
Re: Korean girl culture
Canned_Ravioli 16 Reviews 3474 reads
1 / 25

I am sure most of us have had some situations involving roommates.  I would like to hear your most interesting and/or humorous stories about roommate issues.  Maybe you had an atf and something happened when you visited her roommate?  An unexpected encounter when the wrong girl answered the door?  Ran into a surprise because not enough time between appointments?  Whatever you got please share!

badger48 102 Reviews 85 reads
2 / 25

I had a session set up for two hours before a favorite's regular start time.
That morning the booker texted and asked if I could come one hour before the set time, making it three hours now.
When I got to the incall, booker texted to wait five.
A little after the five minutes, booker texted not ready, but go up and gave me the code.
Door opened and I didn't recognize the girl!
She started to hug me, bury her head in my chest and was kind of hiding her face, with a nervous laugh!
 I thought, why is the roommate acting like this!
I was thinking, wow what a trip, her roommate is really shy!
After a few minutes I figured out it was my favorite without makeup and her hair wasn't done yet!
We, the booker, my fav & me, still bring that encounter up every once and a while.
It still gets a good laugh!

magmemorial1 30 Reviews 92 reads
3 / 25

Yep.  I've always marveled at how a lot of girls, civvie too, are almost unrecognizable without makeup.  Makeup is one incredible art form.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 85 reads
4 / 25

There is an OC org that used to have an incall in Irvine that had underground parking.  You were supposed to park down below in the visitor area, then text the booker and he would give you the elevator code to go up.  The problem was, there was no cellphone reception in the parking garage, so you had to walk halfway back up the ramp to street level to get a signal.  

There were two girls at this location that I had seen before.  One was a Viet girl and I was a once-a-week regular of hers.  The other was a girl who lived in the BA that would come down to OC for 2 or 3 months at a time, and when she was here, I would see her almost weekly as well.  I booked the Kgirl for an hour on Monday, then saw the Viet girl on Tuesday, who did not know I was in that apartment on Monday seeing her roommate.  I told the Monday Kgirl I would see her again later in the week.  When I finished the Tuesday session with the Viet girl, she asked me if I could see her again on Thursday because she wasn't working on Friday, so when I left I told the booker to give me the Viet girl for  Thursday and the Kgirl on Friday.  I was intent on fulfilling my promise to both girls to see them again by the end of the week.  

I arrive Thursday, park, walk up the ramp and text the booker.  Apparently, as would be explained to me later, the Viet girl's phone was on the kitchen counter, and the Kgirl was standing next to it when it pinged.  She saw that the booker was announcing me by my first name as having arrived.  She told the Viet girl that it was a mistake and that I was there to see her, because on Monday I told her I would be back.  So while both girls are arguing with the booker about it, I'm standing on the ramp with my cell phone looking conspicuous as hell, and the clock is ticking away into my session time.   At 20 minutes past my session time, I finally get a text from the booker telling me about the confusion and asking me which girl I was there to see, because he had me down for Viet girl today and Kgirl tomorrow.  I told him he got it right. After ten more minutes of silence, I got the go-ahead.  He told me not to worry about the late start, he would move everyone after me back a half hour.  I should have just said I would reschedule, but when you are in anticipation mode for Viet pussy that you ALREADY know is one of the finest you have ever had, its tough to walk away when you know she is waiting just one floor up.  I let the wrong head make the decision.  

The chilly reception I got from my Viet regular was totally unexpected.  She was quiet throughout the session and not as engaged as usual.  It was clearly the worst session I had ever had with her going back a couple of years.  As I was getting dressed, she finally said, "So you saw HER on Monday and ME on Tuesday?"  I sheepishly said, "Yes."  Then she asked why I didn't just see her twice.  We all know the answer, but its not going to sit well her, so I just shrugged and softly mumbled, "I know her, too."   Then she said, "Please don't ever tell me who else you're seeing."  I wanted to say, "WTF, I didn't say anything, you found out because of the mixup,"  but all I could get out was, "OKAY."

