FKK Clubs

Düsseldorf Fkk or otherwise recommendations
cyrusthegrated 51 Reviews 2115 reads

I will be on a trip to Düsseldorf in March and would appreciate any intel on the current FKK scene and other similar establishments I should visit. Thanks in advance!

I visited Golden Time in Bruggen in December. Very crowded (there was a big conference in town apparently), but had a fantastic time. Unusual share of german girls (usually it's 75% rumenian vs 25% the rest of the world), polish, bulgarian, and rumenian of course.

I am amazed by how smart, fun and open those girls are, I love to hear their life stories nearly as much as I love to have sex with them. One of them was mutiorgasmic. She said she couldn't come the third time because she now had to pee and couldn't come anymore (she loves to be touched vigorously, which turns her own). I told her to go pee and when she was back two mins later, we fucked again and again she came.  
Another one used to work in a legit massage parlor. Happy Ending today, Happy Ending tomorrow, she figured that going all the way was what made the most sense for her. Don't ask her who the guy who's name is tattooed on her back is until you are done (if you really are curious, it's not a fun story).  

It's incredible how much bang for the bucks you get in german FKKs. God Bless Germany!

A few years ago I was at one called Dolce Vita in downtown dussldorf, but experience was not so good (worth it anyway if you live in the US and you happen to be in Dusseldorf without a car, of course)

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