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Erica in Miami toying with the art of seduction 13th - 15th
Erica Renee See my TER Reviews 578 reads

It wasn't until somewhat recently that I began to appreciate taking things slow. When I was younger I was always eager to get to the end result of things. I appreciated every moment but my approach was eager and fast. Then after being with an older gentleman I was introduced to a new (to me ) concept...taking it slow

   A simple touch on the arm, a look of connection in the eyes, a feeling of comfort before we begin. The things that lead to the inevitable release are what make the event so wonderful. Learning about each other by feeling. Feeling out each other by listening. It is really a beautiful and unique experience.

     Knowing that all the elements would have to realign to recreate the same experience is ok because trying is still so much fun and it leads to new unknown things to explore. I cant guarantee  each time will be the same but I can guarantee each time will be worth it.  

 I am all over South Florida and possibly will be all over the state this summer hoping to make new friends and memories. But for the next couple of days I will be in Miami ;-)

Xoxo Erica

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