
Asian world
MellowSoul 120 Reviews 4540 reads

How has your experiences been with this org and bookers? Thinking about getting verified or whatever.

to do this?  There are no trannie Kgirls at the agencies, just so you know.  With that said, if you don't have a significant history with Kgirls in SoCal, they will screen using your employment verification.  If you are not comfortable with this type of verification, don't waste your time applying.  If you're okay with it, go to their website and fill out the application.

Top notch and 100% confidential. Been with them for almost 10 years and have never had any issues. They bring in super hot girls also.

their girls is consistently high in both looks and service, although back in the day, they would have multiple legends to choose from.  Some SoCal Kgirls earned their Legend status while working there, so you never know when a new girl is going to rise to the top.  

Aya was one who only worked there.  Her original roommate, Sugar (later Bobo in LA and OC) started there.  Pink/Tomi worked there longer than she did anyplace else.  Viet Nicki worked only there.  Hiroko started there. These five became legendary for their service and were often booked solid so new guys sometimes had to wait a week to get an appointment.

that just came to mind . . . .  Viet Tien, Snow, and Flynn, who all had some of highest scoring Kgirl averages by reviewers.  All three worked only for this booker in SoCal.  

Who are the legends in Socal working now? So many guys want to talk about days gone by but who cares if they are retired? I never understood that bent. Cheers!

Ran by same guy who runs sdаg under a different name.  
Hosts scoop2019 and sdasiаngirls site on same hosting service and same girls.

Has bunch of h_umaniplex accounts like firstasians.  
(SD division has clubunistar, Hawaii rocks, splashme)  

This booker will try his best to figure out who you are (remember how it's heavy screening according to cdl) and will threaten you for any review of seven and below.

Frankly, he should get the same treatment he got with Sdаg by ter.  

-- Modified on 10/19/2023 7:48:19 PM

-- Modified on 10/19/2023 7:51:26 PM

your claim of blacklisting.  Now it's threats.  So I will ask you again.  Can you name any monger usernames on TER that wrote a low review and was then "threatened?"  You have such a furtive imagination for drama I can't wait to see how you plan to support your claim.   You totally failed on the blacklisting claim.  You couldn't come up with a single name that had been blacklisted at SDA for a bad review.  Congrats on taking down the top, and sometimes the only agency, that SD mongers had with a complete lie.  You're a real piece of work.    Now these guys have to go with sketchy indies or drive north to OC or LA.  I thought you were pro-monger.  Doesn't look like it.  Are you going to pay their gas to go to LA?  

Do you have a link that shows where I said screening was "heavy?"  It's not, they will accept employment verification or P411.  That's not heavy unless you are paranoid.  It takes ten minutes.  

Frankly, you should get a grip and stop making claims you can't prove with even ONE example.  You have tanked your cred on this one.  

-- Modified on 10/19/2023 10:41:53 PM

I didn't walk anything back. I only speak the truth. If the truth hurts, it's not my problem. There was no lie here.  

The booker threatens anyone who gives lower grade with blacklisting.

It is well documented with many people saying they were contacted by the booker about their anonymous reviews. And now we have the proof which they promptly brought down.  


I AM pro-monger. And I view it as my duty to report wrongdoings of agencies and sellers. And I believe - unlike yourself - that there should be repercussions for doing bad shit to mongers.  

You attempting to discredit me in order to whitewash/save the agencys face is, quite frankly, hilarious. Just a couple years ago you were telling me the same thing about the booker and hence why we shouldn't write negative reviews. You really thought I wouldn't be able to find out what agency you're talking about.  

Now you're telling me that it's a lie, lol.  
The only lie here is you trying to act like I'm not telling the truth.

Just two years ago you've claimed nothing short of going to cops was possible to alter an agency's business ways.  

I didn't do anything to this agency besides making sure their policies are known to mongers publicly.
That's it. I didn't even report them to ter even though I should have. By the time I wanted to someone else reported them or ter admin read the thread.

Once again, a policy publicly available in writing was there and I just made sure it was publicly known and discussed.

You tell me how come simply discussing such a policy resulted in me supposedly taking down the agency.  

And if disclosing one bad policy can have such a gargantuan impact, maybe it's worth talking about them?  

There is nothing I have done different than you, except put a name to the bad policy you've always cited by as "one booker I know".  


cdl owns/works for one or more orgs around here.  See his posts in the past and it is obvious.

