
I think one thing is certain for the current situation
36363jensen 4 Reviews 1514 reads

It is going to be very difficult for any new clients that might look to access the K-agencies, and possibly any of the Asian agencies. Probably could include other agencies but they might see it as a growth opportunity.

Houses also have to ask themselves about using multiple bookers.  Some bookers may not screen very well and that could lead to some issues.

Sure, but I don't think that is much of an issue outside California. Of course if that structure puts additional layers between the people that are providing the logistics might not matter as much.

Those kgirls who only have one booker for the purpose of their safety.  Cami, Asia, and Rebecca have told me its a safety issue for them and they seem to have enough business to not need additional bookers.

can fire any of them at any time.  I know of one top tier girl who had five bookers sending her customers but fired one because she said the customers he was sending were lower-class than what she normally gets.  With this example, I think you are right about some girls need to be concerned about the screening requirements of certain bookers.  

I didnt come up with it, but think about this .... which new clients would want to give up PII right now with these news ?

Which new clients?  All the ones who don't read full stories, or don't think about the news, or think it's far away on the EastCoast, or ... you can fill out the list once you catch the drift ...  
In other words, plenty of new clients "born every minute".

I'm sure that some will be thinking that. But consider this: Which new clients are interested in getting into some agency that is known to always lie about age of the providers working for them, always use fake and misleading pictures and will bully and blacklist you if you ever complained about anything?

Seems like lots have been doing just that even with people like you doing everything you can to call out even the smallest infraction they can find, often making it seem like that is the whole of the story and no redeeming aspects exist. But those agencies seem to keep on ticking like the energizer bunny.

Some will seek to get into the agency, and offer the requested info, out of ignorance or because they just don't think the risk is significant to them and some will do so because they simply lack the self control and want what the see or think is available in order to fulfill their fantasies and physical desires/wants. You yourself has describes the situation as one of addiction and not in a completely joking way. Those that do lack the discipline to keep it in their pants will likely offer up whatever they need to (not saying all who are more comfortable with giving personal info are in this category) to get screened and make their appointments. However, just because they would be willing to offer such information doesn't me the agency cares to accept it at this time. Will be interesting to see if in a few months we start seeing more posts about how unresponsive the K-agencies, or Asian agencies in general, are.

I guess I just don't see the korgs keeping the lid of exclusivity on for long enough.
The whole case exists only because of a female confidential informant who's incarcerated.  

No matter how well the org vets clients, if clients self-incriminate themselves, I'm not sure how does stricter screening help them. They will lay low for now, sure. But long term it doesn't make sense.  

As far as your quip about what I do I think it's pretty irrelevant. If I come off as only caring about the bad side and/or depicting it like there's no redeeming qualities, it's probably because many people already touch on good qualities so I feel redundant. Still I believe I mention constantly how kgirls are by far the best value service-wise in the industry.  
And I do visit them and I do find gems whom I can enjoy despite the org issues. After all we see and have sex with girls, not orgs. This is why I also never tell others to not use korgs or whatever. I just want the clients to have as much info and fairness in treatment. Anyway.  


Validas point I do agree with. But if they really gonna start exposing people off the client list, and the thing blows up... then I can see mongers being way more cautious. Or only mongers who have nothing to lose or don't care their name comes up in a report.

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