
ChiTownJam 3864 reads
1 / 23

Anyone have any experience with Michelle’s? Seem to have really attractive talent but never hear about them in reviews or boards. Any insight would be great!!

StapleCenter 617 Reviews 90 reads
2 / 23

Don’t let the low number of reviews turn you away. If you see pics you like, then book. One of my atf’s was from Michelles, the amazing Juliette. Don’t miss out.

chrisoi812 4 Reviews 77 reads
3 / 23

Nick has many of the best girls I have ever saying they are gorgeous and very reasonable rates neck really is on the hobbyists side I have been going to him for 15 years and he has never let me down the girls are incredible I would definitely recommend

dodge55 192 Reviews 71 reads
4 / 23

I used them when I worked in the loop years ago.  One gal in particular I saw a couple of times.  He does have some beautiful ladies!

MikeKing911 35 Reviews 71 reads
5 / 23

Have been using Michelles for years and have never had a bad or disappointing experience with any of the girls I've seen. Very consistent in quality and service. Nick is a great agent! Don't hesitate!

BenzGuy64 31 Reviews 70 reads
6 / 23
kiskahunter 3 Reviews 62 reads
7 / 23

Mostly worn out tired girls that have been around to every other agency in the city and then some.

I_like_escorts 22 Reviews 50 reads
8 / 23

I had good experiences with Michelle's back in mid 2000's, when I was getting started in the hobby.  Their scheduler was strict, but friendly on the phone.  My preferences shifted toward independents since then, but the memories are still good.  I haven't heard much about them lately, either.  But if they're still active and other people rate them highly, I say go for it.

Jamie.Solo See my TER Reviews 96 reads
9 / 23

I have heard a lot of gentlemen, and girls who've worked with agencies say that the girls are often over worked. I know that their motivation is money, but you would think that in long run allowing your girls to limit the number of sessions would ensure they are their best selves and provide a better service. Which, in the end, will have guys coming back, then if the girl is completely exhausted and isn't into the session.  

I will cancel a session if I wake up and feel like I am not going to be able to put my very best service into the session. I oftentimes will explain it to my gentleman and give him the option, 9 times out of 10 he is okay picking another day to ensure that I am 200% in it, then providing a service that is half assed.  

Of course, I know absolutely nothing about this agency. And, it looks like the thread was started a while back, but that is still something that has baffled me. Even when I was assisting and mentoring girls a lot, I would always tell them that pushing themselves is not a good idea in the end. If a gentleman wants to see you, he is going to wait and continue to try to see you until it works out. I have always been low volume, and limited the amount of sessions that I have per day. It just seemed like common sense to me. *shrugs*

SimplyGFE01 See Agency Profile 75 reads
10 / 23

Granted there probably are agencies that have a tendency to over work their girls.  However, there are probably an equal amount of independents that over work themselves.  

We try to limit a girl to about 2-3 per day but there are days that they do zero and days that they do 4 or even 5 but those days are few and far between.  

I don't know what you consider over worked but if that is it....guilty as charged!  I don't know what other agencies do or how they operate but with us, if a girl does 3 or 4 calls and says they are done...they are done.  They decide pretty much when enough is enough.

From a business stand point and since we are the one that absorbs all the financial costs in regards to in Call and advertising expenses, if the girl does not do enough calls for us to make a profit....they are in the wrong business and we part ways.  

Just my 2 cents!

2KG_Presents See Agency Profile 63 reads
11 / 23

Although I appreciate your input and you stating you stand out cause you are low volume, I am with Mike here.

Sweeping generalizations are not true and honestly I am so tired of people playing this card.  

First, assisting is just another form of down low agency.   I hate it when people play the 'don't deal with agencies, let me take (fill in percentage or weekly fee here)'.  You can call them 'friends' all you want but if your taking a cut / rental fees, same animal.

And our providers make their own schedules, set their own appointment limits, and we check in with them to ensure they are happy and doing well.  I think the longevity of our providers staying with us speaks volumes.

Is every provider a good match for our or any other agency / assistant? No.