Which orgs are you talking about?  I note in the past I handed you your ass for lying a few times.  Do I have to do it again?  Lol

that Mag has no response in 3 days to my latest bitch-slap.  Lol

LOL.  I haven't responded because I don't read these as often as you do.  Unlike you who is here on these forums all day everyday because your work requires it.

you can't even come up with an org name?  And yes, your poor attendance record here is largely why you are irrelevant.  Lol

He has conflict of interest as he knows the booker well, and despite cdl claiming no one knows who cdl is in real life, that booker knows. Hell, cdl even tried recruiting some girls for his agency.

So I wouldn't expect him to be objective at all, I'd expect him to  help the org attempt to save face after this debacle.

It's real telling when someone tells others they shouldn't do negative reviews because of bookers threatening to bl and because they know people who got bld for negative reviews.... and then turning around and claiming that threats are empty.

Name one girl that I tried to "recruit" for this agency?  When Asian INDIES ask me about becoming a Kgirl, I give them a list of five bookers I trust with phone numbers.  It's called a "referral", dumb-ass, not a "recruitment."  You just keep the lies coming, don't you?  How are you going to tap-dance your way out of this one, Gomer?

Once again you resort to semantics instead of the point of the message. You have "referred" or "recruited" - whatever you wanna call it - at least one indie girl to this booker.

Speaking of lies coming, will you deny this?

to multiple bookers is the same as recruiting a girl for a specific booker, you have finally achieved complete moron status here.  I did not say this booker was not on my list of five trusted bookers, but it's still not "recruiting".  

If I gave you a list of five car dealerships that would give you a good deal, would you accuse me of "recruiting" your business for ONE of them in particular?  Do you know how asinine that sounds?  

You've buried yourself so badly in this false claim of blacklisting I don't know how you can possibly restore your cred.  The MANLY thing to do is to tell TER you got some false information that this org was blacklisting reviewers and passed it along in haste, but in retrospect, you can't find a single example of that really happening.  Admit your mistake and man-up.   Is this really the hill you want your cred to die on?  

Yes, you referred this girl to booker Tim (aka Alex) after seeing her.  

Oh and this girl knows she was seeing cdl, despite your claim that no one from ter knows who cdl is. Do you really want me to name her and bring her into this?  

So yes, you referred an indie Korean escort to this booker specifically. Just another example of you being close to him and having a vested interest here.  

I really don't give a shit what you think of my cred.  

The manly thing, in your opinion, is to lie? Lol
The information that I got is absolutely correct, and you yourself were spreading that information two years ago as to illustrate why kgirls shouldn't be negatively graded. You are the one who targeted this org in the first place with your big mouth.  

Nothing about information is false, they themselves put it out on their website and it's now captured forever. The agency doing damage control is hilarious. If they are reading this, they should know it's not personal. I simply believe that a review is sacred, and bullying and threatening reviewers is unacceptable. And it also manipulates reviews on a review site, which is what ter is about.

Trust me, any other org that would have a proof like this plastered on their website, I would criticize and make the exact same thread about. I don't discriminate. I truly believe in monger rights and in reviews rights to write an honest anonymous review with any score without being harassed by the booker. You now making up shit like I wasn't screened and other dumb nonsense to seem like I have a motive and it's personal. It really isn't. Honest reviews that aren't manipulated  > sellers biz, and, frankly, their existence.

If I had something personal against the org, why would I ever say that the only way to atone for what they did is to put a new policy on their website that states that none of the clients who give lower than positive feedback would be bothered and the booker would not attempt even figuring out who the handle is.

It's only words but at least it would go some way towards understanding what this is about. Seeing them do awkward damage control and try to blame me (a messenger) for their own agenda is dumb. You reap what you sow. If the agency thought what they have done to suppress negative reviews would go well with ter policies, well they werent very smart.

Rocket has a hell of a lot more cred than you when it comes to this issue.  He posted the archived page proving his claim of the agency's threat. Now, a little below in the thread, you accuse him of making up the offending page. Do you have the balls to apologize for calling him a liar, or do you still want to claim he made up the page?  How pathetic. In the style of another guy who is such a baby he often resorts to declaring victory in his posts - Rocket has kicked your ass.

altered on a computer, right?  Cutting and pasting is NOT rocket (no pun intended) science.  However, you are missing the point . . . .

