
K-orgs or C-orgs that use KakaoTalk and/or wechat
useyrhead 4 Reviews 3797 reads
1 / 67

Currently, for one C-org (currently members only) I use Wechat to check their day’s lineup and to book.  

It is so convenient it made me wonder if anyone knew of any C or K orgs that did something similar with Wechat or KakaoTalk for booking. Or are they all using the combination website and texting thing?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 216 reads
2 / 67

in the BA runs quite a bit younger than in SoCal, and the large number of Kgirl veterans I know down here don't see anything wrong with the current system of website photos and texting.  It beats the old system of email and phone call. I've had Kgirls tell me to join KakaoTalk, but the way they explained it, it seemed like it was a social media site, and I don't do social media sites.  Was I told incorrectly?  

useyrhead 4 Reviews 106 reads
3 / 67

Think of them as equivalents to iMessage and other messaging apps. Unlike iMessage, which does end to end encryption for all messages as long as they are between Apple devices (though I haven’t taken a deep look at Android’s latest end to end encryption capability) it is an option for KakaoTalk. There is no true end to end encryption in WeChat. Though encryption does exist in Wechat messaging it is not as secure/private as you can get in KakaoTalk and iMessage. There are certainly even more secure options available. But those options don’t seem to be used by any C or K orgs that I know of.

There are some k-girls I have known (though none currently) who use/used KakaoTalk secret messaging. If you meet one who uses KakaoTalk secret chat, I recommend keeping her.  That shows that she at least understands the importance of privacy. To me, that is not a small thing.

In Wechat, an org can publish pictures and availability of all of their girls each day. Based on that you can message them and request a girl and time. The org that I work with which uses it, drops any detailed conversation over to a phone line. Again, to protect privacy for reasons mentioned above.

I’m thinking that the same capability to publish pictures, availability and other provider notes also exists in KakaoTalk. I don’t yet really know. That Secret Chat capability would be compelling if k-orgs offered it.

Note: In the U.S. 90% of 21 and unders all either own or are planning on buying an iPhone and use iMessage. In Korea, 99% of surveyed Koreans in their 30s use KakaoTalk for messaging.

-- Modified on 2/14/2022 3:43:00 PM

-- Modified on 2/14/2022 3:49:48 PM

useyrhead 4 Reviews 95 reads
4 / 67

I think of it this way.

A website can be easily taken down by a government agency.

An end to end encrypted chat is far more difficult to track and to block.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 107 reads
5 / 67

"Was I told incorrectly?" All it takes is a 30 second Google search. Do you even know what that is?

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 75 reads
6 / 67

I think some explanation is needed here for those who aren't fully sure what that entails and won't do own research on the subject.

End to end encryption means that on application layer, payload you're passing to another user (in this case, payload is a text message and another user is the org/girl) can only be decrypted (lets called it "read") by the end user.

Wechat uses server/client encryption meaning the server can read the data. Whoever owns the server, in this case wechat is owned by China, can potentially  read your data.


Is end to end encryption better to have? Absolutely. But what's the worst case scenario for wechat? I'd say it's CCP reading the data. But hopefully most people are using burner numbers. In that case, from monger perspective you have little to worry about. From provider perspective, as long as you can't link the person to the number, they're also safe. Pretty sure CCP doesn't care about some American Johns piping Chinese girls for money.

So while you definitely should be striving for an app with e2e encryption, using wechat for org comm poses little risk imo.

kyungjean 6 Reviews 112 reads
7 / 67

Posted By: Floorhump422
Re: Sad
"Was I told incorrectly?" All it takes is a 30 second Google search. Do you even know what that is?

He proves yet again that he is a Certainly-Dinky-Length limp noodle.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 94 reads
8 / 67

of the young Korean mongers that claimed they "found" photos on KakaoTalk that were put there by Kgirls, so I had the impression that it was more like a Korean Facebook service.  If it's only about private communication, then it may have value for guys like me, but I'm not interested in getting photos from Kgirls unless they SENT them to me on purpose, and they can do that by texting them.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 87 reads
9 / 67

about Wechat before, and I don't think I would be comfortable using that, but the end to end encryption sounds secure enough.  Many of the Kgirls I know use Samsung phones, but a surprising number of retired Kgirls living in Korea message me using  iMessage on an iPhone.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 113 reads
10 / 67

I know as much about technology as you know about the Kgirl biz, so that should give you an idea of how little I know.  At least I will own my shortcomings.  You should, too, but you have to be a man to do that.  

