
Re: Kinda wondering,
36363jensen 4 Reviews 36 reads

A bit like the first response I decided not to make, as it would be a bit tongue-in-cheek. But given the overwelming claims recently that service is all that matters or that it alway trumps looks I figured either the guy didn't care about looks so didn't mention them or didn't think others cared so why waste time writing about them.

So many reviews say nothing at all about the girl’s looks. Height, weight, build (slim, thin, fit, athletic, slim thick, chubby), face, tattoos , piercings, is it the girl in the photos, are the photos accurate? Is it the girl in the photos but heavily filtered? Is it the totally not the girl in the photos? Why do so many reviewers avoid posting about these points?

Afraid to be specific and negative - potential chiding and/or bl  from the po.

Some - including few on this forum who admitted to it - are afraid to hurt a girls feelings (imagine being afraid to review honestly some shit you paid money for and didnt exactly like - couldn't be me)

I always say, take a review and consider it in a vacuum. If you could apply the same review to dozens of different girls, it's so generic and broad that it's nearly useless.

It is a common problem that has been plaguing review sites and a problem that is still largely unsolved. And fanboys who despise anyone who is being negative aren't making it any easier.

The whole point of TER is to eliminate catfishing and scams. And also keep the providers safe by only seeing screened clients. Catfishing is now making a major comeback apparently, based on what you are saying.

Yours is the second thread recently (and I actually don't recall any others) about this topic.

Currious as to why now. It's been several years since I read reviews or even had access to the details so maybe things have been changing. Do most reviews now not make any mention on the looks, only put the score on?

For those with VIP, anyone care to do some quick sampling of reviews and give a guestimate on what percentage of reviews include descriptions of the looks or something like X% not info, Y% limited info, X% good details on looks.

I don’t know, but what I do know is the criteria I am recommending to describe looks is VASTLY more valuable than saying someone is a 9 or 10, and oh wow she was awesome in the bedroom.  

The single reason I got into TER over a decade ago was girls showing up who were not the girl in the picture, taking my money, then saying I needed to give more and more money before the action would start, with backup at my door, then leaving.

The main thing I wanted to know was was it the girl in the photo,
how much was she to fuck, and was she actually her listed physical stats? As in is she actually a natural 32DD, but only weights 100 lbs on a weight scale?  I was paying for accuracy.

But there are so many reviews that give glowing, general comments, 9 and 10 on looks and service, where the hourly is $600, and nothing else. It is ridiculous.

you mentioned in your reply post, at least IME & MO, don't really happen in the Kgirl world!
Why would you post it in the Kgirl board?

This stuff would be more of an indie P4P thing!
Once again, MO & experience!

Okay that's fine and people have many reasons for using sites like TER. But your post seems to indicate that reviews generally don't include the descriptions your asking about.

Also, like Badger notes, your experience suggests you're not actually using the K-agencies (or even a C/J agencie) but seeing independents who might be an outcall, not incall, servive provider.

My experience (dated as it is on reviews) was that pretty much all reviews provided at least some general comments about looks. For example, I frequently saw mention of "girl is not 5' 2" like profiles says but more like 5' 4" to 5' 6", looks different from ad pics, picture 3 is most representative. But as subjective as looks are I certainly never found the revews that write that 1000 words in hopes of equaling a picture ever came close.

So I'll ask again, is this actually a problem here?  

And just to make sure you don't think I'm just being critical of your suggestion, I actually think you're 100% on the right track about the approach. We live in a world of asymmetric informaion a lot of the time here and demanding that the providers or agecies change what they do is largely pointless. We don't have much control over what they do. But suggesting ways that mongers can better share information that is helpful to others is something "we" have some control over. Any reviewer can make the choice to think about how best to share information. And readers of the reviews can look for the reviews that best match their preference and tastes to use in making choices.  But if anyone thinks a review site is ever going to provide some type of certainty then I think they need to rethink the nature of the world.

There are many reviews that give a cursory comment on looks (ie, she looked good) without providing details.

This would count as commenting on looks yet wouldn't count for what the op wants.
Yes, I get that op said commenting on looks, but that's what he really meant. Accuracy of pics compared to the real thing. Detailed looks description.