He first claimed that guys WERE getting blacklisted for writing critical reviews, but he cannot name a single monger who has EVER been blacklisted by this agency for a review they wrote.  No one has come on this board and said they were blacklisted for a review they wrote.  Likewise, after he walked back the blacklist claim, and said they were threatened for WRITING a bad review, he couldn't come up with a single username that said they were threatened with blacklisting AFTER they wrote a review.  If you want to claim you have been blacklisted by this agency to shill for rocket, go ahead.  

I know you are an LA monger, not OC. but those of us in OC that know this org well can attest to the fact that there were some below average girls who passed through this agency that received scores of 7's and 6's, and yet, the mongers that wrote those reviews went on to see other girls at that same agency.  So much for the claim that ANYONE who gives a score below an 8 will get blacklisted.  

You can believe rocket if you want since you have no first-hand knowledge of the scores at this agency since they have been removed.  Should they get reinstated at some point, will you apologize to me if you are wrong?  I'm just connecting the evidentiary dots, and I'm still not buying any of his claims.  Don't let your bias against me make a chump out of you by falling for this drivel.  

Even, arguendo, that page does exist in some long-ago archive, the fact that he can't produce a single name of anyone that has ever been blacklisted for reviews, militates strongly in favor that he is just acting on his predisposed bias towards agencies, a badge he has worn since day one of his arrival.  If you don't remember any of those anti-agency posts, get some meds to help your memory.  How does doubting his claims of blacklisting without him producing a single piece of evidence about ANYONE being blacklisted make me an agency shill.  You are over-reaching and making yourself look clueless about what the real point is.  

Pathetic. Still trying to suggest he's lying about what the agency posted. You're the one that's clueless. The point IS what the agency posted. I don't give a shit about Rocket's anti-agency posts, my attitude is "it is what it is" as far as how the agencies choose to operate, but that doesn't mean I'm going to defend shitty agency practices. You (and at least one other guy who can't help himself from responding to Rockets posts) are the chumps for letting Rocket live inside your head rent free. You can't help yourself from getting into an argument with him.

in calling out me and Jensen as "chumps" for responding to Rocket when 21 of your last 25 posts, going back months, were responding to ME???  I guess that makes you the KING of the chumps because YOU can't help yourself getting into an argument with ME, can you?  It seems I'm living rent-free in someone's head, too.  You're making this too easy.   You should get a grip on reality.  Lol

How many post's have you made over the course of however many months it's taken me to get to 25? Unlike you, I'm not so obsessed that I'm going to do a count. You should get a grip on reality.

calling MY post a deflection?  I will take this as your complete surrender that you are, indeed, stalking me.  I don't think I ever scored 21 out of 25 from any of my prior stalkers.  Can you spell o-b-s-e-s-s-i-o-n?  How can 21 out of 25 posts be called ANYTHING but an obsession?   Is it that you are not going to do a count, or that you can't count?  If you could count, you would have realized your obsession before I had to point it out to you.  There's an old saying . . .  When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.  Lol

of surrender high and proudly.  Lol

You didn't answer the question, but given the depth you're at, must be a long handle, probably pointed steel blade (oh the irony! +carbon). And I already waved the flag, but it was black and white-checkered, with victory measured by multiple laps around you.

Go back further than 24-posts to where I outed you for writing that fake "TOFTT" review of Ella. That thread is a perfect example of the amount of bullshit and deflection you practice on a regular basis. Anyone that wants to look can do their own search, but here's the gist:  CDL reviews Katy (glowingly), she tours, comes back a year later with a new name (but the same Katy pictures) and he writes a review under a new profile failing to disclose he's seen her before and in fact stating he went in TOFFT (f'ing liar). The contortions he goes through to paint me as the bad guy for "outing her" and driving her out of town early are worthy of a big top performance. He said I drove her out "before her contract was up" and costing the agency money.  Show me an example of another K-monger referencing and worrying about a contract and I'll take that as an example of another guy that's an agency shill.

