
A very vivid portrait of your date . . . .
rgh550 57 Reviews 2445 reads
1 / 18

K-Girling Off the Grid!!!

No names but several years ago an ATF offered me her personal cell. I didn’t text her because I didn’t want to be creepy but when we got hit with COVID lockdowns, the cell number became a crucial link to my ATF. I would correspond with her, inquire on her health and transfer a little money to her since lockdowns put a crimp in her cash flow.  She never asked for any money but I knew she needed money and she was very appreciative. I didn’t transfer a lot of money but over 6 months it probably amounted to five thousand. ?????  (Just a fraction of the alimony I pay my ex MONTHLY. Lol). No strings attached.  She always thanked me profusely. After vaccines everything started to light back up on the grid and I figured my ATF would move on with business as usual. I continued to see her once or twice a month with my usual very generous donation. It has been 3 years. I never mentioned the COVID relief I gave her.  

Well, last week she texted me to set up a dinner date.  She insisted on picking the restaurant and paying for dinner.  Geoffrey’s in Malibu. She wanted to meet me there.  

This ATF is, as many describe her in the reviews, older but very attractive with a body of a 20 year old.  She is a very hot milfy GFE 40+ year old who lives in the US. She is a class act. She is without a doubt my AAATF.  

I walk in and tell hostess I was meeting “xxx” (her real name) for dinner but I’m a little early.  The hostess says, “Oh, well “xxx” is already here, sitting out on the patio”. Early! I like Early!

XXX was gorgeous!  Dressed to the T’s!  Evening gown, hair styled in high fashion, make up professionally done, jewelry fingernails high heels!!! And she had a little cashmere sweater on her lap for later when the temperature drops.  WOW!!!

I kissed her on the cheek and gave her a white flower corsage to highlight her beautifully tanned body. She clipped it on her gown, right side…she knows how to pwear a corsage!!!  Think Prom date. I was dating the Prom Queen!!!  

I’m not going through all the details of this dinner date except to say it was the best experience I ever had.  I had a wad of C-notes that I was going to give her but her clutch purse was too tiny and she never gave me a chance to slip her any cash.  Drinks she ordered were non alcoholic. I did same because if she was going to pay, drinks double the bill.  Besides she was intoxicating to my senses without any need for alcohol. We had  Appetizers. Entree. Dinner. Dessert. We shared everything. 3 hours.  We stayed for sunset.  

I must say I was thoroughly entertained.  It was obvious I was the envy of all the guys at Geoffrey’s. Me, in my late sixties. Lol. I’m not dumpy but I’m also no rockstar. I dressed very well for the date with new threads I recently bought after shedding 25 pounds of COVID weight.  I’m just 10 pounds away from not being overweight. Lol. XXX weighs in at 120 and at 5’6” she is beautifully proportioned.  I thought about getting the waiter to photograph us…I actually think XXX would have been ok with the photo.  

At the end of the evening the waiter presented XXX with the bill (she gave waiter her credit card before I arrived) so I never saw the bill but it must have been at least $$$.  When we left an Uber was in the parking lot ready for her.  

I have to say my head is still spinning.  I’ve thanked her for the evening several times and she continues to thank me for everything I’ve done for her.  

I’m back on the grid but I’m actually hoping for another opportunity to help XXX. Another Pandemic?  Lol.  

How about you guys?  Any of you “dated” a KGirl off the grid?  I know CDL has mentioned dating Kgirls.  It was truly the best experience I ever had in my entire life!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 92 reads
2 / 18

I felt like I was watching from the next table.  The detail was much appreciated.  

For a minute, I thought she was a girl I had also dated a few years ago, but then you mentioned no drinks, and the girl I was thinking of would have ordered at LEAST one bottle of wine (one glass for me and 3 for her - Lol), regardless of who was paying.  

A lot of the guys here miss opportunities for these kinds of dates because they don't have "regulars" that they see, but having been 30 once myself, I know at that age, guys are less interested in the social aspect and the connection, and more interested in the pussy and then going after the next hot girl.    

I call these "customer appreciation" dates, and most of the mature Kgirls (35+) will go out to dinner on a no-sex social date with their regulars OTC, and as you learned, will sometimes pay the bill as a "thank you" for your continued patronage and loyalty as a regular customer.  If you are seeing a girl once a week, you can expect one of these every three or four months if you are a good conversationalist and fun to be around.  Sounds like you nailed this one.  