There are a tons of K girl reviews that do not go into the depth that I have listed in my OP to describe looks.

So I assume it's gotten worse. I never seemed to have a problem of having a pretty good idea of what to expect when I was using reviews.

Just because you didn't have an issue when you used reviews, doesn't mean that the issue wasnt there or that is only a recent development.

Okay. I guess I must be really good at extracting the relevant information from a set of reviews. Sure didn't seem like much of a problem for me here. Or maybe we have had better reviewers here than other places. Or maybe I'm some awesome sluth that doing the research was just second nature -- but I seriously doubt that.


Actually I don't even know anymore either....i take that back. I guess back in the day there were more real pics so you had to do less guessing.  

At least for me it was always frustrating trying to fish out relevant info and even a simple "is it the girl in the pics" was often never answered. If I were a f/b lover and picky in those departments I woulda been extremely frustrated. Thankfully being more into service kinda saved me.

But I definitely know the powerless feeling when youre trying to piece together a picture via crumbs and you look at new review and it's all generic and you're like smh what. Reminds me of the old xkcd comic (pardon my tech shit here) :


your last review in '21 for Kgirl Mio was lacking in info on looks according to what you want others to write, according to your thread!
Did you change your outlook since then?
When will you do a new review to show how a description should be written?

Didn't check your other reviews, most didn't seem like Kgirls and they were before '21!
If the others were more descriptive, why did you give a short one for Mio?

My guess about why descriptions are lacking is most guys want to show how many times they made the provider cum, how he pounded her, and she LOVED it or told him how BIG & HARD he is!
All MO 'n' 2 cents!

A bit like the first response I decided not to make, as it would be a bit tongue-in-cheek. But given the overwelming claims recently that service is all that matters or that it alway trumps looks I figured either the guy didn't care about looks so didn't mention them or didn't think others cared so why waste time writing about them.

I described her as short, skinny, with natural 32DD boobs, a cute face, but looks different from her photos, in juicy details. Do you have VIP membership? I could have added in no tattoos and no piercings. But that is pretty descriptive. Nearly every review I have by the way, describes the provider this way, in one form or another, because I have a body fetish for girls with that body type. If you read any of my posts, you would know that’s all I look for. And again, the entire reason I got into TER, was to find girls who matched their photos, and their advertised physical stats to a T. Reviews USED to start off that way to specifically verify that. That was the entire point. Because if you didn’t, then you risked getting a girl completely different from the photos, and worse, scammed.  I do not feel I have been unclear in any way, shape, or form. If you feel I have, pardon me. Bottom line is I think a lot of girls now charge obscene amounts of money, both K girls and non K girls, The bare minimum I expect for that verification of the photos and advertised status before I book an appointment. But that is just me because I am all about looks and looks verification like one of the prior posters said. And why come at me about it? This expectation isn’t to the detriment of clients.

"I described her as short, skinny, with natural 32DD boobs, a cute face, but looks different from her photos"

That seems brief but I certainly don't think its bad. I would say just about all the reviews I used to see had that level of detail -- perhaps some that mention other aspects of looks and not those per se but on par. If most reviews are lacking even that level of detail about looks it's pretty bad.

Then again, just goes back to an old point I will always make. No single review really matters or is worth much. What everyone needs to do is find reviewer that help them make good decisions.  They also need to look at all or a good sampling of the reviews to get some "central tendency" type sense of the provider. But focus on reviewers you've found help and ignore the others generally.

I think I'll shift the focus here a bit to a more general trend. All to often I hear people saying Reviews all TER is but I think that is incorrect. I see it more like an industry association forum site where lots of other things are just as important as reviews. But, if reviews are the main thing someone comes here for I get that too. I also agree that over all reviews have deteriorated. Mostly just in quantity but also it seems in quality.  

This seems to result in complaints about the sad state of things but I think it is an outcome people are bringing on themselves. What are most discussions or claims about reviews that are heard here?  Basically a complaint about why someone doesn't like a review up to claims about them being fake or only written by shills.  Since writing a review is purely voluntary ( and can be done in a lot places) anyone that is trying to put out what they see as an honest recount of the event but only hear people who have different tastes saying they are lying or fake will likely stop or go somewhere else.  