I didn't realize you are so thin-skinned.   No wonder you are obsessed with me.  You WERE the bad guy.  By calling me out, you blew her cover and she left town.  Many guys who didn't know she was back yet didn't get a chance to see her, thanks to you.  As I explained back then, you can put a girl in danger if she has a stalker she is trying to avoid by calling her out as a rebrand without knowing the facts.  Before that little incident, I always had you pegged as guy who would not recklessly harm Kgirls.  I was wrong.  Really surprised YOU would be the one to bring this up since you're the one that ran her out of town by exposing her.  On the other hand, your buddy Rocket loved the fact that you exposed her rebrand, and so did her stalker.  What a douche move on your part. You're supposed to see the girl first, and find out what the story is before you shit on her attempt to avoid a stalker.  If she says she is just hiding from bad reviews (which this girl did NOT have), then you are justified in outing the rebrand.  Use a little common sense.  There is no requirement that you ALWAYS have to behave like an asshole.  

your train of thought has left the station without you.  Maybe it's time to have someone else proof-read you posts before you submit them.  Some guys are sharp as a tack when North of 70, some aren't.  It's pretty clear you are one of the dimmer bulbs here.  98% of the guys here know you were wrong to out a Kgirl rebrand who is hiding from a stalker.  You didn't care nor did you even ask anyone what her story is, since she had good reviews before.  How does making a Kgirl's safety a priority make me a shill?  Or are you talking about another agency?  Or are you just confused in general?  Lol

This makes three more posts to me to support your obsession.  A lesson in irony.   I can't wait for your next one-liner that is sure to be clever (in your mind) but will completely avoid any explanation of why you were so callous in outing a Kgirl being stalked and now bring it up again and doubling down on it.   You're just reminding everyone here what a douche you were then and reassuring them that you still are.  Lol

-- Modified on 11/13/2023 10:52:17 AM

so you can release your flood of words to deflect.  "Oh, I didn't recognize the pictures, I must be going senile in my old age." "It was a TOFTT even though it wasn't a TOFTT." "Everybody on here agrees my lie wasn't a lie."  

is not the issue.  Can you say that no one here thought you outing her put her in danger?  I think most here would agree on that after learning the facts.  After all, she left a few days later, long before her commitment to the agency was up.  She was supposed to stay at least three weeks, but she left long before that, thanks to you.  A monger of your experience should at least acknowledge that it was wrong of you to out her without knowing WHY she came back under a different name, wouldn't you agree?  I think most here are in favor of keeping the Kgirls safe from predators, and even if you spoke the truth, it does not buy you out of being a douche for outing her without any information about her situation.  Nice deflection with, . . . . "but, but, but, I told the truth."  Yes, you did, and now she is on the run because of it and many of her loyal customers didn't get to see her this time around because of you.  You should admit that you went off half-cocked and didn't know you would be harming her.  (By "half-cocked", I'm not implying that there is anything wrong with your erections at 70.  It's a figure of speech.  Lol), but alas, I think all we will get from you is more deflection.  

How would they know it was her? Because she changed her name but not pictures? Her alleged stalker wouldn't be able to find her, but loyal customers could? You claim you went in not knowing it was her, bullshit. You can spout all the words you want, but you have not proven that she had a stalker. I don't give a shit what you say about contracts and leaving early, that doesn't prove anything whereas you're a proven liar.

for being a douche and outing her on this board?  That some guys would have found out sooner or later anyway?  Good luck trying to sell that.  I think it's safe to say that SHE would have preferred that they found out LATER, not from you telling everyone son after she got here.  It's amusing and entertaining to watch you try to sanitize ten different ways putting a Kgirl at risk of bodily harm.  Once a douche that will put a girl a risk, always a douche.  You made your own bed on this one.  But hey, you got a new BFF out of this exchange. . . . Rocket!!!!   Lol

Nobody is going to believe that I had a duty to out her after promising her that I wouldn't because of her stalker.  Outing someone when you don't know what the rebrand was for is a dick move, and that's worse than anything I did in connection with trying to protect her.  I'm going to love bringing this up in the future, but you can say whatever else you want and speculate all you want about how things MIGHT have gone differently.  It just emphasizes your desperation, so unless you have something NEW to add to your feeble attempt at damage control, you're wasting my time and I won't respond anymore.  Go ahead and take the last shot.  It's what you live for, but will make no difference in perceptions of what kind of guy you are when it comes to a Kgirl's safety.  

