
Courtney in Houston
ColoradoMan 11 Reviews 12798 reads

Has anyone heard from Courtney?  I had an appointment last night that I had made over a month ago and she was a no show.  I verified last week that we were still on and got a yes.  Called when I arrived as instructed left a message.  Sent an email as a backup as well.  Called and left several messages and never heard anything.  based on her reviews I'd say it was not typical.  A HUGE let down for me as that was partly what my trip plans were based around.

A couple of months ago, I visited Houston and had scheduled a visit with the gorgeous Courtney. I extended my visit an extra day just to spend time with her. We had arranged our meeting well ahead of time to clear any obstacles for what was to be a 2 hour playtime. But, what happened to you was what happened to me. No show and no follow up response.
Visitors with limited time schedules beware. I have also read on other boards - this is becoming a problem with her.
Still, with all her short-cummings, I'd meet her at the ends of the earth. This lady is hot, and I'm a sucker.

I have a time set up with Courtney this week. I will let you know if she turns out to be a no-show. I am glad you guys posted this as now it will not be such a let down if she doesn't show.

She emailed today and said she has been sick all week and that she was not up to it this weekend. Something must be bothering her. At least she let me know in advance.


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