I'm not saying those problems don't exist but I am saying most of the time it's speculation by the person accusing someone else and based more on a difference of tastes or grading scales. Thy guy that finds a girl attractive and give an 8 or 9  then has someone else come along and say she is a 6 or a 7 and the other review is BS and shill/fake. I don't think that helps at all.

I wonder hoe things would be if rather than everyone looking to call out what they think is bad everyone started looking for reviews that worked for them and calling those reviews out if we wouldn't see more reviews and perhaps better reviews. Here I think some of the suggests about favorite reviewer or some type "like" for the reviews wouldn't help. In other words, I do think it's a better approach to reward behavior you want more of and ignore the other stuff than to punish what you don't like and ignore the other stuff. The latter seems to be where TER is now.

Excellent points! Cant emphasize enough how important it is to become familiar with reviewers handles that you have the most in common with. I have about 5-8 reviewers that I exchange info via DM and read their reviews with total trust (for my tastes). There are a boatload of reviewers that give the standard 8-9 to every single girl they see. I chuckle when I read the reviews of ones Ive seen and think to myself "wtf" good does it do to give a high rating there has to be a chick that just doesnt click or is straight up crap service. This method has served me well except for the occasional times I go off script and accept a girl from a booker that is a second or third choice.

Posted By: 36363jensen
Re: Photos, looks, and advertised stats/measurements
"I described her as short, skinny, with natural 32DD boobs, a cute face, but looks different from her photos"  
 That seems brief but I certainly don't think its bad. I would say just about all the reviews I used to see had that level of detail -- perhaps some that mention other aspects of looks and not those per se but on par. If most reviews are lacking even that level of detail about looks it's pretty bad.  
 Then again, just goes back to an old point I will always make. No single review really matters or is worth much. What everyone needs to do is find reviewer that help them make good decisions.  They also need to look at all or a good sampling of the reviews to get some "central tendency" type sense of the provider. But focus on reviewers you've found help and ignore the others generally.  
 I think I'll shift the focus here a bit to a more general trend. All to often I hear people saying Reviews all TER is but I think that is incorrect. I see it more like an industry association forum site where lots of other things are just as important as reviews. But, if reviews are the main thing someone comes here for I get that too. I also agree that over all reviews have deteriorated. Mostly just in quantity but also it seems in quality.  
 This seems to result in complaints about the sad state of things but I think it is an outcome people are bringing on themselves. What are most discussions or claims about reviews that are heard here?  Basically a complaint about why someone doesn't like a review up to claims about them being fake or only written by shills.  Since writing a review is purely voluntary ( and can be done in a lot places) anyone that is trying to put out what they see as an honest recount of the event but only hear people who have different tastes saying they are lying or fake will likely stop or go somewhere else.  
 I'm not saying those problems don't exist but I am saying most of the time it's speculation by the person accusing someone else and based more on a difference of tastes or grading scales. Thy guy that finds a girl attractive and give an 8 or 9  then has someone else come along and say she is a 6 or a 7 and the other review is BS and shill/fake. I don't think that helps at all.  
 I wonder hoe things would be if rather than everyone looking to call out what they think is bad everyone started looking for reviews that worked for them and calling those reviews out if we wouldn't see more reviews and perhaps better reviews. Here I think some of the suggests about favorite reviewer or some type "like" for the reviews wouldn't help. In other words, I do think it's a better approach to reward behavior you want more of and ignore the other stuff than to punish what you don't like and ignore the other stuff. The latter seems to be where TER is now.

One must consider incentive for the sides that are involved.

Some things just cannot be done via positive reinforcement no matter how you slice it. For example, retail theft that is rampant in California is next to impossible to stop via positive reinforcement, yet I bet anything if you punish people for it by cutting off their finger or putting them into jail for significant time, negative reinforcement will work extremely well.