-- Modified on 11/15/2023 2:40:18 PM

Nobody going to believe you had a duty to out her? I never said you had any such duty.  Did you have a duty to write the review that led to your exposure as a liar?  You seem to think I give a shit what anyone on this board thinks about how you are trying to paint me.  I don't. I'm not trying to do any damage control, I'm just watching your head explode.

what an asshole you were, and now that others are agreeing with that, you are deflecting and running from what you were bragging about before.  You're not going to be able to just take a shower and wash the stain off of your reputation here that you willingly and without consideration of any facts whatsoever caused a girl to have to leave SoCal by outing her rebrand when she was doing it to avoid a stalker.  Your BFF likes to talk about integrity, but it only runs one-way with you two.  You require blind loyalty to all mongers, which includes even the douches hiding among us, but care nothing about the safety of Kgirls, and the fact that you (and he) have doubled down a few times on trying to justify your actions is reprehensible.  No one has to paint you as anything, you are doing a fine job by yourself.  

Going out of your way to lie to fellow mongers who are reading your reviews is blind loyalty... to the girl.
You didn't have to lie but you have and justify it with "girl was afraid of stalker". Lol

Blind loyalty to the org is knowing that booker Tim of Asian world gives threats. And not only reporting it to ter, but also not telling your fellow mongers these are allegedly empty threats. Instead, playing along with his threats to make a case why one shouldn't give negative reviews to kgirls.

You never had any loyalty to mongers, blind or not blind. You have loyalty to orgs biz and kgirls biz.

If you had loyalty you wouldn't ever respond with "report to bbb haha" whenever people reported bad or unacceptable behavior. You would actually be concerned.

Loyalty to mongers, cdl, isn't exchanging info. Loyalty to mongers - as any other loyalty test - is that if a tough situation presents itself, one where you have something to lose, you will stand on mongers side and won't be swayed by personal interest. Loyalty to mongers is respecting random mongers who may read your reviews, is to tell them truth and if you can't tell them the truth to at least not lie. Loyalty to mongers is being honest with mongers reading the board and telling them, yes booker Tim does have this policy that he will bl you for writing a negative review.  


There is zero loyalty that you exhibited to kgirl mongers - anonymous once that may read your reviews and rely on yours and others reviews . But you exhibited tons of loyalty to org and girls, ie the sellers.

Ive seen this a lot of times - new girl gets a bad review and shills come out of the woodwork trying to discredit the monger. You know who had to defend such a monger? Yep, yours truly. Because all those scumbags care about is girl not getting biz. And what I care about is a monger being able to voice his opinion without being bullied.  

You're the same except when I present damning evidence to unethical behavior of an org, you try to discredit me and make up lies such as me not being able to be screened and so forth.
I honestly thought you had more integrity.  

And if someone writes a negative review or voices concerned with orgs policies - I want all mongers on all sites to read and hear it. If reviews are manipulated, I want everyone who relies on reviews to know about this.  

You on the other hand want to hide the inconvenient truth. This won't fly. And it won't fly, even in this post btt bust world I will continue to make sure people hear about bullies and org/girl dick riders who can't take honest reviews and truth.

The least surprising shit I've ever heard on here. And of course he blamed someone else..  

And she was using the same pics? Lol. We are pretty good iding  girls with same pics pretty well, I'm guessing he'd also blame anyone identifying her. Lmao.

Apparently we need to listen to some girl story as to why she changed names to be able to tell fellow mongers publicly she's the same girl so people who didn't like her don't have to see her. Isn't it the whole points of reviews?

But no, the point of public reviews is apparently to give girls and orgs business. How pathetic, but again not surprised at the slightest.

And he actually went and lied that he tofft? All to allegedly protect a girl from a stalker? Lmao.  

If anyone wanted to see an example of cdl lying to fellow mongers reading reviews, all in order to protect a girl and make her money.

I did not recognize the photos after seeing a hundred Kgirls in between the two times I saw her.  The recognition did not come until she opened the door, so it WAS intended to be a TOFTT session, but didn't turn out that way.  This has happened to me before where I didn't recognize the pics.  

After hearing her story about the stalker following her around the country, I promised to protect her former identity.  I don't break promises, even if I have to make an omission to others TO WHOM I HAVE PROMISED NOTHING.  Would I do it again to protect a girl with stalker problems if she asked me?  You bet your sweet ass I would.  I owe her my promise.  I owe you nothing.  It's called integrity.  Once of the reasons for my success in business is that I always keep my promises, even if I take a financial loss on a deal.  That extends to my private life as well.  

Your mischaracterization of what happened is fueled by your sleazy view of the business and your general superior attitude towards, and denigration of, Kgirls.  It seems you are saying the rebrand outing is more important than keeping a girl safe, and why am I not surprised that you think that way?  The Douches who see Kgirls got to stick together, even if it hurts hard-working Kgirls.  Like I told great grandpa, there is nothing in the rules that says any monger has to be an asshole ALL of the time.  Perhaps a little introspection about how you treat Kgirls is in order?

