
Language an issue?
CENZO1 162 Reviews 2583 reads

I was just wondering if language (or more precisely a lack of English) factors into your experience with a gal. I personally am leaning more towards the gals that have some knowledge of English since I like their sexy talk. I know the talk is all BS but it does work on my brain. It has become a turnoff for me when out comes the translator and you’re passing a cellphone back and forth. Does anyone else out there share my feelings or can give their opinion on this?

get girls from South Korea that have no English skills, because it is required in Korean schools beginning in the first grade.  However, North Korean girls are a different matter.   Most have little more than the basics, but this group makes up the bulk of the BBFS girls, which leaves the general perception among mongers that ALL Kgirls have poor English.  Other Kgirls can tell the NK girls because the accent is different, much the way most people in the US can identify someone from the South or New England areas.  

I agree that using a translator takes us out of the fantasy brings us back to reality, often sooner than we would like.  Lol

Hahaha you guys are funny. Do you really think a NK risking their life would escape north and do this kind of job?  SK gives them free money for escaping NK. From my experience these are mostly koreans that are born/live in china.
Regions like Yanbian, where they can speak both chinese and their korean sound similar to NK. And it is not true koreans from SK speak better english. Only their writing and grammer is good, but when it comes to speaking, they struggle.  I've been doing this hobby for a while since the cityvibe days where there was no BBFS. I've met a lot of SK koreans that can speak barely any english.

after seeing and reviewing an average of one Kgirl a year?   Bwahahahaha

The only ones that struggle are the ones that did not go on to high school.  In Korea, families pay for their children to go to high school, and the poorest families can't afford it.  With that said, I have seen hundreds of 90-day wonders FOTB in the last 15 years, and I have only had a few dozen that struggled with English, and most of those were between 2008 and 2012.  Most of our Kgirls were formerly Salon girls, and unless they wanted to work exclusively in a salon that caters to Japanese men, they better have pretty decent English.  If they are struggling with English here, it's usually because they were massage girls in Korea and not Salon hostesses, which also accounts for their below average service compared to salon girls.  

If you want examples of two NK girls who escaped from NK, came to the US by way of China, and did "this kind of job" to become legends in LA, I have two names for you . . . . Megan and Queen, neither of which are on your review list despite being undisputed legends.  Anyone who has seen Megan will tell you her English was very good, but it's because she started in Philly under another name for two years before coming West.  As a North Korean, when she first arrived in Philly, she did struggle with English, but learned quickly.  

Your limited experience with Kgirls is confirmed by your statement that there was a time when there was "no BBFS."  Not so, mon ami, there has ALWAYS been Kgirl BBFS in SoCal.  It was just UTR and no one advertised it, put it in reviews or talked about it on the discussion boards back then.  

WOW Mr.400 review calm down dude. I'm just stating my opinion. No need to get mad. Plus, you got 400 review you win hahaha. I don't review all the girls I see and who does? Most clients don't even review at all. If thats the case, each kgirl will have over 1000 reviews. I'm korean and never in my 12 years experience met a NK girl.  Again, just stating my experience. Hope you reach 1000 reviews and receive a TER reviewers award. LOL

I'm not mad at all, but you led with this condescending statement . . . .

"Hahaha you guys are funny. Do you really think a NK risking their life would escape north (Korea) and do this kind of job?"

The implication is that you were amused that we knew so little about Kgirls, so it was time to take you to school on the Kgirl scene.  It's presumptuous to think that just because you are Korean, you understand the Kgirl business better than non-Koreans with a long history of Kgirl experience.  It was not directed just to me, Cenzo has been here since the year TER was founded and has over 160 reviews, mostly Kgirls.  The only reward for reviewing is knowing you are providing intel to fellow Kgirl lovers.  

My posts were merely to educate fellow mongers and dispel any misinformation included in your post, and I was completely calm when writing them.  Lol

Actually, I do understand the business better than you. I was involved in the business. I was running two girls in the famous WLA location with a former kgirl. Since, these girls have no credit. I used my credit to lease an unit for them.  I ran it for about 2 years (2013-2015) until my partner decided to go back to korea.  Trust me, I know how they recruit these girls and how much they take and why they are in for these jobs. Yea, now it's 2023 but some things has changed. If the girls are old they are mostly doing it for income but if they are young it usually is loan shark or family emergency. But like I stated before I never met a NK girl not saying you didn't. And reviews are overrated there are so many fake reviews. I can write one for every girl here and make stuff up and have 400 reviews like you. What do you think these bookers do on their spare time? That's right write reviews for their girls. Now you know.