You can give ice cream sandwiches to a kid all day long so he doesn't stick his fork in the power outlet, or you can just watch him get shocked by it once and then he will know not to do it...and it will be more effective.

A lot of times trial and error and learning via failure is a lot more effective memorable and explanatory than learning via rewards. That's just how life is.

What is the incentive here for shills? Shills want to make money for the org/girl. They have monetary incentive. Anyone writing an honest review doesn't have such incentive and hence their interaction level will always be lower.

As such, your idea about rewarding a good review - guess what will happen? Shills will like their own reviews via other accounts and other means. Because they do it for money. It's impossible to compete when one sides incentive is $ or org favor, and another sides incentive is just goodwill towards other mongers. You can spend a lot of free time to fight it, but those whose actual job it is to write these reviews won't make it competitive.  

Now let's talk about reviewers and trusting particular reviewers. It works well in a private group. But not everyone is in private group. Private groups are what ter is supposed to be. In private groups people aren't afraid to criticize girls, yes even by you Jensen.  

Usually the way people peruse reviews is the following:. New face arrives. People want to know what she is like. Sure, they can wait until their trusted review reviews them but they could wait forever.

My point being, people read reviews on a provider whether they should see her. Not just use those who the trusted reviewers liked. And guess what reviews people see first of a new girl - that's right, shill/"insider" reviews.  

I think the main purpose of TER reviews (or any other reviews btw) - is that the average consumer can get as much real accurate info as possible spending the least amount of time researching. That's the standard we should strive towards.

This is what happens when I travel to a city I know nothing about and open yelp - I want to spend very little time researching and find arestaurant that is rated highly and to my liking. I don't want to read into each reviewer and seer their history. I want to read each negative review first and see the worst case scenario. And then see best case and average case scenarios.

I can see how negative reinforcement can affect the shil reviews. I unfortunately don't see how positive reinforcement can affect reviews to be better. Those who write reviews for others already do it more or less. Those who write reviews to drum up biz and watch reviews like a hawk, are going to be the same ones propping their shill reviews. Simply because they have tangible incentive besides helping fellow mongers.

"Now let's talk about reviewers and trusting particular reviewers. It works well in a private group. But not everyone is in private group. Private groups are what ter is supposed to be. In private groups people aren't afraid to criticize girls, yes even by you Jensen. "

Is just flat out wrong. I managed to have a very good track record of good sessions by using the approach for years before I was ever in any private exchanges -- on or off TER. Anyone can do this and I suspect still works with the reduced  number of reviews and reviewers, just a bit slower.

As for the rest of your post, it's an old, well beaten horse that we will never agree on so I have nothing to say I have not already said probably 100 times.

I said private groups is what ter is supposed to be. Private groups are often characterized by members not holding back any punches (figuratively, obviously I mean criticism) they otherwise would in public.  

Is this flat out wrong? That you don't know of any instance of someone delivering critical information about a provider privately and keeping their mouth shut publicly? Happens all the time and for sure happens in your group too.  

What else is flat out wrong in that excerpt you quoted? That it works well in public groups?  

As far as the rest of my post, I expected you to at least agree that ideal situation for a consumer is to get as much information as possible with least amount of work.

But you won't ever agree with this either? Disappointing.

-- Modified on 8/19/2024 3:38:43 PM

That you need to be part of some private group to find reviews that are good guides for your activities. TER is not a private group - it is wide open to anyone with a browser and the URL to see.

"That you need to be part of some private group to find reviews that are good guides for your activities"

But I didn't say that. I said that the level of openness of discussion and discourse in private groups is the level it should be in ter reviews. The level of criticism that is shared in private groups should be the level of criticism in public ter reviews.

What also is wrong, is that SO many reviews say photos accurate when they are anything but. The age range of women is over-estimated too. Regardless of any number assigned to looks, these points, plus those listed prior posts, should be addressed in all reviews. Totally do-able.

Which is why you should not pay attention to those reviews/reviewers. It simply doesn't matter if they are trying to mislead you or just have poor ability to discern differences or just have different tastes. It's clear the information they provide is not helpful to *you*.

One is actively working so that the seller gets money.

The other isn't.

