
SDАG new offshoot site ?teeth_smile
team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 874 reads

Called "bluerocketcharter" I kid you not :)

Domain created on 10/26 - on the same day a guy posted on another site that the angry sdg booker texted him and demanded he'd take the review down.

Same hosting, same ip for the website as the other two. Same layout, same language, same scheduling. Same girl.

Just a heads up.

the owner or at least a shill, right^^?

In the vein of all publicity is good advertisement, just get the name spelled right? ;-)

-- Modified on 11/10/2023 12:31:07 PM

they might as well call me daddy.

-- Modified on 11/12/2023 7:40:32 PM

I'm betting I could catch the kind of tuna I like there.  Lol

What are you using for bait? A shrimp?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: It says it's a sportfishing company . . . .
I'm betting I could catch the kind of tuna I like there.  Lol
In lieu of an "LOL" ...

Weren't they a baking company before?  Or something equally non-prostitutional?  Anyway, in the same style of. being a business and you had to dig through a pile of mild double-intendre to get to the girls.

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