Erotic Humor

sunday school
Bonermedian 13824 reads

A Sunday school teachers asks her students what part of the body would reach heaven first.

A little girl raises her hand and says, "I think it be my eyes!"

"Well why" asked the teacher?

"Because when I die I'll be eager to see Jesus' face so I'm going to say your eyes."

"Any one else" asked the teacher?

Another little girl says "I think it would be your hands."

"Well why your hands" asked the teacher?

"So you can pray to God thanking him for your life and all that he has giving to you. When everybody tells you to hold your hands up to the sky."

After that little Johnny says "I have to say it would be your feet."

Your feet, what makes you think that Johnny?

"The other night I had to go the bathroom, which I have to walk past mom and dads bedroom when I heard mommy yelling Oh god I'm cumming, Oh god I'm cumming. So I looked inside and her feet was up in the air. But my dad didn't want her going because he kept jumping up and down on her."

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