Ah right, so even though it wasn't toftt session you STILL put toftt in your review. Aka LYING to fellow mongers.  



Just like I've said, you think its ok to outright LIE to mongers in order protect girls or orgs. You've done it all the time. Therefore no one should ever trust you because when it comes to mongers being wronged vs kgirl or agency, you will ALWAYS choose the latter.  

The review isn't for a fucking girl or an org or you, it is for your fellow mongers.

I don't denigrate kgirls. Or escorts. I just consider reviews made for us by us. Not to boost a girls biz or orgs biz. You deliberately and knowingly misled plenty of mongers all to protect a girl. You could've just not written a fucking review then. But you really wanted to give her business huh.  

You know, I always defended you when it came to your reviews, because I thought they were legit, even if severely inflated and a bit generic. But you're a habitual liar who clearly cares about kgirls.  

You and Tim go well together. Two liars who won't hesitate to do anything to prop up the supply and biz. How pathetic.

get correct in my review.  I described her perfectly for both looks and performance.  Isn't that what customers are interested in, or do you think guys are only looking for girls who's hair you can grab and face-fuck or those that "can take a pounding" like you do?  Do I care about the welfare of Kgirls?  Guilty as charged.  Do you only care about yourself?  Guilty as charged.  Not being able to make decisions and prioritize on the basis of safety makes you a risk to yourself and everyone else.  

It's interesting that you completely ignore my point about integrity in making a promise, whether it's to a Kgirl or anyone else.  If I make a promise to you, don't you want to know I will keep it, or do you think everyone is as slippery as you are?  You and Rpd go well together.  Two douches that care little about the safety of Kgirls.  Given the binary choice you like to pose, I'd rather be thought an occasional liar for the safety of a Kgirl than a full-time douche when it comes to Kgirls.  You just keep repeating yourself, so give it one more go. I won't respond anymore because you keep deflecting from the main point.  However, if you just want to admit you will never prioritize a Kgirl's safety over your own interests, we can keep discussing this, but even though it's a true statement, I don't think you are man enough to admit it.  

Accuses someone of deflecting. Too funny.  Admits to being an "occasional" liar. True, but for the occasional part.

There were qualifications to the lying, 1) to protect a Kgirl from a stalker and 2) to keep MY promise not to expose her real identity.  I'm owning it.  Now how about you owning what a douche you were to out her without finding out WHY she had changed her name, i.e., her stalker situation?    As far as I know, Jasmin is still missing.  Maybe she had a stalker.  Stalkers are dangerous, but you are willing to put a Kgirl at risk, even though you are clueless about her situation, just to have a "gotcha" moment because you are obsessed with me.  It's sad that you are over 70 and putting Kgirls at risk for bodily harm is how you choose to behave at this point in your life.  

Do you see the irony in saying I'm deflecting when YOU are the one that bought up the old thread about you outing a Kgirl and running her out of town?   If you had any brains you would have let that one stay buried, but you don't, so you didn't.  If you think a lie of omission about her being a rebrand is on the same level as outing a girl who has a stalker following her around the country, you should reevaluate whether you should even be seeing Kgirls.  Obviously, they are expendable, literally, to you.

Mongers would like to know if the girl you saw is a rebrand. Some mongers might not like that particular girl and will not like to walk when they realize it's her again.

I didn't say I only care about myself. I said you care about kgirl business and org business over mongers who are trusting your reviews.

I know what integrity is. All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break it for anyone, you get that? Believe it or not I have also promised a kgirl to not tell others what her LA name is. You might have heard of her, the LA name is Reah.

You know what I did not do? Go to LA and see her and then write a review on her without mentioning she's the same girl as another bay area girl in my review.

You deliberately and knowingly wrote a review in which you misled mongers. And lied. So why? You see plenty of girls so you could've reviewed someone else without lying. Who was that review for? Sounds like you wanted to drum up biz for the girl and were fine misleading mongers who'd read it.  

That's the problem. When it comes to kgirl or org biz, you're willing to lie in order yo keep them in biz. You lie about rpd, you straight up lied about me and you lied about tims orgs message which got his orgs reviews pulled.