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 108 reads
11 / 67

You know how much I know about the "kgirl biz" how exactly? Oh wait...you don't because I know how to keep my mouth shut instead of spouting verbal diarrhea.  

Overall, I only give your reply a 1/5, because although you were sexist, you missed incorporating your usual array of ageism, ignorance, and socio-politics.

useyrhead 4 Reviews 123 reads
12 / 67

This thread actually appears to have inspired Rocker to write a useful and constructive post.

But it seems nothing can inspire one of the anti-CDL trolls to do the same.


useyrhead 4 Reviews 84 reads
13 / 67

I do like using Wechat as a website replacement. Then  for any actual communication I use phone or text for reasons I’ve already explained. The c-org I mentioned no longer has a website. But they maintain a simple and very usable presence on Wechat as well as supporting phone and text. So bouncing from one medium to another with them is quite seamless.  

I would be even more interested in using KakaoTalk as a website replacement if the functionality exists. It seems plausible. But I haven’t dug into it. So I can’t be sure. The ability to use KakaoTalk to browse through the list of girls available that day and then schedule through either text or an end to end encrypted chat seems quite compelling. Though it all depends on the actual implementation.  

That interest is what drove me to create the original post.  

I’m not trying to design some k-org front end here. My intent was to simply describe it sufficiently to see if it, or anything like it, already exists. Sounds like it doesn’t.

Oh well. It was at least an interesting discussion. Thanks to all for the time and the thoughtful replies.

-- Modified on 2/15/2022 1:59:10 AM

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 114 reads
14 / 67

Maybe if you got off of your knees long enough to actually consider the situation, you'd recognize that calling a troll and bad faith actor out on their BS is hardly trolling.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 102 reads
15 / 67

One thing I find ideal about internet/web over the other options mentioned is that the web is designed for a server to be found, not the user or clients. In the case of the messaging apps there is much more a bi/poly directional protocol in place.

Wikipedia seems to have a pretty good high level view of KaKaoTalk if you have not seen it. Seems like it would work much as WeChat does in terms of being able to browse who is available and then book a session from within the app if wanted.

Other places I've seen both Viber and Telegraph, along with WeChat and just standard phone or web/email, listed as tool for contact and requesting.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 93 reads
16 / 67

you say and the dumb questions you ask.  I'm not the only one who has your number.  That's why you have hardly any hard intel to contribute here, because you don't know shit, and you KNOW if you post bullshit you will be exposed as a fake.  Just sayin' because you asked.  You remain completely irrelevant here because you never contribute anything.  We are still waiting to hear who you are getting pussy from lately.  You keep making bullshit excuses like I am not in your area, but what about the guys who are?  Aren't you willing to give them a heads up?  If you can't supply any Kgirl content, why are you here?  You're floorhump the mooch.  Your lies just keep piling up.  That's what happens when you go down the road of trying to convince people you are something that you aren't.  Next, you'll be trying to convince us that you don't still live with your parents.  Lol

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 86 reads
17 / 67

I already told you, I don't frequent this site often. Go on another, more relevant site to my area before you start whining like the petulant little child that you are.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 96 reads
18 / 67

breadth and depth of their Kgirl knowledge and experience, and how much they contribute in the way of info and intel to our Kgirl community.  Maybe you would like to provide some links to the Kgirl info or intel that you have posted here in the past, and maybe some here will think you less a troll.  I post hard info and intel here almost daily. So do a lot of the other regulars, including useyrhead, who you are lashing out at now.  You are a spoiled child.  Your parents must be really proud of you.  (Sarcasm, another literary device that yutes don't always understand.)

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 98 reads
19 / 67

Kkt is an app that pretty much any kgirl uses. Many girls offer their own kkt # to clients. They also deactivate it if they go back or don't want to engage with clients directly anymore.

But you touched on something that is very important and why personal messaging will not replace web ads any time soon - advertising!

Even utr orgs advertise via web. It is simply needed for client base growth. The whole Asian org thing depends on volume, and word of mouth simply isn't good or fast enough spreader of info.