The drama wasn't over.  An hour before my session on Friday with the Kgirli, the booker texted me, apologizing profusely that she didn't want the session with me because she was still upset that I chose the other girl yesterday.  A complete kick in the balls.  The next few times I saw each of the girls, they gradually went back to normal, so it did not cause a permanent rift in my relationship with either one.  

This experience changed my behavior when it comes to seeing roommates.  I will not see a roommate of one my regulars UNLESS my regular introduces me to her, which can be construed as her permission to see her roommate and she will not be jealous.  Whenever I ask a booker for an appointment with a new girl, I always ask who her roommate is.  If it's one of my regulars, I pick another girl at a different location.  Sometimes my regulars will text me when they are coming off their "vacation" and I will casually ask who they are rooming with this time.   Whoever it is, they will get no business from me as long as they are rooming with my regular.  Problem solved . . . .  permanently.   Lol

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 85 reads
5 / 25

I wouldn't advise it to others but I often talk with them about girls roommates and often tell them they should fo doubles.  

I don't get their jealousy - they have seen more different guys on a given day than Ive seen different girls the entire week or month

So clearly there is no basis for jealousy on a sentimental level.  

Jealousy on a monetary level - I guess that makes more sense, but do these girls really expect us only to see them when fucking the same person is the reason why a lot of people with SO are in the hobby to start with. Is it the fact that they get to see us with their roommates?  

I mean sure if the girl is touchy about the subject best not to bring it up but expecting monagamy in a world where guys pay for pussy is pretty irrational.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 85 reads
6 / 25

I don't always understand it either, but the undercurrent seems to be if they have a hot roommate they are afraid they will lose us as a regular.  There is a lot of poaching going on.  Many times when I'm leaving an incall, at the door I will look over my girl's shoulder and see the other girl peeking out of the door of her bedroom to see who I am if she doesn't have a customer at the time.  

The best intro I ever got, which surprised the hell out of me, was when I was a regular in OC with the legendary Aya.  As I was leaving one day, she told me to wait a minute, and she went and got her new roommate, Sugar, who came out in sexy lingerie, gave me a hug and ran her hand over the front of my pants and asked me to see her sometime.  After she went back in her room, Aya told me it's okay for me to book her, and I thought it was a trap, so I said "not without you", so I ended up falling into the first Aya/Sugar double and it was incredible.  They did many after that.  When Aya had her monthly period, she would text me to see Sugar once or twice that week, so I became a less frequent regular with her, too.    

In my experience, it generally boils down to the confidence your regular has that you are not going to choose the roommate to take her place.  So I agree the financial competition for coveted regular customers can be fierce.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 84 reads
7 / 25

Just unexpected situations that occurred.

First, long time ago I was the last appointment for the day. When the session came to the end we go to the door and due the usual exit routine (some farewell kisses and a hall check though the peep hole). Open the door to leave and run into a teenage girl and some young guy with the food supplies. They were a bit surprised but I just said "Hi" and then picked up the one box of food sitting on the hall floor and carried it in for them. The booker asked how the session was and I told her -- good like all the others with the lady and it was nice meeting the staff in a joking way. She was mad that they didn't wait longer.

Another time in a relatively new location I ended up meeting one of the neighbors on the way out. It was a bit funny to me, they have the apartment setup with a path of small rugs/pads to prevent the sound of the girls high heels from echoing in the mostly empty room. And the entrance is a very open space with just the stairs leading down from the second floor. From any of the apartments on the ground floor you can probably see every other apartment door. But you cannot see upstairs, naturally. So, great session and again, girl checks to door before opening. I head out and walk towards the exit at the front and a relatively attractive, 40ish, lady is walking down form the apartments upstairs. She gives me a look suggesting she has some ideas about why I'm there -- though not particularly offensive look. I say good morning (I had the 10 AM appointment) and open the door for her. We comment about the weather having improved and go out separate ways.  

