Dakotas Buzz

"The Minnesota Legend" visiting FARGO Nov 10-11 - SAVE the DATES!
Portia Eden See my TER Reviews 1071 reads

I'm very pleased to be visiting Fargo BEFORE the blustery winter hits.....    but I'll bring my snow shovel with just in case.
 so, Save the Date for some Portia Eden Time :)  
 Send a note to me at [email protected] for specifics.  
Rates are listed on my website.

 oh, and I'm a squirter....given the right stimulation of course.  
 It's quite fun.  I travel with Waterproof Sheets even.  
:)  see you in November!  
 If you travel to Minneapolis on business,  I offer an airport concierge service,  
  even if it's for a layover.  
 Send me an email for details.

One of the huge let downs in my life is I won't be able to see Portia on this trip.  Guys, you will never regret seeing Portia.   bigdell

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