
shammer29 9 Reviews 201 reads


couple of threads with people posting about how they missed a sense of community. But wow- now I can see why this board is in a sad, downward spiral. People here can be so cruel.  

Grow up. Stop using aliases to post mean, hurtful, and insulting things. Stop posting mean, hurtful and insulting things from your actual handles. Mind your own business and don't be such busy-bodies. What someone else is doing has very little- if any- effect on your own business. If people paid more attention to their own businesses they wouldn't be worried about something someone else is doing, because they wouldn't have time to worry about it. Maybe instead of worrying about someone else's reviews, ladies should worry about getting business for themselves. That way the jealousy and hatred won't have time to ferment and percolate because you'll be too busy getting business. And the gloating because someone lost her listing here- seriously? That's probably the absolute lowest.

I'm disgusted with the turn this board has taken in the last few (non-iso) posts. At least the ISOs aren't being horrible.  


totally agree. Seems the hobby has went in the toilet since the smartphone. Everyone has an option.it seems they feel better about trashing others.   Even when it is none of there bizz..

moderators. When the mods were in place, there was someone looking after each board to minimize BS posts, cat fights, etc.

When I was a moderator, I had a new regional board, and just on the newbie board, I didn't put up with a lot of shit that goes on nowadays on the boards.  As 'host' of the newbie board, even though I don't really have any power, I try to keep it pretty vanilla when it comes to remarks about others, it's spsd to be a friendly, informative forum.

Another thing that dilutes the regional forums is all the ISO threads that are now allowed on them.  When I was a mod, we moved them to the ISO board.


Could not have said it better myself sister!!!
It is a shame that is why we Need what I asking for for a while!!
I don't know you but to me you seem to have your head on straight trust me keep that you will need it here!!
I have been here a long time and the shit I went through now I am having fun they can dish it but they can't take it awww too bad

Posted By: annie1117
 I totally agree. Seems the hobby has went in the toilet since the smartphone. Everyone has an option.it seems they feel better about trashing others.   Even when it is none of there bizz..

Ya been here n in the hobby as a provider 10yrs.. and had bother providers who didn't know me trash me bc the hobbyist wanted to ruin me for refusing to c him. Since then things have slowed way down.. I have learned to stay away from the drama. Fighting with such people just hurts you. Be the bigger person n ignore it

Well stated Sarah.......

I always get it here and just spoke to the person who suffered the collateral damage like right now.
We are supposed to help each other I know that been through hell and back on this board but it will not break me, I have been thrown into the many worst things life can throw at you and at this point I am so conditioned nothing will break me.
She spoke of you and I like you too, there is nothing I won't do for our sisterhood things get ugly and I know that but it is bad karma to fuck with someone's money and family that needs it.
I am outspoken and I pay a price for it but be that as is may I defend myself.
I have no ill feelings for anyone here and Sarah I know that you are mourning a loss.
Things will be better and everyone will be back in their place.
We have to help each other what happened to that?
I have a feeling as to the alias that magically disappeared so sad.
But I am standing and anyone who was wronged will too.
Thanks for looking out for your friend at the end of the day there should not be divide but unity.
I have grown and some that I spoke to tonight has too this is vey ugly and bad when we can not pull it together provider and hobbyist what a shame.
I speak out for myself and my fight will not be deterred by anyone if that happens you lose youreself
The value here on a human being is in dollars and cents not in the spirit and the soul

Let us pray for the guidance and wisdom and forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us

Posted By: SoftlySarah
couple of threads with people posting about how they missed a sense of community. But wow- now I can see why this board is in a sad, downward spiral. People here can be so cruel.  
 Grow up. Stop using aliases to post mean, hurtful, and insulting things. Stop posting mean, hurtful and insulting things from your actual handles. Mind your own business and don't be such busy-bodies. What someone else is doing has very little- if any- effect on your own business. If people paid more attention to their own businesses they wouldn't be worried about something someone else is doing, because they wouldn't have time to worry about it. Maybe instead of worrying about someone else's reviews, ladies should worry about getting business for themselves. That way the jealousy and hatred won't have time to ferment and percolate because you'll be too busy getting business. And the gloating because someone lost her listing here- seriously? That's probably the absolute lowest.  
 I'm disgusted with the turn this board has taken in the last few (non-iso) posts. At least the ISOs aren't being horrible.  
-- Modified on 3/23/2016 10:02:21 PM

-- Modified on 3/23/2016 10:05:24 PM

Please reinstate her.
She is a staple to this board and as for her review policy she does not ask for the numbers but wants to learn.
That is good right?
The #187 is an example of that one my end and now that follows me.
I know her and that is not her intent
I will stick my neck out for my sisters All of them there is plenty business to go around.

