
Blue Toast
JakeLuvsIt2 22 Reviews 5409 reads

What does this mean?

Blue Toast is a serving of mouthwash (typically blue) that the lady offers you, as part of the cleaning-up preliminaries along with shower and/or thorough handwashing.

First, just to be nice at the start, it's a reference to mouthwash. Pretty much EVERY K-girl session (and most others as well) start with a trip to the bathroom. Step one there is freshening (and sanitizing) your mouth.


However, that you're even asking means that you've apparently didn't even try to search.

that in this day and age, google to name one source, people don't have the thought to try to get an answer before they ask a question!
To simplify this, do a web/net search and see if you can get your answer first!
There is a lot of stuff out there!

or even just use the search function for the discussion boards on TER.

I get it when someone sees a new term in a thread and just asks rather than searching, but starting a thread with this type of question is kinf of lazy. But at least the OP now has an aswer.

Posted By: badger48
Re: It amazes me
that in this day and age, google to name one source, people don't have the thought to try to get an answer before they ask a question!  
 To simplify this, do a web/net search and see if you can get your answer first!  
 There is a lot of stuff out there!
Posting a question on a discussion forum is doing a search.  It's just like Googling a question, where you get an answer from the Internet community.  The only difference is that Googling provides a passive response from a static webpage, while posting a question on a discussion forum provides an active response.  
In other words, posting a question in a discussion forum is interactive learning.  There's nothing illegitimate or lazy about it.  Some people simply prefer to acquire information through a dialogue.  A discussion forum is the appropriate place to for a discussion.
If you're thinking of protesting that posting a question requires someone else to post a response, let me stop you by pointing out that would be a BS argument.  No one is obligated to post a reply.  If you think it's too much work, don't post a response.  There are plenty of other people on a discussion forum who like discussing things and enjoy imparting knowledge through active conversations.  For them, replying isn't work.  It's the actual point of being here.  

get some info up front and then ask your questions on the boards.
But we all know this is a Bull Shit reply!

Posted By: badger48
Re: Do a search,
get some info up front and then ask your questions on the boards.  
 But we all know this is a Bull Shit reply!
You believe interactive learning is bullshit?  Really?  Why?  Persuade me.  Why is acquiring information through a dialogue rather than reading a static page illegitimate or lazy?

scaled back posting on this board in the past year is that there is a plethora of newbies posting here asking the SAME questions over and over again.  It makes for pretty boring reading for the many veterans here.  How much time do we want to spend here answering the same questions from every newbie that joins and then fails to take advantage of the search button?  I just did a search of "blue toast" for the last six months and got about ten hits.  I didn't start posting on this board until I had ten reviews under my belt.  I just read what the veterans were saying and learned from it in silence.  

You say, "posting a question in a discussion forum is interactive learning," but you can also substitute "learning" with "laziness", "ignorance", "annoyance", or a dozen other terms even LESS flattering.  

Might work on some STI's!

served at breakfast time!

I love to gargle with my KGirl before DFK them and eating their pussy.  It’s a Korean tradition or some strange shit they all do.

in San Diego about 2010 that would leave the Listerine in her mouth, get into the shower with you, and then take your dick in her mouth WITH the Listerine still there.  I asked her why she did it, and she said if the guy jerks away then it's because he has an open sore on his dick, in which case, everything after than moment for the remainder of the hour was covered.  Don't know if the science would back her up.  Overkill?  Perhaps, but you could not talk her out of it.  Lol

Wanted to actually toast and touch paper cups before gargling.

I literally toast with 80% of the girls yo yo ( i need more viets in my life)

At least 80%.

I guess TER no longer allows Hangul in posts. My original response was gonbae! but also written in Hangul to make it more authentic ;-) Looks like that got deleted but though it was posted when submitted.

Maybe it's just me then. LOL

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