who asked me to help them lease an apartment for use as an incall.  Only an idiot would do that.  The fact is, if you were any good at "running it" you would still be running it.  Since she left and the business stopped at that point, it proves SHE was running it and you were just the stooge used for the apartment rental, . . . . .and the guy who would take the fall if the place was busted.  Apartment renters of incalls usually get three to five years in prison when their incall gets busted.  Look it up, there have been plenty of examples in SoCal in the last 20 years.   Guys that fall for this kind of deal are usually clueless wannabees that can't make friends with a Kgirl any other way.  If Kgirls  can use you while also shifting the liability for their illegal enterprise to you by having your name on the incall lease, they will.   You're quite the savvy businessman, aren't you?   Lol

Reviews written by bookers and owners are usually reported and get removed.  The successful bookers don't have time to write reviews, they are too busy booking and screening, but the fact that you claim this is common gives us a little more insight into your involvement in the business.  Do you have some links to reviews written in the past month or two by bookers that are still up?  This is your chance to back up your claim with facts.  

If you have seen any girls that I have seen and question anything about my review, tell me what you think I got wrong.  I know 400 reviews probably sounds impossible to a guy who reviews one girl a year, but if you have the bank and the time, it's not that hard.   400 reviews since I started reviewing here is only an average of one per week, but I have averaged seeing three Kgirls a week for many years (1-2 a week in 2023, because I also had a civvie girlfriend this past year).  When they are girls I have already reviewed before, I don't review them again unless something has changed with their looks, attitude, menu, or skills, so the majority of my sessions are repeats.  If I reviewed every session I had, it would be over 1200 since I started reviewing here.  

Blah blah blah, says the guy who doesn't know Kakao Talk.

two reviews a year white-knighting for the guy with one review a year.  See the irony?  

It's common and I know several NK girls who made their way here via China to SK to US.  I agree with you the language differences the OP states are generalizations.  I've met NK girls with nearly flawless English and SK girls who only knew the trade words.  

for me to see a kgirl.  I usually check recent reviews to see if she has basic English skills.  Nearly all the times she will then be added to my rotation.

JustLayingLow122 reads

I’ve been shocked by the large number of Korean BBFS providers anymore, especially in the LA area.  I often wondered if they were from North Korea, uneducated, with no concept of the risks involved. Thanks for confirming my thoughts.

First, you've made an assumption that all bbfs Korean providers are from NK.

Second, you've made an assumption that women from North Korea are uneducated on risks of sex. This comes in with the apparent assumption that women from NK come straight to the US. Which is incorrect. Many women from NK go through China and South Korea, many living and working there for years before coming here.  

Third, and it ties in with second assumption, is that women do bbfs because they don't understand the risk. This is generaly false. They understand the risks and are willing to accept them.

JustLayingLow96 reads

I never said all Korean BBFS providers were from NK. Nor did I say all NK providers were uneducated, or that the only ones who provide BBFS don’t understand the risks. You have comprehension difficulties. Irl,  I suspect you would be considered to be ‘on the spectrum,’ and your lack of comprehension skills leads you spout false accusations. Please stop posting, you constantly embarrass yourself.

"I often wondered if they were from North Korea, uneducated, with no concept of the risks involved. Thanks for confirming my thoughts."

This your statement verbatim.

You often wondered if [bbfs kgirls]  were :
from North Korea, uneducated with no concept of risks.
And cdl" confirmed your thoughts"

Pretty sure I've read it correctly. As for as your insults go, you can keep them.  

Also food for thought : many SK/non-bbfs kgirls were pissed once the bbfs wave started. Because they now got less business. So they started badmouthing a lot of bbfs girls, and saying how they're NK who don't know no better. I suggest we don't be like them.

Assume bbfs providers (ok not all but many) are uneducated NK girls who don't know what they're doing.

Many of these women are very smart, understand the risks and still go through with it.  

That's all I meant. Didn't mean to offend you in any way.

a higher BBFS risk tolerance with NK girls.  They did not die escaping from NK, which is a capital offense there, so the risks of going bare with everybody seems small to them after what they have been through to get here.  I have yet to meet a NK Kgirl who was GFE only, but I have met hundreds of SK Kgirls who are GFE only, so I think JLL is reasonable in connecting the dots based on his own observations and experiences that he has had, which I will say are similar to my own.  It's not appropriate to lump them together when talking about understanding the risks.  Risk assessments are often relative to one's life experiences and will vary accordingly, and no one can dispute that the life experiences of SK Kgirls and NK Kgirls who have made their way to the US to work are markedly different.  

BBFS is prevalent as an "option" in Korea currently. I bet it started there.

$25 (if not provided freely) gets you 노콘 - "no con".

I suspect you would be considered to be ‘on the spectrum,’ and your lack of comprehension skills leads you spout false accusations.
Great post. Very insightful and succinct.

that whatever their level of English is, North or South, it can add to the connection and session experience.
My session Korean gets better each time and the girls, at least most of them, like that I can communicate with them.
The app does come out at times, but never while we are in the playtime part of the session.