-- Modified on 3/23/2016 10:41:06 PM

She broke TER rules. Plain and simple. She had something stupid on her website about review scores. She or anyone here with half a brain should be able to figure out, take the stupid statement off the website, and TER will reinstate her. Duh!
You want to play in their ball park, play by their rules.

Or she can join that Twitter group with all the other BSC delisted ladies.

I get ya but we can forgive right?
That is what community is all about true?
I don't have a problem with you or others but I do have a problem when people are douches
Then I go on the attack of ourse playing by the rules and Not hiding behind an alias!!!

And jealousy that we see here today.
Since the very birth of Internet escort forums  
as well as the escorts themselves we forgot to remember to always be sisters and help each other.
It is a sad state of affairs when the very bond we Should share because of money is broken.
This is supposed to be a safe haven for our lifestyle and it has turned into anything but.
Aliases and at racks have reigned supreme here it is like the forum that was supposed to bring us together as like minded  
individuals has disappeared completely.
What a shame when providers have to resort to aliases as the products of cat shit and others to attack.
This is wrong on so many levels and in this economy no one has the right to fuck with someone else's money shame on you!!!
I care about all and when attacked I am a pit bull sorry but that is how it is.
This is wrong and the delisting  of one is sad I went through that years ago.
I respond now the way I want because it is more fun
It is like the disinfranchised soldier who fights for our very freedom to be here.
They take the best abuse you give you nothing and good bye.... Well I found a new home.
This hurtful nature in our very core must stop and we need to realize that there is enough for Everyone  
I for one will fight and stand up for myself no matter the cost but it takes a Bigger person to stand up for others Knowing the sword will swing and behead you .
Nuf said

GaGambler499 reads

You are beginning to sound like an angry, yappy Chihuahua.  

Give it a rest already.  

Perfect Storm said it perfectly, follow the board rules and you won't get banned or delisted.

and I said it perfectly yesterday, Don't give substandard sessions and you won't get substandard reviews.

In other words, grow up already. sheesh

I dare ya to put your dick in my mouth!!!!
Pit bull it is!!!!!
I am having fun now awes too bad you all had fun at my expense for years now I found a new home don't give a flying rat's ass!

Posted By: GaGambler
You are beginning to sound like an angry, yappy Chihuahua.  
 Give it a rest already.  
 Perfect Storm said it perfectly, follow the board rules and you won't get banned or delisted.  
 and I said it perfectly yesterday, Don't give substandard sessions and you won't get substandard reviews.  
 In other words, grow up already. sheesh

Afro-desiac466 reads

I really do hope you have someplace else to drum up business because that clicking sound you hear is your being put on hundreds of guys' DNS lists.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
couple of threads with people posting about how they missed a sense of community. But wow- now I can see why this board is in a sad, downward spiral. People here can be so cruel.  
 Grow up. Stop using aliases to post mean, hurtful, and insulting things. Stop posting mean, hurtful and insulting things from your actual handles. Mind your own business and don't be such busy-bodies. What someone else is doing has very little- if any- effect on your own business. If people paid more attention to their own businesses they wouldn't be worried about something someone else is doing, because they wouldn't have time to worry about it. Maybe instead of worrying about someone else's reviews, ladies should worry about getting business for themselves. That way the jealousy and hatred won't have time to ferment and percolate because you'll be too busy getting business. And the gloating because someone lost her listing here- seriously? That's probably the absolute lowest.  
 I'm disgusted with the turn this board has taken in the last few (non-iso) posts. At least the ISOs aren't being horrible.  

NOLAlover391 reads

Are you either ok with review score manipulation (doubtful) by a high profile gal here or are you of the take it should be ignored as "biz as usual?"  

Also I believe, please feel free to correct me, it was your sidekick, who really turned the discourse south, no?  

As for aliases they serve a very useful purpose here. Someone as sharp as you surely knows that. Right?

GoingForIt!337 reads

""""" What are your thoughts on that Sarah, since this is your thread, and you brought it up.

BTW, so did she, and was why she was delisted.
Quite Brazen.

Well said Sarah! And as for ISO's, I recently tried one and actually got unlucky. Some sweet ladies replied and worked out a date with one but she blew me off at the last minute so was left high and dry in Tampa. It's probably best to just reach out in advance to the right girls instead of doing ISO's. Frees up the board for useful info! BTW, looking forward to the next MNG in Tampa or Orlando! Thanks and keep up the good work!

Men walk in, relax, look at the girls, like someone, take her to the room, fuck and get out.   Wait for the next girl.

Haha. I was born over there n my father has told me about those areas.lol  

He said there was a place over there where u drive up ring a bell n girl walks out to ur car. If u don't like what u c u send her back n ring the bell again and another girl will walk out.lol

I agree with Ava.  Well said.

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