
Locating Kgirls that are traveling?
ghao13 70 Reviews 4136 reads

I'm specifically looking for Nabi, but generally, how do you keep track if a kgirl is traveling to certain cities?  I've seen Nabi in the DC area and also LA, and almost saw her in San Fran East Bay, so I know a couple agencies she might be at, but I'm not a frequent enough monger to get a heads-up from bookers that someone is arriving (if that is even a thing...)

Looking for strategies or tips besides just frequently checking certain agency websites...

BTW - I'm no longer VIP so can't see PMs

if TER members sent location updates into TER. But now they won’t process a location update (even if the hosting agency posts a link to the provider’s TER profile) until a review has been posted from that location, verifying the provider matches the profile. By the time a review gets posted, some of the girls have moved on.

thanks so much.  Would still be great to get ideas on how to find this myself or is it just brute force, search each agency...

On a case by case basis, you could have direct contact info for a girl, but other than that it’s searching the agencies, following reviews, and posting at forums like you did here.

Maybe her name is but check out her latest review.???🤔🤔🤔
Most likely her name is being thrown around and guys are  falling for the ol bait and switch …. 🤦🏻‍♂️ SMH

Her most recent review is from Philadelphia, but don’t expect many more. Most reviewers in Philly use another website, not TER.

last review to past reviews sure paint a different "Nabi"....wouldn't you say?

Nabi should be real easy to distinguish.

There are very very few kgirls who openly advertise greek. Bb greek to be exact.

I guess her booker saw that, “ Hey this happy guy is getting wise to us”..lol
But that last review most likely isn’t her but I’m sure she’s there now.
So happy hunting … I guess

This might be who'll you see....maybe.
This chick is all over the place.

That IS Nabi, as in I think she is physically there and is admitting clients. Epm is fairly reputable.  

And the last review is just being truthful. She isnt a spring chicken. And obviously she is very glammed up in her pics.  

Most uber service oriented kgirls are on the older side.

She’s on an East Coast tour. Next stop likely DC or NYC. That where EPM girls usually move on to.

Read the list on rentry.co and also monitor sites like ter and others.

There are some dedicated folks out there who track each site and dump it automatically, but that is well beyond any average monger or even someone like myself whos dedicated enough but not to that extent. I'm talking about ability to track when each girl appeared at which org under which name, to the exact day.

 I tried writing some scripts that would do the same but the fact that many sites are just so drastically different and the need to maintain scraping for all of them even if they change how they look... is just more time than I can spend.

known as a guy that could find Kgirls, it was mentioned on the boards.
You helped me out a quite a while back.
Have things changed to make it harder than before?

Yes imo it's harder. It's a constant game of whack-a-mole. Obviously most girls who rebrand don't want their previous name to be known (otherwise what's the point of rebranding).

Now with AI pics, and with seemingly less obviously touring kgirls, it's harder. Also sometimes girls steal other girls fake pics and so when you assume it'd them because pics are the same it can be false.  

I still do some recon on bay/LA girls but I'll admit that I haven't looked at many orgs that are out of state.

With prices going up it's less and less fellow mongers who are willing to toftt and bite the bullet on an unknown commodity.  

Going back to rebrands I don't think it's just me either, the other board has a subforum about rebrands in LA. It used to be live in there but now its not getting as much traction. Also that board has probably the most outright shills it ever had since like covid, right now.  

But I digress.  

By the way, I can't ever take full credit for many rebrand I've pointed out. Some were pointed out to me by another monger, some I saw in a private group, etc etc.  

I always attempted to share that info because it could help someone who's desperately searching for datapoints.

Thanks for the help - I guess I was wondering if someone had a script or something running

So it sounds like:
1.  check agency websites regularly or
2.  get personal contact info from the girl so she might tell you where she is headed next

Or is anyone got close relationships with bookers such that they are sending pre-notifications for when new talent arrives?   It seems some mongers really know certain bookers or can get preferential time slots - like tipping a maitre 'd at a high-end restaurant....or is that just urban legend

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