Erotic Humor

MoFo Can Drive!angry_smile
AlanaGreekGoddes 10860 reads

>A man was in a bar drinking a beer. Every time he took a drink, he would
>slosh it around in his mouth, spit it out in the floor, and say,
>"Motherfucker sure can drive". He did
>this a few times and he was about to do it again, when the bartender
>stopped him and asked him why he kept spitting beer in the floor and
>saying Motherfucker sure can drive.
>The man said, "Well, me and my buddy were driving down the road when he
>turned down a one-way street, then, a tractor trailer pulled out behind
>us while another was coming at us. I said, man if you can get us out of
>this one, I'll suck your dick!"
>"Motherfucker sure can drive"

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