
Re: The research I do on a gent before I see them is extensive because...
Playfulfun69 1411 reads
1 / 23

This probably is a dumb question but...

Do providers have a site or some way contacting each other saying if a client is bad or good? Not saying it's like a full out review or anything.  

Also the verification from one provider to another is it just an email or txt between to providers just saying he legit?  

Thanks 😬  

Still enjoying the forum!

MarieSimone See my TER Reviews 648 reads
2 / 23

There are multiple ways we providers contact each other. It wouldn't be smart for us to expose our ways to clients and especially alias'. Be a great client and that's something you'll never have to worry about.

Playfulfun69 413 reads
3 / 23

I was thinking there has to be something lol. I wasn't asking for anyone to expose anything (😳 I hope my question wasn't trying to do that 😳) I know how this end kind of works but I was guessing there has to be something on the other side too. 😬 There is a lot of information out there and I'm sure I've only seen the tip of the iceberg! There are some forums but most of those are clients base I guess. I do like Ter and that there is an open format for everyone to be able to post things. Much better then just the same old story repeated over and over by different people same story. Not saying it's a bad thing it's very helpful!  

Thanks for the reply always enjoy reading replies even if it's from haters!😳

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 705 reads
4 / 23

It's no great secret that there are client-blacklist sites and related resources.  :-)

So providers can then take the info you gave her and use it to see if you're on any of those lists.  

To my knowledge, the sites/services such as P411 and Date-Check are the only real resources for saying a client is good, outside of smaller websites similar to this one that have their own form of Whitelisting, that is.  ;-)

As to reference checking, the standard is to simply ask the lady who already saw you, "Was he ok and would you see him again?"  although some ladies add on a couple extra questions such as , "Did he have good hygiene?" and "Was he on-time, respectful, and the donation was correct?" ...... but that's usually it.  

We just want to know that you are safe and conduct yourself properly.   ;-)


-- Modified on 9/14/2016 6:23:36 AM

SPOTYjudge 468 reads
5 / 23

It is. What's next, asking if your pussy is tight?

Playfulfun69 299 reads
6 / 23

It makes me smile that you took the time to read my question and took the time to log in and write something!  

Hope you have a good day

SPOTYjudge 233 reads
8 / 23

The OP sounds like a lost turd looking for a toilet.

I_run_the_table 369 reads
9 / 23

Clients should not be privy to what happens when we screen them.  

Answering is detrimental to your safety and survival in this business.

I_run_the_table 364 reads
10 / 23

Posted By: Dani18x3

 If you're worried about what she might tell another provider, politely ask what she would say about you, and that if it's bad, ask if she can give you the chance to make it up to her before she makes up her mind. Always conduct yourself with humility with providers, its the best way to get us to spoil you rotten ;)
Christ on a fucking cracker, there are some stupid providers around here.  

Really? Ask a provider what she would say? You think any provider who at all values her safety, reputation and finances would tell a horrible client that he's horrible? Here's what you do with a terrible client - you don't see them again. No woman with an IQ above 75 would tell him he's awful, much less give him a chance to make it right.

I_run_the_table 456 reads
11 / 23

because your broke ass cannot afford to play with those hot women.  

Want answers?  

Hire a provider, pay her for her time and ask her all the questions you want.

Playfulfun69 310 reads
12 / 23

Thanks for the advice! Appreciate the time you took out of your way to helping me out!  


Playfulfun69 354 reads
13 / 23

I don't understand why people get so upset? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's a forum lol this isn't an interview if you don't like the subject all you have to do is scroll up or down. I love that the angery hateful people do spend the time reading and reply I think it's hilarious! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's just a question if you don't like it don't read it... Why spend so much time out of your very important life to even bother? Do all angery people walk down the street to tell people what you hate about them before walking by them? If you live Chicago I'm guessing you don't make it far!  

I'm also sure you can put me on the ignore list! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hope you start having a better day!

roxie gfe See my TER Reviews 222 reads
14 / 23

Posted By: I_run_the_table
Clients should not be privy to what happens when we screen them.  
 Answering is detrimental to your safety and survival in this business.

Playfulfun69 354 reads
15 / 23

I understand safety is number 1 for both parties. It's an open forum random question... I wasn't out to expose anyone or anything just a random question! I don't understand why people get so upset with something like this makes me laugh... Feel bad for the people that have to deal with angery people... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I'm not saying your angery Roxie just the other post πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚!

roxie gfe See my TER Reviews 309 reads
16 / 23

Lol ok cuz I was like whaaaaat I'm not upset at all hahahaha

Def I agree!

IMHO its  when people do not verify that should have you really worried

Thanks for the laugh

Playfulfun69 193 reads
17 / 23

Thanks Dani18x3 I hope I didn't torture you to get a nice pleasant response! 😬

No Roxie I wasn't trying to say you were 😀hatter😀 I was just laughing at the angery people πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ makes me laugh!

I just don't get why they get so upset? It's very entertaining for sure!  

You two lady's and the other lady that are ok with smiling once in a while are awesome!  

Have a good week!

Playfulfun69 320 reads
18 / 23

I like the passion you have! Wish it wasn't so negative... I'm not pinning you down and forcing you to give me information! Next time just pause for a few seconds relax breath in and out slowly do it a couple time. Then scroll right pass the thing that causing all the anger! Just remember it's a forum people can ask questions people also can move to the next post! Also try and smile more I'm guessing you have a nasty smirk πŸ€”πŸ˜ πŸ˜‘ while your reading this! I'm smiling just incase if your wondering 😬!

I hope you have a better weekend I know I might have screwed up this week for you but you've put a smile on my face!  

Stay classy San Diego!

You might not get that...

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 363 reads
19 / 23

There's almost always a general way to respond to such questions, without giving specifics.  

You know, politician-style. LOL

"Polite but..... vague"  ;-P

lisa0302 See my TER Reviews 390 reads
20 / 23

Sometimes I get a raven with.....OH HELL NAW!!!
Sometimes I get an owl with OH HELL YES, get on that...
Occasionally I will get a parrot at my window....screaming...this one tips...


Foodyguy 29 Reviews 186 reads
21 / 23
giselle69 See my TER Reviews 235 reads
22 / 23

Better than a pidgeon, right.,.,.,and their poop...

Posted By: lisa0302
Sometimes I get a raven with.....OH HELL NAW!!!  
 Sometimes I get an owl with OH HELL YES, get on that...  
 Occasionally I will get a parrot at my window....screaming...this one tips...  

Playfulfun69 212 reads
23 / 23
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