Oh and btw, speaking of integrity. You know how many people wanted to know what Reahs bay area name was? It was more than a dozen. And even though I love my fellow mongers and will ride for them, I honored my promise and didn't tell them her name. But I also didn't drum up biz for her.


And here you go again calling rpd and me douches and saying I denigrate kgirls. When we never did such a thing. But I forget, yo you rating a girl low on a review site = being a douche and denigrating girls. I get it.

Speaking of integrity here's a simple question to cdl.

Threee years ago you have said

" there was one booker in SoCal that, after you passed the screening, he would tell you that the girls always appreciate positive reviews, but if you score lower than a 7, you might not be invited back.   That's about as in-your-face as it gets.

Very simple question that tests your integrity in front of other mongers who read this board.  

Was this booker Tim of Asianworld? Yes or No?  

You know the answer
I know the answer
You know that I know the answer.  


Let's see where your integrity is in relation to mongers reading this vs org business
Let's see what's more important to you - truth and integrity or org business

Well, looks like I'm not going to get an answer.

It was a very simple question yet it put cdl in a difficult position. I bet he wishes he never said this publicly.  

I'm pretty sure this shows where cdl priorities are.
I wish he'd just stop lying about caring about mongers and admit he cares about orgs biz and girls biz more than mongers  rights and/or honest reviews.

Just like Tim, Alex, gasgas or whatever the name this booker will assume, cdl is more interested in preserving the orgs biz and others not giving negative reviews to girls, than actually allowing honest negative reviews. Or letting mongers know who is the booker that said this to him..  

He's willing to lie that I or others who complain about this policy did not get screened and hold some kind of grudge.

I hope the question of his integrity is self-evident. He compromised his integrity. Sold his soul for...what exactly I'm not sure. A combo of pussy, good standing and a pat on the back from the booker?

This is a reminder to all bookers or kgirls who are reading this - don't fuck with mongers rights. Don't fuck with mongers who give low reviews as long as they are truthful. Don't attempt to discredit them and lie in order to keep biz.

JustLayingLow107 reads

on a Public board.  Grow the F up or better yet, just go away & stop posting. You clearly do not understand the risks involved in this this hobby.  The safety of the ladies is far more important than feeding your ego.

When you start counting posts, that counts you as THE LOSER.

Bwhahahahaoaohaoahaoaaah0aoah Rolflol lol

I really don't care for cdl apologies. I know what he is and what he will do in order to protect an agency or a girl from backlash, however deserved it is. It was pretty obvious from the get-go to me.  

What I'd much prefer, even though it's a pipe dream, is an apology from the booker to each person he ever contacted about writing an anonymous review that was honest.  

I also think it's hilarious that cdl has double standards, and doesn't see that offering money for positive reviews - something he JUST was saying entities should be reprimanded for - is the same thing as silencing negative reviews. It's manipulation of reviews in a favorable outcome for the org.  

One uses positive reinforcement technique to incentivize glowing untrue reviews, the other uses negative reinforcement  technique to prevent bad reviews from publishing.  

And guess what, no one ever asked for proof that money was indeed awarded for writing glowing reviews. It was enough that an org wrote it on their own site that they will give $ for reviws. But cdl wants proof of bl somehow. Lmao.  


And of course, the chefs kiss is denying the org said this and attacking the archive site. This must be straight from North Korea govt playbook of denying facts.  

And people stand around and don't call it out, probably because they don't like what I write and how I go about it. Oh well. I shouldn't be surprised. There are many people on here that would accept a lie as long as they are compensated in pussy and pussy supply don't dry out.  

Well shit, reviews aren't to be sold or bought or used as leverage. No booker or girl will ever have control of her reviews. The reviews are done for us by us. That's the whole fucking point of reviews.

You started with a claim that mongers were being blacklisted.  I asked you to name one, and you can't.  Now you have switched to "threats" and your "proof" is a link to an "archive" that looks like an amateur cut-and-paste job using a masthead from that agency.  A computer geek like you can do some amazing things.  You're fucking hilarious.

Yes it is exactly like I've stated.

The proof was a link posted to their own site, are you now going to say it didn't exist and I made it up? Lol. People have seen it. Is this the party line now? Denying that the org has posted that they will find out who someone is when they see a review of seven or less, and they'd bl them?  

As far as the archive site, you should read up what archive.today or archive.ph do

It is incredible to see how much this org and you are doing in damage control.

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