
john0127 3932 reads

Everyone knows you are a paid spokesman so why don't you stop with the ass kissing and ball licking?  You are not even a genuine player.  If you are such an expert, where are your reviews?  None of your comments has any detail experience, just broad statements. Even a 13 year old can tell you are just advertising for them.

Also, whenever someone says anything bad about k-girls, you attack them viciously without any proof or evidence, I am sick of your crap. You don't even dare to post on the LA board.

Alias0071088 reads

some monetary stake, or at least, special favors from K-girls. Do people know if he's Korean?  
K-fans dare not offend him because he probably has influence with K-bookers to blacklist them.

Still cant get a date ?  So you are 13?  Ah that makes sense.  It must be tough going through those hormonal changes, but hey keep on stroking big P's ego and i'm sure he'll teach you how to be a man.

So why are you posting on the kgirl board?  Feeling lonely and needing some attention?  (big P, I'm so dissapointed that you arent taking care of your bitchhes better; at the least, you ought to be able to educate them how to argue with some coherrence).

Posted By: john0127
Everyone knows you are a paid spokesman so why don't you stop with the ass kissing and ball licking?  You are not even a genuine player.  If you are such an expert, where are your reviews?  None of your comments has any detail experience, just broad statements. Even a 13 year old can tell you are just advertising for them.  
 Also, whenever someone says anything bad about k-girls, you attack them viciously without any proof or evidence, I am sick of your crap. You don't even dare to post on the LA board.

john0127916 reads

I post on this board because there are retards like you who think k-girls are the best there is.  you will never venture outside the states so i don't need to share my experience with you. I rather spend double or three times as much money than to have sex with those factory workers. How much out of the 300 do you think they can keep?  Why do you think they have sex with a dozen guys a day?  Because they don't even keep that much per head.  

Also, why are you guys so afraid to get blacklisted by the bookers?  What's the big deal?  It's laughable to think you need to earn their good grace like they are deities or something.  They just schedule people for sex. They should be the ones begging you, not the other way around.

How is that for coherence?   You did not even refute my original argument with any sensible response. That 13-year-old-can't-get-a-date line just shows how mentally weak you are.

"I post on this board because there are retards like you who think k-girls are the best there is."

I'm not a Harp fan, but that's irrelevant to your respone to RD. WTF do you care who or what another person's preference may be?  Or the details of how a K-girl's fee is allocated? MYOFB.

He clearly can't read, or he would have seen Harpy's recent and numerous posts on the LA board.

No reviews? Hmm, how many does John have?

Paid spokesperson? Which indy is John pimping for?

This retard attacking Harpman is no more than a fly buzzing around a lion's mane.

Go home, kid. You are way out of your league.

john0127773 reads

Oh really?  What has Herpes man said about K girls on LA board?  None, cus everyone knows he is a fake.

Why do I need to write reviews about K-girls?  I don't even like them.  If Herpes man think they are so great, why doesn't he share his awesome experience?

No one. I don't kiss anyone's ass unlike you.  

Lion's mane?  more like an old man's stinking hairy butt.

the kid knows more than you, grandpa.

sadsap846 reads

Very well stated brenn, you've addressed unsubstantiated accusations without giving any credibility to this kids post.

I guess the haters are running out of accounts and are recruiting their kids and grandkids to help them out LOL!

-- Modified on 9/3/2013 9:31:05 AM

john0127853 reads

Well stated how? What did he address? Which part of my accusation is unsubstantiated?

H man hasn't shared his experience with any k girls despite being their supreme advocate. Why is that?  None of you has responded to my "unsubstantiated accusation".

If you think brenn is brilliant, then you are more retarded than him. And yes, you are a sad sap.

john0127879 reads

I remember reading Harpy man's "weekly recommendation".  According to him, every single K girl is the best and you have to try before you die.

he's seen, who he is or what he does - doesn't mean that your assumptions are correct. You should stick to talking about things you know about and keep your dim witted conjecture to yourself.

john0127926 reads

Another pointless reply.  still didn't address my dim witted conjecture - hopman doesn't have any reviews nor does he share any personal experience with k-girls, yet he praise them like greek goddess.

I know the best k-girls are found in korea, not LA. Half of your 300 is spent on getting the girls here and setting up room and board.

