
post session behavior
willhoim 4110 reads

Is it normal for the kgirls PO to pass by after the session when heading to your vehicle? One specific provider in San Jose likes to walk by and check me out after I finish my session. It didnt really bother me until this last time. A second korean man started approaching my truck aggressively trying to get my attention but then the light turned green and I bounced. Just curious if they like to keep a close eye on customers. Seems kind of dangerous running up on a stranger in their vehicle since they could be armed!

-- Modified on 6/7/2024 5:23:14 PM

I've never heard of a provider walking out and checking a mongers car out. Usually kgirls are getting ready for the next customer or enjoying a brief break they most often need. Unless maybe it's the last appointment.  

There was - a long time ago - a story about a guy who'd wait for mongers to park for an appt and would break into their cars. Im not sure how he could distinguish mongers cars from other cars up until they'd get out tho. I didn't hear about it at the time either so not sure how accurate.  

I know many people laugh at me being cautious, but I try not to park in designated spots if possible, Park away if possible, watch my surroundings, and also use the app that detects airtags in case someone wants to track my car.

Also you said second Korean man. Was there another Korean man?

willhoim36 reads

yes, two men, one i see every time even at different buildings in same area and the second guy i only saw this last time. I thought he was trying to snap a pic but my windows are blacked out. just strange and concerning.

And I would bet it's a better chance that THEY are, if they're with a Korg!

You say "One specific provider" -- a room mate of the one you see or something?  As for the man, if you're strangers what makes you think he is connected to the agency?  

But to my knowledge none have ever done that to me. But not in that market so maybe it's BA thing. Once there was some scheduled repair work at the location that was happening a bit after my session and the booker was there to meet with the repairmen so she introduced herself to me at the end of the session. The only other time I've had direct interactions with anyone related to the business was an accident. They were bringing in food to stock the kitchen for the girls at the end of the day. They showed up at the door with all the boxes just as I was leaving. The booker was not happy they had not waited longer. I just had a bit of a laugh about it -- said Hi and helped bring some of the stuff in the hall into the appratment before leaving. So my take is they don't want most people having a clue what any of them look like, exept who you are sessioning with.

I would think either something else is going on -- maybe you dropped something (but assume you would have figured that out later) or he wanted to see about renting your truck for a quick job or something like that. Or a mad neighbor which would be of concern.

willhoim41 reads

Just a guess as i see the one guy every time and at different sites managed by same org.

same guy is watching/following you, and you aren't afraid, why not just confront him!
And I mean just ask him, not anything physical, why are you following me.  
He just might be the owner of a few buildings, not a few kgirls!

r8669540 reads

I would suspect an annoyed neighbor than the PO.  

I guess I never thought much about it, but I never assumed POs live in the same complex. In fact I'd be surprised they did; why pay that much rent when they could live anywhere, even overseas and out of LE reach?

Yes, bookers do check us out, in person, from time to time. No one has ever chased my car before. That's insane. But on several occasions, bookers have spied me as I entered or exited the k-pad. I don't even think they are trying to hide it. Once in a while, I think they just want to confirm that you are who you say you are. (Age range, ethnicity, etc.) It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's very easy to spot them. Some have even nodded and smiled as they walked by, as if to say, "Thank you for your business."

From time to time meaning not only the first time?

Idk I find it hard to believe. I know in the bay area some booker dont even live here.

Let's take candygirl booker and apply probability theory

Cgla books like 50+ girls between several locations and I think it has max of two bookers. Currently they have only one number.  

Two bookers cannot obviously be at like five locations at once as it's physically impossible.

Even if we consider all girls rooming with each other, it's still 30+ apartments all across socal for two bookers to traverse.

I also don't see what's the point of doing it unless it's someone who is completely new to the game. Honestly seems like a waste of time.

with that.
I have a pretty good rapport with a few bookers over a long time and I would be surprised if they didn't talk to me if they saw me.

It's happened to me at the legendary WLA hotspot more than once. And also at a DTLA hotspot. Oddly enough, though, never at any of the MW or Ktown hotspots. And, no, not just on the first visit.

Who knows. Maybe the bookers wanted to see why their k-girls like me so much!

I would be extremely cautious about this. Most POs are Asian and usually female as others have mentioned. If this is a non-Asian (assume Korean or Chinese) check him out for cameras or earpieces.  

I've never had this type of experience before and usually try to blend in with the community around. Also, I try to use a different exit route than how I entered. Most of these incalls have multiple entrances/exits so keep an eye open for these

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