Next time I book with the agency they have moved to a new location. I'm thinking I'm not the only one that experienced that or that the girl in the apartment was seeing things happen and said it is not that great a location (which I would agree with).

Last, not a K-Agency but the C one here, location is a bit like being in a fishbowl. Townhouse group, two door facing the street and the two end units' doors facing each other. So go to the appointment and get the call to go in. Parked a bit away and see what I think might be the prior client (not great on the part of the agency) so I slow a bit. Then see a group of Asians with their lunch heading into the same entry area -- they are in one of the end units. So I delay a bit more so we're not getting there at the same time and they can go inside. Get to the door and the next door neighbor (looks to be a middle aged Korean man) opens the door just as I'm standing waiting to be let in. I nod to him and he is not too friendly and then the door opens for me so I go in. Nice session again. Time to leave. Again, check the door before opening and then I'm let out. I step out and the lady living in the next door end unit is just closing her door. She seems to have been looking at the door (maybe to lock it) and doesn't seem to look at me. So one visit and I've pretty much run into EVERY neighbor they have. LOL

omfgitzjin 115 Reviews 92 reads
8 / 25

This is when Megan was around in her prime hay day in PV. she was the top girl at the time and i was seeing her weekly. I was on my 6th visit with her and she was able to get 3 nuts out of me that day. I'm exhausted, so i start to get dressed and she tells me to wait. She tells me about her new roommate that she helped bring over to the states, and she just arrived. We go to the next room and she introduces me to Ava who is fresh from Korea. we make our introductions and shes super attractive of course. Megan asks me i think ava is pretty and i say of course! She looks at me and says "have fun" in Korean and proceeds to leave Ava and I alone in the room.

At this point im spent, but im not going to pass up free pussy, especially one that's this damn hot. Ava proceeds to fucc and succ me to oblivion.... and manages to get two nuts out of me.  

i shower and go back to megans room and asks for my critique of Ava...me of course giving her 5 stars. pats me on the butt and i go home a happy man. i end up seeing both megan and ava pretty regularly

trimix123 46 Reviews 97 reads
9 / 25

Had a morning appointment with Asia and I usually bring lunch for her. Lunch was enough for two days.  When I got to the door to leave, Rozel, who I never got a chance to meet, cracked opened her door and said to me, “Thanks for lunch, honey.”

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 96 reads
10 / 25

With all due respect, you must have Ava confused with someone else, as Megan had several roommates in PV, but Ava was never one of them.  Ava arrived in LA the first time in March 2016, and she was fresh from Philadelphia, not Korea, where it turns out she KNEW Megan, so they had shared an incall in Philly, but never in LA.  Ava's English was just as good as Megan's, which showed Ava was not FOTB from Korea.  Megan, OTOH, arrived in LA in July 2016, so Ava was here first.  Megan was in mid-Wilshire while Ava was working in WLA.  I was a regular with both of these girls, and it was pretty common knowledge among their regulars that they were not on good terms over something that happened when they both worked in Philly, so it's doubtful they ever would have worked out of the same incall after leaving Philly.  

Is it possible that you have confused Ava with Candy, Queen, Lucky or one of the other ladies that shared an incall with Megan?  

36363jensen 4 Reviews 91 reads
11 / 25

Did that Ava go by ZuZu on the east coast?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 89 reads
12 / 25

When I talked to friends in Philly that knew her, we always referred to her as Ava, but that doesn't mean she didn't work under another name at some point.  She left abruptly like many other girls when the CV advertising platform closed and many LA agencies were caught with no ad website of their own.  We lost a ton of great girls during that time.  