"hopman doesn't have any reviews"  
Not where YOU can see them. How do you know what he does elsewhere? And by the way - neither do YOU.

"nor does he share any personal experience with k-girl"
Not with YOU. What do you know about what he shares with the rest of us?  

"yet he praise them like greek goddess."
No, he praises them like Korean Godesses - which they are.

"I know the best k-girls are found in korea, not LA"
Really? How do you know this?

"Half of your 300 is spent on getting the girls here and setting up room and board"
Really? I'd like to see your math on that.

You are talking out your ass for the sake of starting arguments. Harps has been a huge help and has shared ridiculous amounts of intelligence and experience. Just because YOU don't receive it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.  Your post has been answered. He does, he does and he's right. Now go crawl back under your bridge, troll.

john0127980 reads

Because I have seen high class korean escorts in person under bright lights in a hotel room, not in some dim lighted apartment. The high class ones look like K pop stars and they don't fock a dozen guys a day. You also don't need to kiss booker's ass in Korea. But of course you won't see real korean goddesses in your miserable life.

How do you think they pay for food and board?  It's not like they have another job. They can't even work legally.

I don't need his "intelligence and experience" because they are just advertisement.  maybe you are stupid enough for believe him

Panthera12906 reads

as to why the room was so dark. You saw a ladyboy, not a K-Girl. The telltale signs are all there according to your own description, but you did leave out that "she" had a sausage

john0127808 reads

no she was a k girl, just an ugly one with bad attitude.  

Posted By: Panthera12
as to why the room was so dark. You saw a ladyboy, not a K-Girl. The telltale signs are all there according to your own description, but you did leave out that "she" had a sausage.  

Panthera12692 reads

going to judge you for that especially if it was accidental. You probably should have bolted as soon as you heard "her" voice or perhaps she trapped you and pinned you down.

That would explain Johnny-boy's rage. He should have done a package check first!

-- Modified on 9/4/2013 9:19:23 AM

Not that there anything wrong with that, but I think you want the forums next to this one.  Best of luck.


Anybody care to guess his previous user ID? I think it's pretty obvious at this point. Same tune, different name.

john0127825 reads

Same tune?  There is hardly another poster who speaks with clarity and rationality as I do.  Not one of you has been able to refute my statements that Harpman is simply a paid spokesman.

Just read your old posts. You know, the ones under your previous user ID.

By the way, it's time to scrap this user ID, as well. Since you, once again, have lost all credibility with your insane ranting & raving. Go ahead now, create a new ID. And try not to sound like such a moron next time

Wow, why do hostile? Harpman has proven to be an extremely reliable source of info on the L.A. k-girl scene. I have never gone wrong following his recommendations.

Yes, I agree, he doesn't post reviews on TER, but he does let his fellow k-girl lovers who is hot and who is not.

As for being a player, I have gotten inside info from Harpman that has been absolutely amazing. I still can't figure out how he gets the info, but I'm grateful that he's willing to share it with a few trusted hobbyists.

As for his shills, TER does allow shilling on Fridays, so Harpman is breaking no rules & is free to post his shills, for which I, for one, an grateful

john0127757 reads

I am hostile because H man is hostile toward anyone who speaks ill of the K girls. If you read my original post, you can see that I am pretty tame but there are a lot of people here who cannot take any criticisms.

You question should be why are people so hostile toward anyone who doesn't like k-girls?

Shills?  He is the only one who does shilling.  There aren't even much shilling on the LA board.

Uh oh someone forgot their meds. Quit assuming you know when you don't know anything. What a tool!!

Posted By: john0127
Everyone knows you are a paid spokesman so why don't you stop with the ass kissing and ball licking?  You are not even a genuine player.  If you are such an expert, where are your reviews?  None of your comments has any detail experience, just broad statements. Even a 13 year old can tell you are just advertising for them.  
 Also, whenever someone says anything bad about k-girls, you attack them viciously without any proof or evidence, I am sick of your crap. You don't even dare to post on the LA board.

john0127897 reads

What did I assume?  is it not true that he has no reviews?  is it not true he attack anyone who speaks negatively about k-girls?  is it not true that he posts "weekly recommendations" that just basically recycle the same shiet.

reviews for one reason or another.