A website is needed to post a review on TER, for example. We all know how much reviews mean for a korg, and so even if they employ quasi private advertising (ie, Hu.man.iplex, telegram channels etc) they have to put out a link accesible to everyone in order to get a review up. And so far, I haven't seen orgs forego ter profile and hence reviews in favor of privacy. Reviews simply generate traffic moreso than any ad they can put out and any "I swear they're true" pleas the PO can put up.

Hence why I always say don't be afraid to write a honest negative review. It will directly impact the business. And if you don't want an org to continue peddling subpar goods - it isn't enough to not go yourself. It is imperative that you also get others to not go if org engages in deception and offering of subpar goods. Then you really impact it. Maybe then instead of seeing dollar signs in their eyes for any girl they can get, orgs will be more selective and have standards. Of course, some mongers might be swayed to not do it in case the org does get great goods later, but that's just dumb imo, not saying their product sucks publicly because theyre waiting for delayed payoff, just enables orgs to do whatever the fuck they want and tgis results in even more subpar goods and stale product. And it's a vicious feedback loop.

-- Modified on 2/15/2022 11:52:13 AM

useyrhead 4 Reviews 105 reads
20 / 67

I believe I understand where you are coming from.

I think it is worth keeping in mind that an org can have a website that is essentially disposable with very low impact to customers and prospective customers if they rely on secure messaging for all except initial communication and screening. They would need to ask your permission to send you a message if their website is taken down or has any issues. But that’s pretty much it.  

This then leaves them in greater control of their business and their relationship with their customers and prospective customers even if/when they run into any LE issues. The website that goes into a TER review does not have to remain the same for them to stay connected to reviews as far as I can see.  

Still, this is just my opinion based on my own research and experience.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 97 reads
21 / 67

While you're whining about shit people don't care about in an attempt to seem relevant, I'll be enjoying some k-girl pussy. Watch out for carpal tunnel!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 79 reads
22 / 67

Bwahahahahahaha.  Another girl you can't name because you taped her photo to the back of your hand.  LMAO

Thank you for the complete surrender.  You seemed a little dense today because you were not seeing how badly you were getting your ass kicked.   Go crawl back in your hole and don't come out until you have some meaningful to contribute to the board from your personal Kgirl experience.  Riiiiiiight.  LOL

kyungjean 6 Reviews 161 reads
23 / 67

Not only a limp noodle micro-prick, you are also a know nothing no one.

The fact you don't know Kakao means you don't know any k-girl.

Maybe, just maybe, you know a halmoni who still texts. I'll grant you that, and your sparkly femine fingernails.

JustLayingLow 93 reads
24 / 67
Floorhump422 25 Reviews 90 reads
25 / 67

Should I feel honored that the king of stupidity called me dense (rhetorical question by the way)? Guess it takes one to know one, except that that still isn't quite right as your poor judgment has misled you again.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 119 reads
27 / 67

is summarizing reviews that we can all read for ourselves.  What do we need him for.  We have been looking for info from him based on his own personal experiences with Kgirls, not "what he understands" from reading what others' say.  Get the difference?  He can't even name girls he has seen lately.  

BlueDragonDMV 143 reads
28 / 67

Rocket, Floor is one of local gens contribute the most via back channels or other chatting board (U.sexguide.) (eom)

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 75 reads
29 / 67

He literally said he saw this girl twice and she wasn't waterworks.  

You have a curious case of selective reading comprehension issues when something doesn't fit your narrative.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 92 reads
30 / 67

she has other than his, you would still know she is not waterworks.  How do you figure this is anything UNIQUE in the way of info or intel from his own personal experience.  I'm not saying he didn't see her, but the hallmark of the thousands of fake reviews on this site is that they rarely bring anything new to the table that is not already in the other reviews.  When is he going to tell us something that everyone else doesn't already know?  "Me, too," hardly counts as meaningful intel.  I would be more impressed if he was the first reviewer and set up the profile.  

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 82 reads
31 / 67

You're switching the goalposts now just because you don't like him. Now he has to provide something that isn't in other reviews? The hell?  

He sees kgirls. So do I. So do you. Can we stop this nonsensical purity analysis?

JustLayingLow 101 reads
32 / 67

of wasting everyone's time criticizing those who are trying to do just that.  Personally I couldn't care less about what he posts on other sites or via 'Back Channel.'  Floorhump should put up something helpful, or just STFU!