One is against TER ToS if they were to disclose their intentions. The other isn't.

I can understand and forgive someone with low standards.  

I can never forgive or forget or understand deliberately misleading or withholding key info from fellow mongers so that a seller can make a few more doucats. I'm disgusted even typing this shit up right now.

The ENTIRE reason TER was popular a decade ago, is because it was not a total gamble like craigslist or backpage. You would get the girl IN the photo with accurate, up to date stats, that would do the thang with you, and reviews to substantiate all of that. Now we have fellows HATING on me for complaining the reviews no longer do that anymore. I’m done and out of the game. Back to Sharks!!

Evern 10 years ago you could not just trust ever review or reviewer to be giving you information that matched you tastes or be accuate on hight, bust size or even shape/weight and certainly not on actual age. I don't think that has really changed in the past 4 years either but cannot make the claim as I have not followed reviews since I've not bothered with VIP.

The point is that reviews are going to be a mixed bag, and it really doesn't matter what the intent of a review was in that regard. People need to know they have to vet reviewers as much as providers. It's great that you're trying to set the bar higher and seem to do so in your own reviewing (take your word on that).  If you're finding that looking at reviews has not been as good a guide as before perhaps you need to make a bit more effort vetting the reviewers.  I can certainly say that when I do look at a profile I don't see many of the reviewer names I used to see. If I do any digging as often as not I find the reviewer is relatively new (at least by handle) to TER. Current management of TER is also not that long in place -- 5 or 6 years maybe?

It's not like people here -- myself included -- have not been pointion out discrepancies in profiles or telling those that post about them that they should be contacting TER for corrections. If you're really seeing no information that support a look rating or reviews that provide no text on physical details perhaps suggesting TER's approval process needs to put some check in for that would be a good suggestion. You might even consider posting to the GD board to start an informal poll to see if enough others here agree with you. That might actually produce an improvement for you.

The guy posted and complained how reviews don't talk about photo accuracy and almost avoiding talking bout looks pertaining to pics.  

In return, he was  

1) grilled on his own reviews

2) told that this an outcome "people are bringing on themselves" whereas there are people who openly refuse to write anything negative (including pics that are way off)

3) given the nonsense toxic positivity shtick on some "if we don't complain about nondescriptive reviews the world would be a happy place" bs.

4) told to vet reviewers. Which isn't a bad suggestion in itself, except for if a new girl has three reviews and none of them talk about looks, how does vetting reviewers help him??? How?  

The issue the op presented isn't that the reviews aren't to his liking or that he's getting burned. He did not ask you Jensen, to give him a way to be better at sifting through reviews or identifying good or bad reviewers. He. Didn't. Ask. For. Any of that.  

He stated the problem very clearly - many reviews don't mention a goddamn thing about real looks vs pics look.

For many if not most, this is #1 thing mongers look for. How far is the actual girl from the pics. Pics are the #1 thing people use to choose a provide, after all.

He isn't looking for a way to identify which reviewers he can trust. He laments that now - as opposed to ten years ago - reviews lack the info about pic accuracy. And pic accuracy itself is definitely worse nowadays than it was ten years ago.

I understood exactly what he was saying. Rocket, he is not brining it up, and was clearly saying this in his post and responses, for purely academic reasons. He wan't improved results -- for himself, others or both. Given reviews are purely voluntary and everyone is going to get what is given it seems a fair response to suggest ways of dealing with the reality we face.

As far as I can see the challenge to his review was to say it seemed like his review of a K-girl here was lacking. Seems that was a confusion between general and juicy sections. Badger didn't say anything further and I only noted that the description seemed brief but I had no problems with it. Just surprise that is seems reviews these days don't offer that level of information where as before my experience was pretty much ever review provided that level of info on looks. Not that I look at reviews here much but even in the general details I do see comments about pictures not being the girl or being off or being representative or being old so assume more of that occurs in the juicy section. Again, could be wrong  but no one seems to want to actually do the work to get some type of baseline from sampling/research but rather just make very generalized claims (and THAT is no a gripe about the OP but a general statement about how discussions go here).  

