate on specific acts but now that you have mentioned it I will begin to use the pics as reference. Informing others (IMO)  what aspects of the pics are accurate. Honestly for me service trumps looks all day long. I can tolerate a full blown service queen slut with 6-7 looks any day over an ABG who just goes through the motions.

I agree. Service trumps looks all day long.  My wife is beautiful. *Stunningly* beautiful.  25 years ago when I met her, up to today. I mean, strangers in the street coming up to her in awe.  Not once a year or so, but just about every time we go out.  But she has no libido and I'm lucky if I get 20 minutes in the bedroom twice a year.

With K-girls, the only thing I look for is service. Can they project the illusion for 60 minutes?  For that one hour, can I be the king of the world?  Will they wash me, kiss me, blow me, rim me, fuck me like their entire existence depends on it?  For that one hour, can I live the fantasy that they have been waiting for me all day; they crave intimacy with me?

A number of K-girls have fulfilled this illusion, as you can tell from my reviews.  God bless K-girls. Most escorts have no clue what a guy like me is looking for.  I don't care one whit about a website rating of looks. The girl could be homely as fuck, but as long as I'm king of her world for one hour? That's gold.

Dude…well fucking said. +1 right here.

But that doesn't really mean we need to ignore the face rating... especially since for many if not the majority of mongers looks are the most important.

I think this is a thread complaining about a lack of detail that would explain to readers as to why theyre rated high.

From what I've read on the boards and sites it runs about 50/50, I didn't do a survey, as to what is more important, looks or service.
If your choice is a 3 or lower Service Queen, as opposed to a 5 or 6 with good service, well everyone does what's best for them, as they should!
 However, the thread is about no description in the reviews, which, IMO, is a really big part of choosing if you will see the Kgirl or not, maybe 1/3! The other 2/3 is Service and Attitude!
The pictures, fake, PS'd, glammed up or representative are the starting point for most Mongers in their search for the next incall visit, all my opinion!
If the pics draw you in, then you check what else the Kgirl has to offer!

good points

Posted By: badger48
Re: Yes, service is really important!
From what I've read on the boards and sites it runs about 50/50, I didn't do a survey, as to what is more important, looks or service.  
 If your choice is a 3 or lower Service Queen, as opposed to a 5 or 6 with good service, well everyone does what's best for them, as they should!  
  However, the thread is about no description in the reviews, which, IMO, is a really big part of choosing if you will see the Kgirl or not, maybe 1/3! The other 2/3 is Service and Attitude!  
 The pictures, fake, PS'd, glammed up or representative are the starting point for most Mongers in their search for the next incall visit, all my opinion!  
 If the pics draw you in, then you check what else the Kgirl has to offer!

Completely agree, so much better reviews with even just measurements for the kgirl.  How tall is she? 5'1 or 5'7??  Rack size A cup  or D?  Big ass or small?  Tight tummy or rolls on belly?  Teeth straight or missing one or two?  Met kgirl this year with missing front tooth, big ugly gap, kinda important to add that in description and helpful for others.  

casinova2 reads

You sure she wasn't a JGirl?  They are considered "cute" in Japan.

I pay particular attention to the reality of what I see compared to the profile created by the first reviewer.  I think it's important to point out any discrepancies you see and put them in your own review.  Some areas with the most mistakes are cup size and body type.  Many reviewers are confused on the difference between "skinny" and "slender" and whether a girl is ideally proportioned for height and weight, and if not, how far off is she?  It's also helpful to mention a particular photo from her ad if it is closer to the real thing than some of the others.

then looks usually. I just saw a new girl Saturday who didn't look anything at all like her pictures. I'd give her face a 6, her body an 8, and her attitude, curiosity, and willingness to learn a 10+. Overall I was very happy with the encounter. And to be truthful, anybody that's been seeing kgirls for any length of time and really thinks the girl looks like her picture (maybe 10 years ago) , is just deluding themselves. And as for reviews ... beauty is so subjective that the more a reviewer gushes over a kgirl's looks, the more likely I am to probably disagree should I meet her in person. Some reviewers are so wrapped up in a k-girl encounter that they lose all perspective. I was kind of like that in the very beginning, but then reality crept in and now I try to keep things in perspective.

Service is king.   If they are DDG, that is just a bonus, but I have only met ONE Kgirl out of just over a thousand that was so repulsive-looking, I had to fuck her in doggy in order to stay hard.  (What, you thought I was going to walk out?   Lol)   Most Kgirls who are average-looking are repeatable for me if they have a good personality and attitude, and their skills are top-notch.  

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