
Re: I don't know if it's an Asian saying
36363jensen 4 Reviews 59 reads

No I was not -- very ignorant about Buddism in general but have a slight awareness of the philosophy. Looked at his books and will check out your suggestion as well as the one on How to Focus.  Will be interested in seeing what my take aways will be.


In addition to their duties as professional lovers, cuddlers, therapists, doctors of love, and many more roles that they so graciously play for us, a few kgirls have also played the role of guidance counselor/advisor, and have given me some advice that has stuck with me a long time.

Most recently: a kgirl asked why I was single (I guess I'm a younger guy by kmonger standards) and before I could come up with a reason, she succinctly stated : "your standards are too high. you only like beautiful girls"


Like I said, these girls are more than just pro lovers, they have lots of experience with people and their behavior. She read me like a book, during our first session, we had just met each other. She was good.

So her advice: lower your standards. Don't go for the most beautiful girls. Go for "middle looks" (lowers hand from raised level to indicate/illustrate). Its been a couple weeks and I keep replaying this episode in my head, and laughing at "middle looks", especially when I see some beautiful girls out and about in public.

What was the best advice you ever got from a kgirl?

A few years back I was seeing a certain Kgirl and discussions of relationships and commitments came up. She mentioned that she felt her services were a form of “therapy “ and that married guys and/or guys that had SO’s shouldn’t feel guilty since they had needs that weren’t being met in those relationships. Maybe that’s just a form of justification, but in a way it makes sense.

Oh I don't feel guilty for seeing kgirls at all.

I meant "guilty as charged", I do have way high looks standards/only go for beautiful girls.

I don't know and I can't recall but I can say that I had few interesting conversations with different ones and among all these girls, there were three of four of them that have been particularly interesting in respect to the dynamic of cheating men (us) and the way these girls view our life.  

I think most of these girls know that good majority of the John's are married and I wonder what percentage of us are married and what percentage are not married.

90% of these girls stay out of drama and they shut their emotions but the one that open up to you have fairly interesting stories themselves.

but think I heard it in the context of either Japanese or Chinese marriage settings. The saying is "For a happy home, marry a plain looking woman."

Not so much advice that has been given but something my experiences with these ladies have taught me.  Just don't sweat the small stuff. They put up with lots of crap but almost always put it behind them for the next appointment.  If they don't then things will just snowball into a really bad day as each of the next customers wonder why the session was poor (or why they had to listen to the sob story).

Since seeing these ladies and thinking about what they deal with and how they seem to deal with it I've learned to let a lot of small things slide and found my day to day became much more enjoyable for me -- and for others.

That is a good lesson though difficult to implement in our ego-driven society!

I do wonder how many of the women transfer their get-through-the-work-day strategy to their personal lives.

I'm sure they need some venting outlet but suspect many have figured out how to let it all go. I think the one's that cannot do that don't last very long in this business.

What I've found helps me is both reminding myself that the rest of my day is a lot more important to me than some passing trivial inconvenience. I also tend to laugh (too my self and quietly) when I see someone having a fit over some trivial thing - like having to wait in a line -- and then try to put myself in as the object of humor when I catch myself slipping into old habits of spontaneous frustration over little things. But you have to be willing to laugh at yourself to make that work ;-)

J - do you know of Thich Nhat Hanh?  

If not, check out his writing. Being Peace is great. I'm rereading it now lol.

No I was not -- very ignorant about Buddism in general but have a slight awareness of the philosophy. Looked at his books and will check out your suggestion as well as the one on How to Focus.  Will be interested in seeing what my take aways will be.


But Soul got it from someone else so we don't really know where, or when, it originated -- or if it originated in multiple cultures independently.

Legal/financial consequences too much in this country for guys to settle for “homey plain” wives.   I would just rather spend some doughs on hot K girls who will show me good times.

Facts, brother. You'd have to be a damn fool to get married in this country these days.

Kgirls forever

The best advice I ever got from a kgirl?

We had just had a bit over 90 minutes of wild and wonderful sex. I’d been working back to back super long work days and had come to see her before catching up on my sleep.

And, of course, when the action stopped for our usual short break before one last round I actually fell asleep. Which I’ve never done with a kgirl before or since.  

She rolled over and laid her naked body on top of mine. Kissed me on the nose. And said:

“Go home, honey. Get some sleep. Drink lots of water. Take some maca powder. And bring your big dick back to me.”

Useyrhead, your KGirl is the only one who gave you sound advise!!!

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