
Never happened to me...
Tammie 9119 reads

Knock on wood!  I hope to not run into childhood buddies unless they were my crushes!  

IF I didn't catch someones name during screening, then depending on who it is, I am sure we can make the session fun.  Now if he turned out to be family or married into my family...well, you do the math!  I'm running for the door!

Just curious, I was wondering how often Providers have had a client walk into their room and it was someone they knew (like from high school) or recognized from somewhere else (like the grocery store or fitness center)?

I understand the whole screening thing but I also know that alot of Providers also accept client based on references alone.

So if the above scenario has occurred, what happened?  Was the session more fun, awkward, the same?

I guess this wasn't as conversation-provoking as I thought.

What about you other hobbyists?  Ever walk into a meeting with a provider and realize that you've seen her at the mall, grocery store, coffee shop?

BEEN There.

Walked into a skybox party at a Bulls game and a major client's date was a provider I had seen a number of times.  INSTANT SPHINCTER CLENCH!!  All was ok.  At one point everyone else was outside in the seats and we were in the box part alone.  She said "you ok?"  I replied "sure and I'm happy to see my client has such good taste."  She laughed and was glad everything was cool.   Saw her again at another function with him and everything was cool as well.  I think most providers are as concerned (if not more concerned) about discretion as hobbyists.  That said, there's wackos on both sides of the equation.


Tammie9120 reads

Knock on wood!  I hope to not run into childhood buddies unless they were my crushes!  

IF I didn't catch someones name during screening, then depending on who it is, I am sure we can make the session fun.  Now if he turned out to be family or married into my family...well, you do the math!  I'm running for the door!

would never miss a chance to talk about a female friend of his (I say female friend because they were not in a relationship, but would horse around from time to time). Now most of the time he would tell me about what a phenominal lover she was and he would describe her to me. I never thought I would ever actually meet this girl but because I of stories I have to admit, I would have liked to meet her. Then my friend moved away to California.

Well, as a result of surfing the web for new dates, I noticed a new website for a lady named Enchanting Olivia. I checked it out, thought hmmm, I kind of want to meet this girl. Well a few weeks went by and then one day I got an e-mail from my friend who had moved to California. He told me his freaky friend from back home had decided to become an escort, and he asked me if I would contact her and give her a hobbyists perspective of what constitutes a good date as well as give her an idea of the kinds of dangerous guys she would want to avoid. He also wanted me to help her out by talking her up to my friends. I said cool, give me her contact info.

When he did, I about fell of my chair when I discovered that his freaky friend from before and Enchanting Olivia were one in the same. What a coincidence I thought? Well, Olivia and I hit it off right away since our mutual friend was telling her stories about me for years as well, it was like we were old friends, knowing each other for years. Since then, we made a movie together (OK I was camera, not costar DAMN!!) created a site called Provider Video and both me and my wife consider her a good friend. It's a small world- check my review of Olivia to find out how our session went- woohoo!!

-- Modified so many damned times it's stupid!!!

-- Modified on 11/23/2003 5:55:34 PM

And when I think of all the times over the past 8 years our mutual friend mentioned you to me and we never met....

I gotta call him, I miss the big lug.  :)

Nyla_DeCosta9994 reads

I saw a guy once at his apt in the gold coast, we had a really good time, he was well hung, great body, dark Italian which are all preferences of mine. Very wild session, we fed off of each others energy, anyways, this guy turns out to be the contractor working on the addition to my mami's home.

So on one of my routine visits to my ma's house one weekend, I see the client sitting and joking with my ma, and step dad. Well my first physical reaction was an adrenaline rush like non other. I spoke to him and went upstairs until he left.

He called me a few days later and we kinda laughed about it. I haven't seen him since, but if he's out me!

PeterPickle8315 reads

Never happened to me, but I was recently with a lady in Atlanta and we got to talking. She said she had recently had an appt where she opened the door all dressed in lingerie and stockings and then realizes that appt was her dads life long friend who was visiting Atlanta on business. She said she was so spooked out (in an incest kind of way, yuck!) that she took two weeks off from work!!

She said they laughed about it and agreed it would be kept a secret from her father and his wife!

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