
Eros Verified Photo
chiguy1966 13 Reviews 11114 reads

What is a Eros Verified Phot really mean?

I was looking at Jena, she is new and HOT!!!

Can't find a review of her, and I am thinking this is a take one for the team girl.

It is my understanding that to verify a photo, Eros requires a second picture in the same pose with a diferent outfit on.  Usually this means fully clothed.  Be careful though!  Check out Fantasy on Eros.  I was cruising the Usenet and found a series of pics of this awesome chic; she is a porn-star and presumably not the girl that will be knocking on your door.  Apparently, Eros can be fooled!


What Eros required when I advertised there was a photo taken with a sign that reads "EROS Verified" or "Eros" or something similar in the same outfit.  In other words, your photographer must take this extra shot of you holding this sign in the same outfit as your ad photo that says it's you. This way, you can't steal someone's pics unless they ALSO took that extra shot with the Eros sign. Thats they only way they will add the "eros verified" status to your ad.  Unless they changed their policies, then that's how they did it when I was listed there with Verified photos.

-- Modified on 1/29/2004 9:33:39 AM

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