
Traveling 3 hrs to see Kgirl
jknyc 79 Reviews 6492 reads

Have you traveled more than 3 hrs to see your favorite kgirl?  My favorite recently left home base and is touring.  She's making her way back but I can't wait.  So I am traveling more than 3 hrs to see her.  I must be fuckin crazy, but she's intoxicating.

know who it is and are you driving?
Gotta be a multi hour session, right?

I would catch her at night, get a room and see her in the morning!
What's your plan?

Yup multi hour session with dinner and seeing her next day.  

Well okay that is more than just a session. You wouldn't drive 3 hours to have coffee with her right.

I mean I'd drive 6 hours if I could spend a whole week with a girl so there you go, it's not the same thing.

Sure, I've traveled as much as 6 hours (by plane) to see my favorite k-girls when they are working in the NY or DC area. Also Austin, Seattle and San Jose. But I try to combine it with a business trip so I can expense the airfare and hotel. If I really had the nerve, I would also expense the k-girl as "entertainment" - LOL! But I like my job so I haven't tried that (yet).

Yup that's what I am doing

Being ballsie and expensing the session(s) as entertainment or just piggy-backing off the business trip. Kind of hoping to hear you're doing the first.

While not for a favorite perse, if we're talking about combining sessions with other travel, I've definitely gone father than a 3 hour trip. But I do think that's a slightly different situation that it seemed you were initially implying. In that vein, I actually have considered flying across the country to see a favorite provider. I didn't and like you was thinking "this is crazy" but crazy can be fun.  

But seems that life can be generous, or maybe I had some good karma points that needed to be used, and she actually came to visit my area so just had my usual 10 minute commute to the location. :-)

Just combining a business trip.  No way am I ballsie enough to expense the visit.

Like you I would never have been likely to do that when working -- but these days, being retired, it's much easier for me to get away with it. For some reason though even though I'm fully reimbursed it just doesn't seem to work out quite as well for me. LOL

Right, expensing the girl it is a good way to lose your job. But the idea certainly has occurred to me. I remember there was a Silicon Valley executive a few years ago who regularly took clients to strip clubs. He expensed those visits as "entertainment" and the total was more than $70,000. Now that took balls!

And, of course, he did get fired for it. I just hope he got a few extra services at the club for spending that much money. Many other examples like that in the news. If you're close to retirement, might be a nice way to go out.

I am retired. That was the joke. I can expense the sessions all I want but I'm just reimbursing myself -- out of one pocket into the other doesn't really defer the expense. ;-)

Edit - that really should be out of one pocket then out ot the other and into the first really don't defer the expense.

-- Modified on 6/26/2024 1:53:41 AM

Ok. I’m in LA. So, I can travel anywhere in an hour to anywhere in LA in an hour.  Except during rush hour.  So one hour is my max because I live in LA.  

What if I didn’t live in LA?  

I would travel to LA to satisfy my Kgirl addiction at least monthly.  

Fuck me!

almost always RUSH hour in L.A.?

Of course, at certain times it might not be too bad if you are westbound, and the crowd is eastbound!
And vice versa!

I've traveled 2 hours up to Philly when I wasn't getting verified by the DMV agencies and also when there was enough of a price differential to make a couple sessions in Philly worth it

But then rates seemed to rise and also noticed when kgirls would then travel down to DMV, though not always

I don't think you can really call yourself a kgirl fan UNTIL AND UNLESS you do!!!

I've driven 3 hours NOVA to Philly multiple times to see a few of my favorites

I've driven 4-5 hours NOVA to NYC to see a kgirl once

I would fly across the country for the right kgirl. Who the fuck cares, I'm single so no old lady watching what I do

l234S432l38 reads

There is thin red line between VIP client and stalker.
If you want to support your ATFs and demonstrate your interest in them to potentially win their hearts or become their favorite, it's important to do so with balance and respect. Expressing your affection is fine, but be cautious not to overdo it, as some girls might perceive it as stalking.
There are two notable stories that highlight this:
1 - Happy Ending: Years ago, a popular girl from the West Coast visited the DMV area. One of her regular VIP clients from BA flew in during a weekend of her tour to see her multiple times before returning to work. Many who heard the story remarked, "It must be true love!" From what I’ve gathered, the VIP and the girl did end up dating for a period of time.
2 - Unfortunate Outcome: In another instance, two popular girls, now retired, worked together at the same location. A local gentleman repeatedly booked sessions with both girls and then followed them to 4-hour drive away Virginia Beach when they relocated there after their DMV tour. The girls felt followed and scared, ultimately asking both agencies to blacklist the gentleman.
If I find my ATF in a nearby city, I would also try to meet her but would be careful not to come across as overbearing.  
Just my 2 cents.

Yup...just flew to see my ATF kgirl.  Had a 3 hr session and the next day had another 2 hr session.  Well worth the effort.

OC and often go to West LA or Mid-Wilshire to see Kgirls.  Anyone familiar with LA traffic knows that this is a 90-minute trip each way in the middle of the day (10:30 to 1:30), but can balloon to 2.5 to 3 hours each way during the morning or afternoon rush hours.  However, I found the drive time tolerable by booking mostly two-hour sessions in either of these LA locations, but a two-hour session meant only one-way is traffic-free and the other direction will more often be 2 hours.  San Diego was actually less driving time for me from So. OC, but historically usually rotated Kgirls with OC rather than LA.  It's only been the last few years that more girls who work LA and OC are also working SD.

Sometimes I have spent near an hour to see a K-girl in L.A. from the Westside due to traffic.  Though I try to book appointment times to avoid traffic.  I have nearby choices so I like to stick to those.  

In terms of distance, I have considered driving to as far as Huntington Beach for a K-girl.  I had seen her before when she was in L.A. and she was great.  Since her new booker wanted to see my ID, it was a no go.  Sad, that I didn't make that drive.

jacob232343 reads

God damn it I fly to LA to see the kgirls after I moved to frekin Florida..dumb asses here are trying to shut down anything to do with Asian folks. Sad state. After tasting the LA hard to go anywhere else...I usually call these my LA Debauchery tours. Sounds like a porn flick ha ha

I hear ya. The only reason I haven't left California is the k-girls in Los Angeles and Orange County. If it wasn't for them, I would have joined the CA exodus long ago. I'm lucky that I can do my job from anywhere. But there's only one epicenter of the k-girl universe in America, and that's LA/OC. Also, just walking around Koreatown on a Sunday afternoon is amazing. The insanely hot k-girls in mini-skirts or short-shorts are simply eye popping. LA's K-town should be designated the Eighth Wonder of the World!

My ATF has permanently flown the coop. She is not coming back to my city unfortunately.  I guess I will be traveling a lot more and doing more business trips.

usual drive time for me is about 1.5 hrs. or 3hrs. round trip.  I often go for an extended session because of it. Or piggyback my sessions with other business. Intoxicating is right. I love me some kgirls. :)  I'm starting to appreciate all of them and their uniqueness.  

who travel from Seattle to veteran kgirl Rebecca still !

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