
Escorts for older men
sher0604 1079 reads

Hi All,  I'm a nice looking 75 yer old white fella looking for a female  escort.  Does anyone know any escorts in the Chicago area open to seeing someone my age.  Thanks

Very few providers have an age cap and if they do, it is usually listed on their ad or site.  In fact, many prefer older guys cuz they cause less trouble.

If anything, when a provider has an age limit it's almost always at the lower end -- no one under 35, for example.

I'm in my early 70s. These days when I make an appointment (which admittedly isn't often; I'm more likely just to stop by my local Korean AMP), I mention my age, but so far it hasn't been an issue.

I love the the older gent's as im a mature provider and feel all ages need some loven (o)(o)

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