
How would you know what goes on and what
Harpman60 831 reads

Does not go on? You can't even distinguish the difference between Harpman and her-atm. Both have posted on the same thread on TER . If they were the same person TER would have flipped the alias and exposed the real username, but your role as a mole and snitch for the septic tank does not include knowing TER posting rules, use of alias restrictions, buying VIP , contributing anything of value to the discussion , not that you have the knowledge or mental equipment to contribute.  

What don't you understand about the word  banned ? The other site lifted their ban on Harpman , even created a fake account to show Harpmam as member, but Harpman shall never lower himself or give the septic tanks and the cockroaches who infest it the privilege of posting there again . His ban continues unabated .  

H60's ban of the septic tank that permits identity theft, that pays for reviews , that encourages  posting of fake , paid for and plagiarized reviews including thousands stolen from TER , a site that lacks the professional integrity and basic decency to correct and make whole provider profiles which they screwed up shall continue.  

How does it feel to be a mole for a charlatan  who made this statement about the rejects and misfits on his site in February 2013 "So being that my gripe is with the members that are on the low end of the spending scale ($250/hr), I know that you really have no log term value to the site." They may have deleted the post but the links and images of this comment and others will live for ever.
Posted By: gcwalk
You should not assume never, because it's been known to happen.
-- Modified on 11/2/2014 3:56:09 PM

Okay guys, just a question and a feeler. First of all I love to DATY a girl. Very sexy and I love giving them pleasure. DATY is very intimate and pleasurable for both parties involved. That being said, I have usually reserved this for real world girlfriend's that I have been dating a while and have been intimate with for a period of time. I am just curious as to the member's take on DATY with the K-girls. I have now been with a few, and dabbled just at bit but haven't gone full bore. Reasons are that who knows how many previous boys have had their dicks in there that day. I know that I can do a bit of research about STD transmission on my own, but I would be a bit hesitant for that reason. Any insight's for that particular area from the fella's? Also, it seems like I am there for my own pleasure, and yes, DATY on a beautiful woman is pleasurable in and of itself for me, do they really enjoy it? Or do most of them more or less play act out any pleasure just to make a guy's ego feel good?  
I know, could be viewed as a stupid question, but I am still new to the scene and just trying the take the pulse of how you guys feel about this issue. Please try not to flame me too much, as I am just looking for opinions and input. Thanks!

1st and foremost, what does ethnicity have to do with it?
K-Girl or any other provider has had many boys Tools down there.
If you want to make sure that is not the case, get an earlier session in the day, k-girl or not.

K-girls do not do BBFS, so, if you got a taste in your mouth it would be latex or lube if you are dining between CFS.

Hygiene is very important to K-Girls, most of the time they shower before and after every session, usually with you, which is nice but they clean themselves up every time. They are very clean, as I am sure other providers are.

As you can tell by my Moniker, I "love" Daty and if a provider enjoys it as well, homerun.

Not to flame on you but
If you cant tell if a girl, k-girl or not is enjoying your daty session, I think you may need to change your technique.

I find most girls I have been with Act at first, until they feel comfortable with me, its normal as I am new to them. Once they are comfortable, some of it may be acting, but, when she O's during Daty, its obvious.

I also do more then one session with ladies, as once they are comfortable with you, it gets much better.

gcwalk891 reads

You should not assume never, because it's been known to happen.

Harpman60832 reads

Does not go on? You can't even distinguish the difference between Harpman and her-atm. Both have posted on the same thread on TER . If they were the same person TER would have flipped the alias and exposed the real username, but your role as a mole and snitch for the septic tank does not include knowing TER posting rules, use of alias restrictions, buying VIP , contributing anything of value to the discussion , not that you have the knowledge or mental equipment to contribute.  

What don't you understand about the word  banned ? The other site lifted their ban on Harpman , even created a fake account to show Harpmam as member, but Harpman shall never lower himself or give the septic tanks and the cockroaches who infest it the privilege of posting there again . His ban continues unabated .  

H60's ban of the septic tank that permits identity theft, that pays for reviews , that encourages  posting of fake , paid for and plagiarized reviews including thousands stolen from TER , a site that lacks the professional integrity and basic decency to correct and make whole provider profiles which they screwed up shall continue.  