When it doesn't work out, will they talk crap?  In the land of twitter, Yes.

Is there anything wrong with going with an agency, assistant, or indie?  No.  We all should do things that are most comfy for us.

Will someone always bash the other?  Sadly, yes.  It is my LEAST favorite form of marketing that we see.  I cringe when I look at some agencies and indies sites that do it.  Who falls for that?  

It's 2018, can we stop this noise now?

AlyssaTantra See my TER Reviews 61 reads
12 / 23

As someone who has worked for an agency and independently I'm going to start with I never provided, "half assed service."  
As far as volume I had the opportunity at any point to say how many or how little amount of appointments per day and what I offered was entirely up to me. The only request was when something was pre booked I kept that commitment unless I was sick or on my monthly.
There are a list of advantages and disadvantages to client and provider when working independently or with an agency. I'm not going to tell someone differently. This gentleman can choose as he wishes.
Maybe you've known ladies who haven't had pleasurable agency experiences, but maybe the person running the business wasn't experienced.

I always chuckle a little at the whole, "I'm low volume."
If you are on a FB, advertising, social networking your services, replying to every other post the only persons horn your tooting is your own.  IMO if you are truly low volume then you are pretty much under the radar with a couple of regulars.  Really, it's no ones business.

On that note the agency I did work with always spoke well of Michelle's including Nick and the ladies.  They've been around for quite sometime so clients and ladies must be happy on both sides of the table.

MaggieLinn2 See my TER Reviews 108 reads
13 / 23

Does this Nick happen to be the one from Club 390? Short Greek guy?! Such an amazing guy. If it is then it's a good place.

Dan_Sing 83 reads
14 / 23

2 girls I saw were Prima-Donnas

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 84 reads
15 / 23

however please know that he does not like to provide references and requires that you contact him in advance and share with him who you are providing him as a reference too, if you don't he just declines or tells us to tell you to contact him.  I personally do not like that and it feels shady.  Otherwise as long as you do not plan to use him as a reference you should be fine

ChiTownJam 72 reads
16 / 23
myawesomealias 52 reads
17 / 23

Don't contact them unless you like insanely intrusive screening.

Narcissus1971 19 Reviews 94 reads
18 / 23

I've been using them for a while and they are one of the best agencies to work with.  Great locations in the city and reasonable rates with some very hot and lovely ladies.  My only qualm is that their selection isn't big enough compared to others.  Also they can only be reached by an answering service.

kiskahunter 3 Reviews 67 reads
19 / 23

The selection  is absolutely miserable! And the "nice incalls" are not so nice. They have a problem with rodents. You can't even get anyone on the phone. It's one of the worst agencies actually. It's on its last legs obviously They have an enormous army of shills. One of my favs tried that agency for a week and left after she told me how gross it was and how they don't have any clients. Anyone who tells you this agency has good girls and is a good place to go is not telling you the truth. The owner even begged one girl to stay there and gave her a sizable cash bonus which she took and then left again lol. It's not Michelle's..It's Nick's....There is no "Michelle"...Maybe if there were a woman running this business they could attract some talent to this old dinosaur of an agency.

MichellesEscorts See Agency Profile 101 reads
20 / 23

I usually do not respond to these type of posts, but I cannot sit by and watch these lies.

I have been established for 30 years, operating as Michelles in the same format during that time.  I make it no secret I (Nick) run things.  Over the years I have seen all my competitors come and go, yet I am still here.  If that makes me a dinosaur, then call me T-Rex.

Some truths from the posts in this thread…
I do screen.  I do need a client’s name, contact phone number and basic line of work.  This is a dangerous business.  Knowing the client is important on many levels for the safety of everyone involved.  If you need further explanation on this policy, please contact me directly.

I do use a 1980’s voicemail that does not have caller ID.  If you are calling any other type of number, you are being added to that number’s inbound call list.  If anyone gets the records from the carrier (not really hard to do), you have a list of all the customers, when they called, how long they spoke, etc.  I have always operated to protect my clients from prying eyes at every level and my methods have proven successful.  An unpublished, direct call/text number is available to customers that use Michelles at least twice a month.