Harpman has stated many times that he does not review, at least under that name.  And, I'm not saying that he does under a different name.  I don't care if he does or doesn’t review as it has no affect on me or my opinion of him.  

Harpman has been generous to share information, all kinds, with those that he trusts.  I’ve always appreciated his willingness to share his thoughts and information.

I think it's great that you've been to Korea and saw some fine escorts there. If you're not a fan of the K-girls here, you are not alone and that's okay.  If you prefer to pay more, that’s all good.  To each their own.  It's not feasible or convenient for many of us to fly to Korea just to get laid, but I’m not against it.  I’m sure it would be a great trip.

This discussion board wasn't started for people to badmouth the scene and it's supporters.  Those kinds of negative posts are self-serving and don’t assist anyone who is interested in this segment of the hobby.

I don’t get why some people by their own admission, have no interest in k-girls or local k-girls but still feel a need to post here.  Their posts are rarely, if ever, helpful and more often than not feature a negative angle towards the k-girls and those that enjoy them.  To be fair, random posts that declare that k-girls are great aren’t helpful either.  


All you've done on the 2 posts I've read of yours is assume. So I repeat quit assuming!!! You are desperately on the outside looking in and do not know the slightest bit about the k-scene let alone to try and explain the process to people on this board.

On your previous post you admit you are a newbie who just saw his 1st K-girl. Then you go on to say "reguardless of the provider you are not going to like the room  and the setup". Really genius? You lost all credibility right there. A newbie who just saw his first girl now knows how all the girls are and how their so called set up is. Again, What is your agenda (losing business so trying to turn the tide)?

Harpman doesn't have reviews but neither do you. But Harpman has given me and many others HELPFUL and very USEFULL information and advise through PM's. And he has helped enough people that his credibilty is intact.  People who he can trust and are not douche bags. Sorry but I doubt you'll be getting any helpful advise from him anytime soon. But you on the other hand are a newbie consistently assuming and generalizing. You have no credibility whatsoever. I think there are enough people who can vouch for Harpman's credibility that he doesn't need to prove anything to you or anyone else.  

Do you have proof that he is a "paid spokesman"? Wow the silence is deafening! Again what is your agenda? I've read posts by him criticizing booker and owners. Hardly something a paid spokeman would be advised to do.

And "weekly shilling"- it's allowed so if he really likes a provider what do you care. If you don't like it then just move along. If it wasn't allowed the board wouldn't post it. Oh I get it if we don't play the way Johnnie boy wants to play he's going to tell on us or take his ball and go home.

Now I get it if the K-girl you saw was not your thing.  Fair enough it was your experience. But quit acting like a know it all after "1" experience. Maybe Asian girls aren't your thing or more likely you have an agenda. But for a "newbie" to go after an experienced member, really? Go bark up another tree.

aadman, I definitely 100% agree with you on that!  Harpman has helped out a lot of people that he knows and that's why he is well liked and respected by everyone that knows him including me!  I think that this guy john0127 is just a wretched troll and he's probably never even seen a K-girl or been to Korea.

-- Modified on 9/4/2013 7:18:00 PM

That is what you are. Harpman has been around a long time and given many people great advice and has seen more K-dolls than you will see in many lifetimes. How do you know he does not have any reviews ass-hat, Harpman is not the only handle he has had over the years. You have some nerve trying to put down an icon of the K-doll hobby. I would suggest you try some way to make amends.

It's really this simple.  If you know anything legit about the LA K-Girls, then you recognize that Harpman deals the straight up truth.  Now, you might not always agree with his taste in K-Girls, but you know that he knows.


I once say you are an ass clown and make up a new ID we know who you are.

He's helped me many times over the past two years with navigating the K scene. He has also never been wrong.

You've never seen me shill K-girls, nor post much but you will see I have a decent review history.

I support Harpman in every way.

He doesn't need to answer to your belittling, ignorant statements based on just posts on a board.

Posted By: john0127
Everyone knows you are a paid spokesman so why don't you stop with the ass kissing and ball licking?  You are not even a genuine player.  If you are such an expert, where are your reviews?  None of your comments has any detail experience, just broad statements. Even a 13 year old can tell you are just advertising for them.  
 Also, whenever someone says anything bad about k-girls, you attack them viciously without any proof or evidence, I am sick of your crap. You don't even dare to post on the LA board.

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