
Mock27 8 Reviews 1005 reads

It has been a long time since I have been with anyone, and due to health issues the last year has been rough and I have put on a fair bit of weight. I am seeing a lady this weekend, someone who is very fit, and I am nervous. I really do not want my body to be a turn off for her. Any providers got any tips on how to put my mind at ease over this? Thanks!

brownjack27 reads

I'm a big guy (considerably overweight), but healthy and strong.  If the subject of my fitness comes up ("size", weight), I never misrepresent it.

I have had the odd provider choose not to accept my meeting request.  But, many have, and they have always been very gracious and accepting.  And, I always had a great time.

I can't know for sure.  But, I suspect you'll have a great time too.  My best advice:  Relax and allow yourself to be present in the experience.  The more comfortable you are, the more comfortable she will be.

The vast majority of professional providers are not concerned with their clients appearance. In fact, I've heard them say over and over again how annoyed they get when they get an inquiry from a young guy who describes himself as handsome and fit, as if that's going to make any difference in whether or not they choose to see them.

All you need to do is read their profile/web site and follow their process exactly as they prefer. And, it should go without saying, be a gentleman, don't push their boundaries, and for God's sake show up to the session cleaner than you have ever been in your life. Poor hygiene is a sure way to get bad service.

We're all human with beautiful imperfections!  

It should NEVER matter your race/ skin color nor height & weight when visiting a lady.  

Everyone: from the fittest to those with a bit extra love handles. Everyone has imperfections!!  
Not a single soul on earth is perfect.
So it shouldn't ever be a factor in the lifestyle.
 (Then again, I'm outside the norm when enjoying this lifestyle)

Be yourself when meeting your date.  Let the date flow naturally.  Don't let your body size be a hindrance.

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