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 87 reads
33 / 67

I know. Hence me defending him. I don't care as much about backchannels, but I do exchange pms with him a bit, usually about rebrands.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 99 reads
34 / 67

Are you high? When did I criticize anybody for sharing intel (or the lack thereof)?

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 85 reads
35 / 67

Clearly, Twoon didn't know. Are you saying no one should have said anything?

Valida 17 Reviews 103 reads
36 / 67

... only for private communications, and it is not only "social media" in the FaceBook mold.  It is a multi-function aggregated service platform including shopping, payment, news feeds, chat, messaging, and probably more.  Since I don't read Korean nor do business in Korea, nearly all of it is outside my direct experience.  WeChat covers quite a range of services too.  But just because "social media" capabilities are included within these services (or service conglomerates) the platforms do not become useless to us mere Americans; we can selectively take value from the parts that carry good information for us.  
Those might include messaging with girls or orgs/POs, and watching daily or weekly lineup postings (as useyrhead mentioned and I do also).

carlhungus 54 Reviews 94 reads
37 / 67

I used to use WeChat several years ago.  A woman I started to date before she temporarily moved to China suggested I use it to stay in touch. No she was not Asian.  I just used it for chatting with her.  Among the vast services that you mentioned there is or was fun stuff to use.  I enjoyed chatting with random people, usually a cute woman if she had a profile.  There was at least two ways you could find random people to chat with from around the world.  I like that sort of thing.  Then, again, i used to enjoy finding penpals from the Recycler classifieds paper when it was still around.  Those were different times when people used to write letters.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 90 reads
38 / 67

the comprehensive explanation.  I passed on it when I first looked at it about 5 years ago at the suggestion of a Kgirl I was seeing, but maybe I'll have another look based on your excellent description of what is there.  I don't read Korean either, so I will have the same limitations as you do.

kyungjean 6 Reviews 119 reads
39 / 67

Hey, by the way, did you know if you can pass screening, service at the K Agencies remains top notch?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 100 reads
40 / 67

fucked more Kgirls than you have had handjobs, including your own, Kumstain.  Why don't you and floorchump get on with your circle-jerk and let the real Kgirl fuckers do their job?

kyungjean 6 Reviews 78 reads
41 / 67

You are a laughing stock.

How can you act like you know anything when you don't even know Kakao?


-- Modified on 3/7/2022 4:43:34 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 115 reads
42 / 67

There's one on every mattress.  I see you make no effort to refute my comment about you being the hand-job champion.    Getting your information from Kakao and not from Kgirls is why you don't know anything about the biz.  You're just pissed because no Kgirl will date you.   Move out of your parents' house and maybe it will improve you chances.   Stupid, lonely and broke is no way to go through like, sonny.  Now get out that lotion and give yourself a hand.  LMAO

We are laughing AT you, not with you.  

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 107 reads
43 / 67

How so?

According to one of the most prolific kgirl mongers in Nova, a former member of some prominent private groups, I quote,  

"since kj and i have quite a few mutual friends including a few popular kgirls, i know him a bit more, i'd say his hobby history is longer than my 12 years, he had met more girls including kgirls  than most of us here, kj is only one of the alias."  


Floorhump422 25 Reviews 110 reads
44 / 67

You don't "get" info from KT. You use it to talk to the girls. Which is something you would know if you actually spoke to any of them in the first place.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 85 reads
45 / 67

alias system on TER.  Two guys can get together and make up whatever they want, and meanwhile neither one of them shows a single review.  "I'll be YOUR shill and you be MINE."    Done!!   I'm surprised you so easily fall for this.  I can't remember a thread where either one of these guys provided any first-hand intel that they haven't read somewhere else.  (Sound familiar?)    JLL is also an alias, but I have known him for many years and we have PM'd periodically about specific topics.  He has more than demonstrated his depth of knowledge when it comes to Kgirls.  There is more to knowing about this business than just how many Kgirls you have seen.  Some guys have seen over a hundred, and still don't know anything about this business or how things are from a Kgirl's POV.  They just go in, enjoy the GFE, which is not real, pay and leave.  They only get the sanitized customer-version of things, not the real scoop, warts and all.  