Given this is a user driven site if no one is willing to put some effort in other than make complaints and say other should do this or that the site is not going to improve more than the owns care to do -- and given the reduced membership I suspect they are not incline to spend much money or effort. What could someone that cares about the quality of reviews, especially in the area of profile accuracy and published reviews. Well, you could spend some time documenting the cases where the profile claims pics are accurate but the year of reviews have many reviews calling out that is not correct. You could also compile a list of reviews that say nothing about the consistency profile regarding physical traits and looks where a sufficient (some weak sense of statistically relevant) reviews make note of that issue.  

The first gives TER some basis for updating the profile data to be more in line with what customers are saying about the provider. The second gives them something to think about when approving a review or perhaps updaing any automated/AI related processes for flagging review to check more carefully for QA issues.

I've not read everything but I don't think anyone told him whatever disappointments he might have had were his fault.

In your book, though, seems that some are allowed to have opinions or critical views about things and other are not; or perhaps more accuately certain types of opinions or critical views. Those that aren't are all bullies or shills or suck-ups, right? (rhetorical in case you missed it)

I asked you already, how does vetting the reviews help when the issue is not enough descriptive info? All vetting reviews does is cut down reviews that are considered relevant.  


You literally told him
"This seems to result in complaints about the sad state of things but I think it is an outcome people are bringing on themselves"  

And then you say oh no one is blaming him. Oh no one Is hating on you. But hey he brought it onto himself right?  

And of course you mention people saying certain review are shill reviews, and yet no mention of people who openly refuse to write negative reviews because (oh noes) it will hurt a girls feeling.  

But I get it, one of these results in outcome people bring on themselves, but people who refuse to write negative reviews doesn't do anything. Clearly it benefits mongers for people to not write negative reviews right? I asked it a million times and I won't hesitate asking for two millionth time. Whom does not writing negative reviews benefit more? The seller or the buyer?  
Who does it hurt the most? Easy answers. Just like it's easy to tell who do false pics hurt the most and whom they help the most. And it's not the mongers that they help.  

If you truly want the buyer to benefit from reviews, shouldn't you strive towards others writing negative reviews? But hey you balme those who are calling out shitty reviews instead of those who refuse to write anything bad about the seller letting others know.  

"In your book, though, seems that some are allowed to have opinions or critical views about things and other are not; or perhaps more accuately certain types of opinions or critical views. Those that aren't are all bullies or shills or suck-ups, right? (rhetorical in case you missed"

No, this isnt true at all. Anyone can have an opinion. I will defend anyone's right to an opinion. It's just when op is frustrated with your rhetoric you seem to gaslight him more, the solution you provided doesn't solve his issue, you blame him indirectly for bringing it onto himself and other nonsense such as - don't complain about what's bad, cherish what's good instead.  

You aren't bullying him that's for sure. You aren't really shilling either. But you're not solving his problem nor are you even attempting to understand the issue it seems.  

If you follow my posts closely (and I know you do) you will find that bullies are those who try to leverage power against mongers. Shills are those who put the sellers interests and pockets over the mongers getting accurate info, while possibly getting some favors from the seller.

-- Modified on 8/23/2024 6:13:18 PM

done with this, but just for a trip I checked out your review of Magdalena.
Really great in-depth description of her^^!

There are MANY k-girl reviews that SHOULD say ‘photos of another person’ instead of ‘photos accurate’. Its like the reviewers are out to lunch mentally when they fill out that part. Flynn (gone) is an example of a girl whose actual appearance was exactly like the photos.

By the first reviewer. Just like age.  

So if the first reviewer wasn't honest and put "photos accurate" it will just be that forever. And even if the photos were initially accurate but then switched, nothing we can do about it. Same as provider initial age, etc. These fields are set by the first reviewer and then could never be changed without ter staff intervention.  

There is no field for subsequent reviewers to fill out.

when you come across a profile with 10 years of review history and an age of 21-25 you should report that to TER and tell them they need to move it to 30-35 (or whatever the closest age range is).

We can cry all we want about bad, outdated and incorrect data but if no one actually says something why will TER ever do anything?

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