
LA K-girl agencies share girls?
BuzzSquires 1524 reads

Do the different La K-girl agencies share girls? Like if I call up one agency and request someone from a different agency, would that be possible?

For example: just 2 weeks ago, I booked one K-girl thru BookerGray but when I went back on the website today, that same K-girl is now at a different agency. The other agency wouldn't verify me for some reason, so can I call up BG and ask for that same K-girl?

Another example: the current go-to LA K-girl seems to be "exclusive" to one agency, so can I call up BG and ask them to set me up with an appointment with that "exclusive" K-girl at the other agency?

I think all KOrgs are family run.  They won’t see admit it. You have to play their game.  Stick with one KOrgs until you are a Made Guy.  Then you can move around and become familiar with Family.

It's better to be a VIP at one org when you are starting out than a random guy at 5 or 6.  You are more likely to get a glowing reference from a booker after you have had eight or ten sessions over the span of a month or two rather than asking for a reference after your first session with a particular booker.  

Serious Q 'cause I'm an East Coast guy. When people say "Booker Gray" (BG) are they talking about ONE person doing all the booking 12-20 hours per day? Is BG a small group of bookers serving shifts on the BG phone lines?  
On the East Coast, we call them "phone girls." Some of the phone girls are guys but he is still the "phone girl." For each place, there are probably 2 or more phone girls. For agencies, I only called at the same particular time window and I always get the same girl or guy (even though there may be others working at other times).  
Is BG (or Booker Aaron or Booker Booker or ...) ONE person or a collective?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: This is good advice . . . .
It's better to be a VIP at one org when you are starting out than a random guy at 5 or 6.  You are more likely to get a glowing reference from a booker after you have had eight or ten sessions over the span of a month or two rather than asking for a reference after your first session with a particular booker.  

I pretty much use BG exclusively and I've seen some of my favorite girls pop up on other org websites. One girl I see often even told me that she would be using a different booker during a week that I had wanted to see her, so she advised me to use that booker instead. It's like a jigsaw puzzle where the puzzle pieces are always changing, lol.

that confused me the most after taking some time off during the pandemic. What do you mean each girl is booked by multiple bookers? How do they possibly keep track of the schedule? Are they all connected to some cloud-based network? Are they all on Microsoft Teams or something? LOL! (I hope they are using strong data encryption software.) I don't understand how they can do business this way and not inadvertently double-book appointments. But, then again, that hasn't happened to me. Everything seems to be running on time. So I guess they have it all figured out.

It means the girls are more independent than ever before there in LA. This almost completely eliminates the case of bad bookers/orgs bullying girls, and in case of mongers it eases the access as if you get in one org, you get access to girls from other orgs.

It also introduces other problems though, the crazy ad barrage...hell Ive heard multiple complaints from people getting spammed by people advertising booker adam, whoever the fuck that is

Girls raising prices as they see fit, whereas in conventional orgs such as in the bay, have some limits

Scheduling can be a problem too, with popular girls who get bombarded by multiple bookers

Makes me wonder how it happened. You'd think the LA-area bookers would have preferred to keep the old business model in place.

the LA model is actually better at avoiding the LEOs than the old model...fingers crossed tho

I hope you are right. But it seems there is no safe business model. This latest case is just another example among many from the past. If Uncle Leo wants to take down an operation, it's just a matter of dedicating enough time and resources. If he makes it a priority, he will win every time. (Unless you have Robert Kraft's money.) That's why I am all about burner phones, VPNs, big fan of encryption, pay for TER with gift cards, and pay for everything else in cash. No personal info given out, never, ever, ever. They can probably still track me down if they really want to, but I'm not gonna make it too easy!

I always find myself somewhat torn between two views here.  

Yes, if they are looking and want to get you none of what you're doing is going to save you. I'm not even sure exactly how much more effort is required given the existing tools and ML/AI models, various monitoring technology and partnerships with ISPs and telcos and a host of tech firms selling services to LE and other government agencies (or with agencies like NSA and DARPA developing the cutting edge stuff).  But it definitely helps in terms of more cursory scans of the information in an investigation (say call logs requests from telcos and network logs from ISPs).

The flip side is that those who are playing the "cloak and dagger" game will produce a signature that stands our as I've got something I want to hide and really want to keep it hidden. That can be a attractive element to investigate compared to the guy not doing as much. That guy shows up in the simpler search/part of the investigation. Might be more likely to come across as "lonely looser who has to pay for sex" and the investigators just move on because you generally don't get many awards for a bust like that. Of course, borrowing from (I think) the last line from A Streetcar Named Desire. there is a "I've always depended on the kindness of strangers." element to the latter approach ;-)

But, like you say, there really is not any no risk approach.

Oh yes. The more privacy tools you use, the more they will assume it's because you are doing something wrong. In a big case a few years ago, the prosecution actually said: "These guys are using VPNs; they must be criminals." The absurdity of that statement is off the charts, given that every corporation in America uses VPNs. But that's how they twisted it to make the guys look guilty. "Only outlaws use VPNs!" Still, I think it's better to cover your tracks as best you can. They might take the extra effort to find you. But they might not. Easy targets usually get taken down first because, for Uncle Leo, it's all about the numbers.

Guys (and Lopaw), honestly, these Kgirls are not booked all day and ever day.  It’s an illusion that their pussy is sought over and we all stand in line like sailors on payday in Subic Bay.  I’ve never had a problem booking any Kgirl I want the day before except one time. Asia. But that’s her exclusive schedule. For the rest of Kgirls, it’s an illusion that their pussy is so exclusive that we need to wait.  

We don’t need to wait but we like the game.

a reputation for reliability and not cancelling once you have made an appointment, you will usually have pre-booking privileges a number of days in advance, and most Kgirls' schedules are not yet filled.  Those that are new with an agency or have shown a propensity to book and then cancel (for whatever reason) will often be limited to same-day booking, and that is not as easy.  

Additionally, top-tier girls will often work abbreviated schedules and/or fewer days per week (many of the mature Kgirls take two days a week off instead of one), which makes booking certain girls more difficult, so SOME girls being "exclusive" for SOME customers is not an illusion.  Like you, I have been fortunate to not have booking problems because 1) I generally book two to three days in advance, and 2) I have only cancelled last minute (same-day) twice in 15+ years, once when I was involved in a car accident on the way to the session, and the other when I was notified that my father had been rushed to the hospital.  My policy is to NOT book unless I'm 100% sure I will be there at the appointed day and time, barring an unforeseeable emergency as noted.

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