
Mackenzie Wright See my TER Reviews 627 reads

Let me entice your mind
With the stroke of my pen
The hotness of my ink dripping
On your brain cells
Inflicting your dreams
Eliciting cream
Intertwined in the seams of your mind
Forcing you to squirt out thoughts
Of passion
As my creativity splashes
Around your cerebellum
With the gentleness of a
Beautiful stream
Don’t mind me baby I want
Your inner workings to scream
Silent whispers intervene
Slowly inching up past your spleen
Every time you close your eyes
Your mind instantly replays the
Orgasmic scene over and over again
Lay back visualize me making
Your knees buckle and bend
Your mind unable to fathom
The whirlwind that my intellect
Sends within your mind

I am fortunate enough to have gained the attentions of an Erotic Poet.. Nevertheless, I find both before and since that words themselves can be as erotic as the whisper of a caress.. The absent tracing of the most delicate places. A thought or idea evoked in the wetness it inspires.. A thirst quenched as much by direction, as by the demons known only to our imagination.. Come to life with a mere suggestion; a private play the details displayed for our own intimate viewing never to be shared or recreated.. It is, in a word... Inspiring

Am I the only one who in this day and age of instant technology and porn of every type, catering to every fetish; chooses to still play on my own canvas? To follow the brushstrokes initiated by erotica; while developing a personal masterpiece special and unique to my desires.  I confess I own every issue of the Penthouse Letters and several other such books. Don't get me wrong I enjoy visual stimulation.. I just prefer to stimulate myself without so much of the fantasy spoon fed to me by the producer.  I'm sure he or she thought they knew what I (the consumer) wanted to see while in reality having only about a quarter to half of any one production really hitting all points for me (the individual) :-)

Everything has its place and certainly everyone has a favorite... I'm just curious about this one thing..  

                                                      Am I the only who still likes to read their porn?  

Please post here or PM me.... I am curious what the court of public opinion has to offer on the subject.


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