Yons8 2 Reviews 78 reads
46 / 67

recognizing that public reviews don't account for everything when it comes to K-girl experience/knowledge. Just because you don't publicly display your "depth of knowledge", doesn't mean that it's not evident to the people you backchannel with. The majority of mongers don't even use this site, much less actively post on it.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 82 reads
47 / 67

Why even come here at all if you DO have knowledge but you will only share it by backchannel.  I've been hearing newbies make this same argument for years.  It's just like my alias point.  You can make all the claims you want about backchannel, but if you have real knowledge, and you want cred, you should share it once in a while here.  If you don't, we can only assume that it's because you don't know anything.   Most of the younger guys that I PM with are guys who originally demonstrated some Kgirl savvy on the boards, so I knew they were legit.   It's the same as the alias'.  Guys can get together and say we all know stuff that we backchannel.  Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.  We can only judge by what you say here, not what you claim to do elsewhere.  You made an honest point without the snark, so I gave you an honest answer.  

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 78 reads
48 / 67

You're surprised I'm falling for what?

The guy I quoted has like 300 reviews on here iirc between the alias and his regular handle. He was part of exclusive clubs including a certain league.  

Pretty much anyone from nova area knows who I'm talking about. Hell, some of them might have gotten access to some kgirl orgs there through him and his vouches.

I'm surprised that you, someone who claims to pay attention to detail, are so bad at paying attention to the board, posters, and so forth.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 87 reads
49 / 67

for reviews under the alias he is posting with  on this board and got zero reviews.  Sure you got the right guy?

BlueDragonDMV 111 reads
50 / 67

WOW! Rocket you are amazing! how you found time to dig out these records, as I mentioned, rather spend time w/ our lovely KDs instead of starting fights here! Plus I type SLOWLY. And, 300+ , seems you didn't find all the alias.
One last note, seems someone didn't know you can request to change your own alias. PEACE!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 74 reads
51 / 67

TER rules to post real life photos of other members.  Be careful you don't get banned.  LMAO

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 121 reads
52 / 67

Well, I might have misremembered. It was definitely over a 100 tho.

Yes,youd rather advertise/promote new orgs on here rather than "start fights" against people who blatantly make money off deceiving regular Joe's. Rather than fight that, you are with them - just like cdl. And it appears you won't hesitate to dessiminate pii of regular Joes even if they were already blacklisted.  

Seeing "kds" and fighting a fight against deception aren't mutually exclusive. I just don't have any problems biting hands that feed me, and chewing them down to bone gristle if needed (as per lies and deception and greed from the said hands)  

And cdl didn't get the fact that you were talking about him in that last sentence. Funny.  

-- Modified on 3/9/2022 11:28:22 AM

-- Modified on 3/9/2022 11:29:21 AM

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 79 reads
53 / 67

I think it's more like a KAgency photo. Kinda looks like the girl, but not real. Frankly, I doubt Felcher Boy is that tall or that thin, and he definitely doesn't have furniture that nice. So no TER rules violation there.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 92 reads
54 / 67

the girls I see.   I can't ever remember an instance where I saw a new girl, repeated with her for two hours, and that she didn't ask me for my phone number.  In fact, some just pick up my phone, dial their number and then hand me my phone back, saying, "be sure you put my number under the right name."  Lol     After that, if I want to talk to them or they want to talk to me, we just text.  I have over 400 Kgirl phone numbers on my contact list, so why do I need KT to talk to them?  From you saying this, it seems that service is used by girls who don't trust you with their phone numbers.  Retiring girls make sure I have their +82 number before they go back to Korea.  Why would you think I need a website "for talking" when they all give me their phone numbers?  It seems redundant for someone like me.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 83 reads
55 / 67

I've already had dozens of alias changes myself and have posted here about changing an alias from time to time. My point was that the alias you linked to claiming it was part of a 300-review total had NO reviews on the Alias he posts with, so again, we only have the word of you and other mongers that he has reviews somewhere else under some other name, only known by certain guys.   You have already shaved two thirds off your claim.  Should we have a bidding war and see if anyone else wants to go lower than 100.  LOL

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 82 reads
56 / 67

Because he changed his alias, goofie. Lol. When you change your alias, all your reviews get transferred and that alias can't be used anymore and it has zero reviews to his name.  

He's even admitted as much.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 112 reads
57 / 67

his alias, and now has no reviews showing, who is vouching for another guy with no reviews.   Thank you for making my point clearly and concisely.  

