
I have someone that you can talk to about that
Alyssa Nicole See my TER Reviews 2804 reads

just email or PM me for the info in you're still interested :)

Hi I plan on moving to Dallas in December. I was wondering how would I go about getting me an apartment with no proof of income since all i make is cash....

If you filed a tax return with your full income last year, that will often suffice. Or you can offer to show bank statements with regular deposits.

Or you can call potential apartments, let them know you run your own independent business (feel free to make up something -- concierge service, petsitting, babysitting, yard work), and your income is primarily in cash, and just ask what they'd recommend for proof of income. That's probably the easiest way.

If you really can't come up with anything, offer to pay several months' rent in advance. That can be very convincing. ;) Worked for a friend of mine.

If you haven't filed taxes, I highly recommend doing that this coming year. Tax evasion is a serious charge! I like TaxAct for doing mine -- I'm a tax dummy and love that it walks you through each step. http://www.taxact.com  And Gina of P411 recently started recommending these folks: http://www.companiontax.com  If you owe back taxes, it would probably be worth your while to consult a professional.

I really appreciate that answer I've wondering how I could make it work now this is great to know. I can't wait to move the cost of living and the environment in Texas is way better than Chicago.

And it's a great city too. :) Hope your move goes smoothly!

just email or PM me for the info in you're still interested :)

Try an apt locator. They may be able to help you. You can find them online and they send lists of apts that fit your situation.

Good luck on your move.

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