Explore Beauty Step into a world where every moment is a masterpiece, reflecting the value of time.
I'm Carol Fontinelle, upon our first encounter, you’ll find I am a light-hearted spirit with deep sincerity and a fervent liking for all things that bring gratification. One of my favorite pastimes is to share a glass of wine with a lovely gentleman while he discloses his life’s passions, adventures, dreams, and even day-to-day activities. I am a dedicated listener as I am an empath as well as an avid student (and look forward to what you have to teach me). I'm all bout love, all I want is to live a memorable experience with you. With grace and charm, I guarantee that our encounter will be unforgettable and full of passion. I look forward to meeting and creating special memories that last a lifetime. Wath are you hungry for? To know me better follow me on social midea Instgram: @meetcarolfontinelle X: FontenelleMiami Email me anyytime at: [email protected] I`m based in Miami. Outcall is the preferred way to meet.
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