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 94 reads
58 / 67

What's hilarious is I believe JLL (and his alias), kyungjean and klient all know each other.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 86 reads
59 / 67

know each other.  So what?  I know Mufftime, but no one here would suggest that we get together for a beer now and then.  We just both happen to be in SoCal.  JLL knows Floorchump, too, but from the exchanges they have had here, I would NOT say they hang out together.  I don't get what your point is about "knowing" someone.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 83 reads
60 / 67

one of the guys who Kgirls do not trust to have their phone number.  This explains a lot.  Out of over 1200 Kgirls I have seen, one ONE ever brought up KT to me, so I looked into it, and didn't see any advantage to ME for using it.  They give me their phone numbers, so why do I need ANOTHER way to talk to them.  BTW, what is a "know nothing no one?"  You are free to ignore my intel and information here.  II would ignore yours if you ever posted any, but you don't.  You just come here for me to validate you, so okay, this is your March response.   Now you can splooge on your keyboard.  LOL

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 95 reads
61 / 67

You don't get it? OK, let me try to explain.

JLL, or rather his alias, should be very familiar with who klient is. He likely was in klients group.  
He should know about klient being a prolific monger and having inside connections.  


A vouch from klient, unlike a vouch from mufftime, goes a long way in NoVa or so I hear.
A klient vouch for Kyung saying he saw as many kgirls as him is a serious claim. A claim that jll probably can evaluate himself and compare to his kgirl visits.

Which is what you were alluding to anyway. Your statement was that jll has seen significantly more kgirls than kyung. Even tho you have no idea who Kyung is and your statement is just baseless assumptions based on you not liking someone.  

But klient knows them both.  

Hope it is more clear now. Happy Friday.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 105 reads
62 / 67

JLL knows me just about as much as you do, which is to say, not at all.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 79 reads
63 / 67

about the inner workings of the biz, and his few reviews are shit, so how am I supposed to know anything about his background?  Then the guy you say vouches for him is not showing any reviews.  I started out trying to give Kumstain and Floorchump the benefit of the doubt, but they came right out of the gate with personal attacks, so then I take a more critical look and start seeing they are not adding any info or intel to this board, so that seems like a glaring discrepancy to the claim that these guys are somehow bigtime Kgirl mongers.  I could be wrong, but I can't find any posts for either one that provides useful info for other members here.  Kumstain's claim that because I don't use KT, I have never talked to a Kgirl means he has a reading comprehension problem.  I have shared plenty of inside info about the business on this board.   I've lived with a couple and been in real-life relationships with over a dozen.  Being more than a customer is where you really learn everything about this business. When you are just a customer, you get limited info, especially if you have to use some communication App because they don't trust you with their phone number.  The cumulative effect of all of these stupid statements militates towards a conclusion that he has never been more than a paying customer, just like 50,000 other guys, and that's why his posts are so vapid.  

This is going to the right edge soon, so this is my last post about these losers on this branch.  

Yons8 2 Reviews 133 reads
64 / 67

KJ doesn't seem to know about the "inner workings" of the biz because he doesn't flap his mouth every chance he gets? Seems like you ascribe to the idea of gaudy "wealth". So performative.  

Yet another instance of your irrelevance being on display when you talk about people you don't know about. Bwahahaha.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 99 reads
65 / 67

Rocket did, so tell him.  The fact that he doesn't know you says a lot about YOU, not him.  He's got all kinds of cred here.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 94 reads
66 / 67

all the wrong assumptions, just like when you said it was highly likely that you were the ONLY one getting BB from a certain Kgirl.   That was a corker.  It made almost everyone here laugh.  Your explanation about Kumstain is so lame he is probably sitting there saying he wishes you would not try to help him.  What does "flapping" your mouth have to do with "gaudy wealth" (I don't even know what that means).  It seems you changed topics in the middle of a sentence.  How much education do you have?

What have you posted here in the way of info or intel from your personal experience that makes YOU relevant.   If there is anything, I must have missed it, so could you provide a link for us?  

bobby_orr 13 Reviews 126 reads
67 / 67

Know some Asian agencies that use Wechat, almost exclusively.

Problem with Wechat is you have to have someone vouch for you to get your account set up.
I and many others do not know someone who can do that, so we can't set up a Wechat account

So do not have access to those agencies.  Pretty dumb system

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