I only have photos on the website of escorts that are available.  I could fill pages with photos of girls that used to work with me and maybe even coming back, but that just serves to confuse everyone.  I do not use any fake or stolen photos.  Day-to-day, all that matters is who is on right now.

It is true I do not give references to other agencies and escorts without authorization from the customer.  This is a similar policy to a bank, credit card, school, etc.  Due to my size and tenure, I get requests from across the country for references.  Without a ton of research on my end, how do I know the difference between a legit escort and a tricky wife?  Also, many of the requests ask for an extreme amount of detail:  Screening information, behavior and sometimes physical attributes.  Much of the information I simply do not have.

Now, on to the outright lies…
We use apartments and 3+ star hotels for our incalls, like pretty much everyone else.  No one has reported anything to me about rodents.  Obviously, I would address that immediately, and none of the girls would tolerate being around rodents.  Our apartments are in a high-end area downtown and the hotels are all Mag-Mile.

We are far from being on our last legs, the girls are all highly reviewed and some even TER ranked.  I do not ask for anyone to shill for me, but all reviews and comments on these boards come from our happy customers, on their own.  I do not compensate anyone for reviews and do not have any aliases.  It may seem like many come to my defense, but that is just because I have a lot of customers, probably more than the sum of all my competitors (having been in business for 30 years).

I have never given any escort a cash bonus for anything, ever.  Many of you look at my site quite frequently.  When I post a new girl, many call to meet her.  If her business wanes, many times it is due to her performance in some category, or her own work ethic issues and she moves on.  With me, it’s not just the obvious of being pretty, drug-free, etc. but the equally important details of being on time, handling yourself well and being professional.  I do not need to pay anyone to stay on.

Finally, one or two of the girls have checked out working briefly at another agency prior to coming to Michelles.  None have “been around to every other agency in the city and then some”.  Girls tend to stay with me for many years as I treat them with respect and run a professional and profitable operation.  On the contrary, I receive emails almost weekly from girls currently at other agencies wishing to work with me.  I am incredibly selective of whom I choose to work with, and most don’t make the cut (if she's not doing well where she is, nothing will change by switching agencies).

On a personal note to Kiskahunter, you have come out now twice in the last 2 months, on this same thread, with rumors and outright lies about my operation.  If you have an axe to grind with me, or you feel you received poor service somewhere along the line, please contact me and I will be pleased to make it right.  Certainly, we both have more productive things we could be doing than bantering on an escort board.  I always invite any customer to contact me if they receive less than top-notch service.

I wish well to all those in this business and those that participate.  I am always happy to answer any questions and and to be of service to all of you.

Nick -

MaggieLinn2 See my TER Reviews 82 reads
21 / 23

Beautiful Nick Just Beautiful!! Applauding! I don't know who you are but if you used to work at 390 I do!! Great job and keep it up. Mr Hunter has issues with many it seems...he likes to vent on boards and bully the women.

dicerbo 42 Reviews 79 reads
22 / 23

I hadn't planned on commenting in this thread since OP asked the question 2 months ago and likely got his answer long ago but since Nick just replied I thought I'd give my 2 cents.

I've seen 5 girls from Michelle's over the years, including my very first escort ever (many many years ago...shout out to Brie!) and all were great experiences. I'm honestly baffled by the claims made by the other person in this thread because I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Michelle's to anyone.

I_like_escorts 22 Reviews 83 reads
23 / 23

I haven't used Michelle's in who-knows-how-long, but I've used it early on in my hobby career, when I was young and had trouble getting independents to see me.  (I have no such issues today.)  I didn't find him to be a jerk, to be honest.

The only girl I found to be a prima donna was Kali.  She didn't like how I looked, and she didn't put in a lick (ha!) of effort to hide it, as far as her body language was concerned.  Even though I showered beforehand and all that jazz.  I think she expected a rich businessman or a chiseled athlete, and instead got a mild-mannered 20-something office drone.  Which made for an awkward session.  His other girls were awesome, though.

-- Modified on 2/27/2018 10:06:12 AM

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