These are not the same kinds of dates you have if you have become a Kgirl's real life boyfriend, but they are still fun and usually cost less money than taking your screaming grandkids to Disneyland.  Lol

rgh550 57 Reviews 89 reads
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Yes, customer appreciation or loyalty program or frequent flyer points program. Lol.  It’s all good.  

I do have a retired UTR C-Girl Milf I see very often for the past 5 years.  She is much more of a girlfriend.  She has a 22 yo daughter who lives with her.  She doesn’t require financial support bc she runs a tiny boutique clothing store in China and has some online beauty supply business her in US.  I still do things for her like Best Buy gift cards, round trip  tickets to China etc etc.  I recently leased her daughter an entry level Mercedes as college graduation gift.  She owns a home in OC. It’s a long drive to see her but seeing her as a successful business woman after many years in the escort world makes me happy.  

We all have some degree of commitment to these KJCTV-Girls we see.  Some commit more than others.  And in turn some KJCTV-Girls reciprocate either through kindness or appreciation dates.  They are human.  I see my donation as just that…a donation to make them just that much happier to see me.  

Contrast the KJCTV-Girl relationship with marriage.  Both at some level is transactional.  One is state institutionalized while the other is not only not institutionalized, it is forbidden in this country.  As a Libertarian I reject Puritan oversight on my BCD activities of normal human behavior. KJCTV-Girls Fit into my Libertarian view of the real world.  “Don’t Tread On Me”. Lol.  

BTW, my KJCTV-Girl abbreviation can be expanded per an individual’s tastes. I could easy add more letters, especially if I lived in Hawaii, like I once did.

TrailerparkRomeo 3 Reviews 92 reads
4 / 18

I don't date providers.  I'm maybe 25 years younger than you are and I've been seeing providers for about 20 years.  I run parallel lives where providers fill one role to me and civilian dates fill another.  I separate these out clearly and there is no overlap.

Providers are great for what I pay them to do.  Entertain me and make it where I can have fun and then leave with zero responsibility or second thought.  It's a transaction.  That doesn't mean it's cold or impersonal, but the money is a trade, absolving me of the responsibility of texting later and asking them how they feel, or taking time out of my day for them to vent about what happened at the mall the other day.  I'm paying to not have to do those things.

Women I date fill a different role.  I look for inspiration.  I've been fortunate enough to meet so many amazing women that I've learned things from about myself, or the world, or who they are and what they do.  Those are who I take out in public and I've got a lot of respect for.  They're financially independent, attractive, smart, but also aren't playing games.  So I don't spend the night unless I feel like I want to be on the hook for all the things I mentioned above.  Comparing a K girl provider to one of them would be like a sick joke.  It's like comparing the cashier at McDonald's to a surgeon as far as level of conversation goes.  It's a whole other level.

I've been asked out by Kgirls (not often but it has happened) and I won't do it.  Because I have zero interest in taking time out to go sit down somewhere and hear about what's on a provider's mind.  I don't really care.  There's no real value add and my time is better spent paying them the going rate to get some relief and then going on an actual date with someone with a lot of value to add.  Also I know they'll inevitably ask me for money and I'd just laugh.  

I'll pick up the check with a civilian, no problem, but I'm not giving someone money to take time out of their day.  I'm the prize so you're either with it or not.  And if not, I'll find someone else.  It's not personal.  Most men are worth pretty much nothing, even if they have a lot of money.  I go in knowing this and knowing my value so I don't budge on that part.  At the end of the day, I can just go eat alone and still have a blast being me.  That's the way I see it.

zebrazebra 46 Reviews 94 reads
5 / 18

very interesting and i always enjoy reading your posts and reviews. i'm about 35 years younger than you and i must say. your generation really knows how to treat a lady right and i am sure they enjoy it too. i don't have a lot of money or life experience so i can't really compete with you LOL but i have a lot to learn as well. thanks for sharing!

rgh550 57 Reviews 99 reads
6 / 18

Well, fuck you and horse you rode in on!


25 years younger?  25 years ago I was mainstream normal guy who stayed on the straight and narrow. 5 years later and 2 fucking combat tours later, I stopped the straight and narrow.  Now I indulge in whatever I want without flexing my muscles or beating my chest.  

