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sweetkarley See my TER Reviews 610 reads
2 / 15
cellman 13 Reviews 483 reads
3 / 15

o want to stay in the City or the burbs Mag mile in the city in the burbs Schaumburg

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 418 reads
4 / 15

Any advice what I need to know about area ?
  see  add board can t say more .. just want ask about Arlington Heights

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 3:20:06 PM

sweetkarley See my TER Reviews 487 reads
7 / 15

I like safe
I like Multiple hours and overnights
and good location for clients to have to drive to
worry free locations


tinhobbyist 45 Reviews 502 reads
9 / 15

Chicago's traffic (plus possible snow now that we're into Winter...Brrr) means that if you stay in the burbs the majority of your business is going to come from clients staying there, and vice versa if you are in the City (Loop/Downtown), due to the exorbitant amount of time it takes to get across town.  Downtown can be congested and parking is not cheap, but many providers like the City for the excitement and hustle and bustle. You are steps from the best restaurants and nightlife which is great for extended/overnight dates.  

During the weekends, upscale hotels are filled with women dressed to the Nines so if you like dressing up and meeting your clients at the bar, you'll blend right in and no one will be the wiser (unless you're too obvious).  Suburban hotels are more casual and things are more spread out.  

This is purely based on my own opinion.  For me, I live in the City and hardly ever venture out into the 'burbs.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 488 reads
10 / 15

No matter what, people will complain no matter where you are or what you do. And others will praise.

Many people from the burbs don't go to the city,and many people from the city don't go to the burbs. But there are people in both places. I've done well in all areas out here. Loop, not so much unless it was for outcalls. Tons of outcalls in the Loop.

There are some areas in the burbs that have lower hotel rates, free parking, and great clients (very convenient off the highway). Just be ready to go into the city for outcalls if you choose the burbs. Guys are pretty understanding of travel fees for you to come to them.

ClairJordan See my TER Reviews 444 reads
11 / 15

It turns the whole trip around.  So you have your early evening 7-8pm booking, then turn the phone back on!  Stay in a nice place with a cool lounge scene and get them to hop a cab and come to you.  Stay btw the Loop Mag Mile and the Gold Coast-and use RS2K.  They are golden.
Good luck!

haruko 481 reads
12 / 15

...I have a feeling that won't be a problem, no matter where you are. Damn, girl. :)

I second the recommendation for downtown-ish, though: the Loop, South Loop, River North, River West. Also, have you considered accepting RS2K?

sweetkarley See my TER Reviews 477 reads
13 / 15
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