How does it feel to be a mole for a charlatan  who made this statement about the rejects and misfits on his site in February 2013 "So being that my gripe is with the members that are on the low end of the spending scale ($250/hr), I know that you really have no log term value to the site." They may have deleted the post but the links and images of this comment and others will live for ever.

Posted By: gcwalk
You should not assume never, because it's been known to happen.
-- Modified on 11/2/2014 3:56:09 PM

gcwalk579 reads

Same way you do, other than the fact that I don't dedicate most of my waking hours to researching

BobaBear790 reads

i enjoy daty but like you stated the thought of being the 2 or 4th guy of the day is too disgusting.

its a job for the girl but its unavoidable that some girls do orgasm.  whether daty or penetration.  so yes some girls do accept it and enjoy the moment

Maybe she has a papasan who she barebacks before coming to work and he left a surprise for you? I know it happens.

Harpman601185 reads

resident LA KDs have an SO and one even two children. Providing is only a job not their life.  

Bobostalker, however , doesn't have that problem because he is blacklisted for assaulting a KD, vandalizing her car , prowling in buildings looking for KDs to stalk , writing fake reviews and more recently attempting to steel the handles of other hobbyists honey to be exposed of TER and the blog.

Posted By: inicky46
Maybe she has a papasan who she barebacks before coming to work and he left a surprise for you? I know it happens.

BobaBear640 reads

but odds are hi if your her first appointment of the day she has cleaned herself and fresh.

i mean come on the girls are human not machines.  they need sleep and body can only work so much before pain etc.  the popular ones avg 8 guys a day you think she wants to have sex with her SO after that type of hard days work?

if you want fresh daty be her first appt of the day

Maybe it's the kimchee or the sushi but whatever it is I can't get enough of their honey. I just don't let other considerations inhibit me.

hey all,

I think it is summer eve, having been with a few Asian and limited nonasian. I learned many Asians Korean/Chinese/Japanese use summer eve. It affects the flavor and scent for their kitty and removes the latex/lube smell and taste.


Posted By: mrfisher
Maybe it's the kimchee or the sushi but whatever it is I can't get enough of their honey. I just don't let other considerations inhibit me.
wow! racist much... Kimchee to non-koreans smells awful, and sushi is Japanese.

gcwalk926 reads

you should check with Harpman on that one.  He's posted such information before (how'd that turn out?) since he does so much for Kgirls well being and is always looking to shine the most positive light on them.

Harpman601137 reads

presence in most most markets where they work is evidence that there is no shortage of clients and they are not all opening bats. This is a hobby of choice and you pay for the privilege.  

Irrespective of how providers advertise themselves and claim you can never be sure how many clients they see a day. It is not a hobby without risks including health risks.

Providers can be needle sharing iv drug users or see bisexual men who engage in bb gay sex and as low the risk of std's such as aid are transmitted from women to men are there are still risks some grater than others. Inform yourself of the risks by checking the Center for Disease Control.  

Always assume the worst and hope for the best . Monthly std testing should be an integral of any prolific hobbyist routine.  


Posted By: Cowboy21
Okay guys, just a question and a feeler. First of all I love to DATY a girl. Very sexy and I love giving them pleasure. DATY is very intimate and pleasurable for both parties involved. That being said, I have usually reserved this for real world girlfriend's that I have been dating a while and have been intimate with for a period of time. I am just curious as to the member's take on DATY with the K-girls. I have now been with a few, and dabbled just at bit but haven't gone full bore. Reasons are that who knows how many previous boys have had their dicks in there that day. I know that I can do a bit of research about STD transmission on my own, but I would be a bit hesitant for that reason. Any insight's for that particular area from the fella's? Also, it seems like I am there for my own pleasure, and yes, DATY on a beautiful woman is pleasurable in and of itself for me, do they really enjoy it? Or do most of them more or less play act out any pleasure just to make a guy's ego feel good?  
 I know, could be viewed as a stupid question, but I am still new to the scene and just trying the take the pulse of how you guys feel about this issue. Please try not to flame me too much, as I am just looking for opinions and input. Thanks!

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