Enjoy your fucking little manhood.

rgh550 57 Reviews 88 reads
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You fuck chicks in Tijuana?   Geez.  I would rather stay home and wack off. lol.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 111 reads
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Tijuana reviews were from 2007.  Tijuana had some pretty hot girls back during that time, but now, if they are smart and hot, they just walk across the border and work here.  Same girls, higher price.  

My fraternity used to take road trips back in my college days and a Tijuana fuck with a decent girl was about $20.  Higher end girls would go bareback for $50, but on a student's budget, we would rather fuck two girls with a rubber and get change back from our $50.  Hygiene was not near what Kgirls offer.  For the guys that chose bareback in a place like that, the incidence of STI's was understandably high, but it was pre-HIV, and we got free treatment at the university clinic.  

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 86 reads
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Posted By: rgh550

K-Girling Off the Grid!!!  
 No names but several years ago an ATF offered me her personal cell. I didn’t text her because I didn’t want to be creepy but when we got hit with COVID lockdowns, the cell number became a crucial link to my ATF. I would correspond with her, inquire on her health and transfer a little money to her since lockdowns put a crimp in her cash flow.
Was her cash flow really affected if all of the guys on her roster were presumably sending her money? I'd think a better use of your time and money moving forward would be to just pay for dinner dates...

sunnyday1 134 Reviews 96 reads
10 / 18


Please chime in. Lol. You are the EC expert on this.


sunnyday1 134 Reviews 87 reads
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Have you ever been to Tijuana bro? The Hong Kong Club is like the Telemundo auditions, gorgeous Latinas of every size shape and color from wall to wall.


Billy D 65 Reviews 92 reads
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Douchebag, thy name is Romeo. I'm gonna bet the size of your dick is inversely proportional to your grossly inflated opinion of yourself.

TrailerparkRomeo 3 Reviews 102 reads
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Could be.  Either way I don't care.  When I'm paying money I'm there for my enjoyment.  Not for anyone else.  It can be 2 inches and as long as I get what I want I'm not worried about anything else.

TrailerparkRomeo 3 Reviews 95 reads
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And that's not mentioning the ones that are strictly internet, who are a cut above that.

Guys just want to bash people who don't worship providers.  They worship them and so they see guys like me as a threat.  Even though I write honest reviews and give realistic scores.  We're on the same team but these guys act like I'm competition.  When I flat out say I don't date providers.  

TrailerparkRomeo 3 Reviews 100 reads
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No flexing here.  The question was if anyone else gives money to date K girls.  My answer is no and I have my rationale.  Everyone is different.  I may like a certain food that you don't.  I don't find it threatening to me if you have a different taste than I do.

You do you.  If you feel like handing over wads of cash for a provider to grace you with her presence and let you pick up the check then she's very lucky to have someone like that.  She'll just never get it from me, of course.

SEVENNY 83 Reviews 85 reads
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I, too, procured a cell phone from my ATF K-girl since she moves around a lot between cities across the country. I didn't use it yet not knowing how she will perceive it and since I haven't seen her in a bit (she isn't in the area), wondering what to say so it doesn't seem creepy.  Advice?

36363jensen 4 Reviews 80 reads
17 / 18

I hate to make this type of response here but your question seems a bit in the vein of asking how much a boat costs. The answer to that boat question is "If you have to ask you cannot afford it." I think the answer to your question is if you don't already have the type of relationship where you're talking with the woman as a friend, rather than the usual in-session talk, you probably should not be calling her.

That said, how might you avoid sounding creepy when you call other people on a personal level rather than professional/busing level? I don't think there are any real secrets here, she is just an other human being.

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 94 reads
18 / 18

Just my $0.02 - if you didn't text her the same day she gave you her number, or the next day, it's probably too late. Every time a KGirl has given me her number I text her a cute message or an emoji or two immediately after the appointment telling her how much fun I had with her. Her response dictates how frequently I text her thereafter.
Also, when I make my next appointment I send her a text a couple of hours before the appointment letting her know I'm on her schedule and I'm looking forward to our time together. Again, her response tells me whether she wants the texts to continue. If I get the feeling she's into it then I'll move on to asking her if she wants to have lunch or dinner on her day off and see how she responds.

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