In Search Of

Being at someone's beck and call...
redhot See my TER Reviews 1335 reads

still requires a considerable financial arrangment.  If you want her to be "free" to hang out, join another couple for an impromptu dinner, etc., this means she should have a comfortable enough arrangment to where she doesn't have to work as much...or at all.  How much she would require would ultimately depend on how much actual date time (public or otherwise) you are expecting, along with her own needs for monthly income.  Certainly a monthly arrangement can be more cost effective, but you must also find someone you have good chemistry with to have that work for everyone as well.

You aren't  living a pipe dream...but it might not be easy to find exactly what you are looking for either...

Good luck to you!


Providers interested in "long term" arrangement to go on REAL dates?

Someone that would enter into an arrangement, that would be similar to a “real” relationship.....on a “retainer” type basis?

I'm a 30-something. White Male. White Collar Professional, College Educated (Masters Degree). I'm the last single guy in my group. It's not easy for me to call up a fried (guy or girl) to say, let's go see Cheap Trick next week, let your spouse stay home with the 2-year old.

I don't have the free time, nor the emotional energy necessary to enter into a “real” relationship. Rather than go the bar route, get the occasional one night stand,etc. I figured I'd experiment with this route.

I'm looking for a “true” girl-friend like relationship---i.e  someone that will go sit on a deck a Sunday afternoon to have a Margarita, and like most “real” relationships I expect the sex part to only occur 25% of the time. Ha, Ha!

For example: This Summer,
Dave Matthews Band, Journey/Heart/Cheap Trick, are all going to be here.(might have back stage passes to Cheap Trick!).

It would be nice to have an attractive friend to take.

You ask, why not just get a girlfriend/take a date?

PRECISELY because I'm trying to avoid the "emotional energy" that's required of "dating"......

I want something SIMPLE/NSA/that feels like a date (even if I'm paying a meter).

White Female
Prefer Younger (under 25)--not a deal killer
Prefer College Graduate.
Above average I.Q.
Must come from a upper middle class upbringing (or at least fake it like you have).
Essentially I want a true courtesan (cortigiana onesta, the honest courtesan, an intellectual ).

Oh, and I'm NOT looking to pay someone $700 for the 3 hours she'll sit beside me at a Cheap Trick concert. (again, I'm talking long term/realistic $$$).

Am I living a pipe dream? Are there ANY providers that would consider this kind of arrangement?

steve7211458 reads


It sounds like you might be better off going onto lavalife, adultfriendfinder, or maybe even craigslist personals, which often cater more to the NSA and FWB dating set.

You might also try the Human Awareness Institute (, to attend their workshops on Love, Intimacy, and Sexuality. They caters to participants with a sex-positive mindset who are often looking for alternatives to traditional relationships, and you might find what you're looking for there.

Hope that helps.


Saw an ad for a provider which did offer to be someones exclusive girl for a year only see you available 24/ 7/ 365 will move right in if you like .She would be your, well everything . Her cost ? $900,000 a year . She was beautiful I admit and no shortage of self confidence there I don't know about your other requirements. Kendall

still requires a considerable financial arrangment.  If you want her to be "free" to hang out, join another couple for an impromptu dinner, etc., this means she should have a comfortable enough arrangment to where she doesn't have to work as much...or at all.  How much she would require would ultimately depend on how much actual date time (public or otherwise) you are expecting, along with her own needs for monthly income.  Certainly a monthly arrangement can be more cost effective, but you must also find someone you have good chemistry with to have that work for everyone as well.

You aren't  living a pipe dream...but it might not be easy to find exactly what you are looking for either...

Good luck to you!


RichVA977 reads

You should check out some of the sugar daddy sites.  This may be more along what you are seeking.  Try this one.

I can't say that there aren't ANY providers who would consider the kind of arrangement you envision, but I can say that I don't know any and wouldn't guess that you'll find one. You'd be more likely to find a girlfriend-for-hire among the "civilian" population, I'd think. A lady who has never been a provider, who you could propose your arrangement to, would be more likely to go for it than an independent escort - especially the young, beautiful, intelligent, upscale type of provider you describe.

Seriously think about it - you'd be asking for quite an investment of her time, but you don't want to compensate her at her normal rates (which I can understand - unless you're a millionaire, that's pretty dang pricey!). All those hours she would be spending "hanging out" with you and your friends, she's not able to be with her family and her friends and doing what she wants in *her* life - she's "at work" really. But, she's not receiving her normal rates and she's not able to take appointments at her normal rates because she's hanging out with you for peanuts. Where's she going to make up this time and income she's losing? She'll have to take more time away from her family and personal life to do real "paying" appointments. Where is the upside for her to your arrangement?

However charming and fun you may be and however pleasant the situations you'll be requiring her presence in, in the end it's still "work" for her, and it's low paying work at that. Ladies in this business know the value of their time, and aren't very interested in working *longer* hours for *less* pay than they know they could be earning. Can you blame them?

Who wouldn't want you, you ask. Uh, Dude. Big fucking deal. For the provider, it's all about the money. A "date" is work, like an actor on stage. It's hard to maintain the character sitting on the deck, holding hands at the concert, etc. It's not gonna happen for you. No way.

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