You just might enjoy having one of these Kgirls whispering in your ear some sexy words in her language as her loose hair falls over you and sends tingles through your body!
But I believe that can happen with almost any language that isn't your own!

Being uneducated? Are you there as a proctor giving a test or as a client for sex?

....and some Spanish ta boot! By far she had the most English comprehension that I've seen to date and I must admit it was quite nice to be able to freely chat with her during our doubles session. The other girl in the session had basic English comprehension. I didn't realize how much I really missed being able to converse with someone during a session. But minimal English skills won't affect who I book in the future.

JustLayingLow98 reads

a female provider, let me know. I’m male.  I’ll do my best to clear my schedule & make it happen!

-- Modified on 11/30/2023 7:47:31 PM

English skills are nice, but definitely NOT a requirement in my book. In fact, one thing I love the about hobbying with women from outside the U.S. is when they speak to me in their language (Korean, Japanese, Spanish, etc). It's incredibly hot, because I can imagine they are saying anything. And my imagination has been known to run wild!

I've never used the translator cause I just don't care enough!!!

The routine is clear enough that only several words ever really need to be used, at least for someone new. Maybe none in most cases.

I'm sure some of them had an interesting experiences in life that I would likely find fascinating (esp. if any of them really were from NK), they mostly seem to be pretty comfortable keeping these stories to themselves, and I'm just going to go along with that.

I have been with ladies in foreign countries that really didn't speak or understand any English. And most of the atmosphere I get from all the Kgirls I've met in the US is they pretty much understand everything I've ever said to any of them and generally avoid speaking because they are self conscious of their accents, which are commonly pretty bad, and I know my hearing isn't the best but usually girls have to repeat "off the script" things to me several times when telling me things I'm not expecting (jokes, etc., like one asking me why American mouth wash is so spicy). And I'm sure some guys probably get shitty and make fun of them over shit like that.  

Nevermind how they probably all have too many guys trying to talk too much, trying to dazzle them with bullshit, easier to just not understand.

My sessions are exactly the opposite and my goal is to acknowledge and respect providers as people, which means common courtesy and conversation.  I'm not a dolt and can recognize quickly when someone doesn't want to talk, but that is super rare, less than 5% of the time.  Starting with small talk to break the ice and gauge her English skills plus desire to talk.  Regardless of the result of the small talk, I refuse to follow the script and ask her to lay on the bed so I can pamper and please her fully.  The script goes out the door at that point and the sex progresses organically, with her in the driver's seat.  

In my experience this leads to further conversation and connection as equal partners.

I prefer kgirls that speak little to no English. I do like it when they speak a little bit of Chinese because its cute. Most of the kgirls I've met who speak good english, especially the young ones, I find myself never repeating with them again because they are too talkative during the session.  Also, I've always been more attracted to FOB girls more than their American-raised counterparts.

You would do well in Taiwan or Hong Kong or maybe in Shanghai

casinova71 reads

As an American-raised k-hobbyist, I'm with you on preferring little to no English skills.  Many times, I just pretend that I don't know how to speak Korean, and find that they are more open sexually.  I think this is because of their upbringing in a traditional Asian culture that frowns on the type of behavior that are about to embark upon.  Not speaking their native tongue allows them to escape into their most inner space and let their true sensuality to come out.  I've experimented with both ways, and found that when a girl moans in Korean when she thinks I don't understand is way more sexy than when she moans in English.  I've also switched from non-Korean-speaking to Korean-speaking during the session and found that they instantly age 10 years.  I'm not a psychologist so I can't explain this phenomenon.  

There is something called international language and the understanding between a guy and gal when money is exchanged.  Whether the Kgirl speaks English or not, I enjoy the sessions when she does.  I like GFE Kgirls the most because they aren’t rushed, they’re more seductive as a rule and more relaxed.  

FOB?  Ugh.  I’m sorry but I worry about what lurks in their lives.  Many don’t understand any English and many don’t smile or seem to enjoy the session. I avoid.  I also avoid overseas sex with workers because they all seem managed.  

LA GFE KGirls are simply the best!

99% of Kgirls got here originally FOB (actually an airplane, it's a figure of speech - Lol)  FOB does not only refer to BBFS girls.  When I started seeing Kgirls, they were all GFE on arrival and it wasn't until the North Koreans started coming that we got BBFS girls FOB.  Many girls arrived GFE and have stayed GFE for many years.  The Korean girls that grew up in the US and speak perfect English can make more money working per hour as independents than working at Kgirl rates.  You will rarely find these kinds of girls at agencies.  

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