Billy D 65 Reviews 93 reads
13 / 25

Queen! Now there's some amazing memories!

omfgitzjin 115 Reviews 92 reads
14 / 25

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: megan then ava
With all due respect, you must have Ava confused with someone else, as Megan had several roommates in PV, but Ava was never one of them.  Ava arrived in LA the first time in March 2016, and she was fresh from Philadelphia, not Korea, where it turns out she KNEW Megan, so they had shared an incall in Philly, but never in LA.  Ava's English was just as good as Megan's, which showed Ava was not FOTB from Korea.  Megan, OTOH, arrived in LA in July 2016, so Ava was here first.  Megan was in mid-Wilshire while Ava was working in WLA.  I was a regular with both of these girls, and it was pretty common knowledge among their regulars that they were not on good terms over something that happened when they both worked in Philly, so it's doubtful they ever would have worked out of the same incall after leaving Philly.    
 Is it possible that you have confused Ava with Candy, Queen, Lucky or one of the other ladies that shared an incall with Megan?  
Yep you're right. you just sparked my memory (lol so many names to try to remember). yes it was queen

Canned_Ravioli 16 Reviews 86 reads
15 / 25

That Megan/Queen room in PV was in the worst spot, especially for how busy it was at the time and especially because of how Queen used to start the fun with many of us right there at the door!  Good times.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 83 reads
16 / 25

At least there was a Chick-fila before you got back on the freeway.   Lol     Agree that you couldn't go wrong no matter which of these two girls met you at the door.  

Billy D 65 Reviews 90 reads
17 / 25

"...Queen used to start the fun with many of us right there at the door!  Good times."

That statement just brought a memory to mind, a huge grin to my mug, and a slight stirring in the old loins!

omfgitzjin 115 Reviews 79 reads
18 / 25

2 chicken sandos on the way back home was always the best

alias 23 Reviews 82 reads
19 / 25

Had a session with this one girl and I really blew her back out. As I was walking to the shower her 2 roommates were eating lunch in the kitchen. I showered alone and when I came back to the room the girl told me I should come back the next day for fourway with her and the other 2. She made me pinky swear that I would! As I was walking to the door they were all smiling and giggling. I didn't go back the next day but I appreciated the good review!!

useyrhead 4 Reviews 73 reads
20 / 25

It is a significant part of Korean culture for girls to quickly lay claim to a “boyfriend” even on the first date. Korean girls are very possessive of boyfriends. You can see it even happens with Korean celebrities like Seo Ye-Ji who famously caused her celebrity boyfriend issues because of her jealousy. But I’ve observed it with the girls in our Seoul office as well. I’m not sure where it came from. I just know that this is true.

Our kgirls have a tendency to do this without even thinking. Especially if they are young and less experienced.  

From what I’ve seen, kgirls who have overcome this particular tendency tend to be older and more experienced.  

I’ve seen c-girl roommates and caused nothing but giggles. Mostly. I did have an issue with a Malaysian girl roommate once. We worked it out.

badger48 102 Reviews 64 reads
21 / 25

The best part is that, you can work it back in^^!

lopaw 29 Reviews 71 reads
22 / 25

...and on my first visit with her she asked if I wanted to do a duo with her and her roommate. I was more than surprised, especially considering that there aren't many kgirls that will see a woman client. I'm seeing her today (in a couple of hours in fact) and I'm gonna find out who this roommate is. I'm definitely gonna go for it next time because life's too short ;)

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 65 reads
23 / 25

to pick a duo, because the familiarity between two ladies that are working at the same place will make a comfortable session for everyone.  Another angle is that the one you are seeing may have the hots for her roommate and this is a way to ease into it without putting her off.  Then when it's slow they will be like a restaurant where the employees eat for free.  Lol

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 59 reads
24 / 25

"The lesson here is that just because someone has done something that you haven't done, it doesn't make it bullshit.  It just means they have done something that you haven't done."

Hey, I actually agree!

So how come when people talk about their experiences that you clearly are not getting (such as the kgirls masturbating for a monger, or seeing/analyzing fake reviews) you don't abide by this very wise lesson you yourself quote ?

spiral12 5 Reviews 59 reads
25 / 25

sometimes its about rivalry. The same girl that would be ok with you booking a double with her and her roommate if you book it through her would be pissed if you went to see her roommate or another girl in her line up without her. The appearance that one of her customers picked another girl over her can be taken as an insult, but worse it can cause her to lose face in front of the other girls

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