
I don't give a fuck about "civil society"
GaGambler 830 reads

but I am the exception, and for most guys the very act of being questioned is where the real damage comes in. A misdemeanor conviction for solicitation is hardly as life altering as getting divorced, fired, etc once it becomes known that the average guy is a whoremonger.

That said, I am SO happy that the world already knows I am a whore mongering pig. That means no one can do so much as even embarrass me, well maybe if someone has evidence that I fucked a fat ugly chick, I would be a bit embarrassed, but that's the extent of it. lol

So, I have just recently moved back to Chicago and am looking to get back into the hobby.  I have been TER Whitelisted and have a couple Minnesota references but seems to me like no Agency and most independent girls want more than Whitelist.  Is it just me or are things more strict in chicago?  In MN if I told somebody I was TER Whitelisted that was good enough but not here.  Some agencies want to me text them pictures of my ID and business card.  This seems a little over kill to me but I guess I'm just not willing to send that kind of info. Any suggestions?

-- Modified on 2/19/2015 5:13:24 PM

-- Modified on 2/19/2015 5:16:05 PM

Ladies/agencies asking for pics of your ID and business card should be avoided in my opinion. Why not simply supply provider references or join P411?

I have supplied provider references then they still want ID and stuff.  I'm guessing I do need to join p411

GaGambler754 reads

and P 411 will definitely make your life much easier where it comes to screening.

My advice is that if your life would be ruined by getting fired, divorced, disowned by family, etc if your whore mongering was to be made public, then do NOT give out your personal information to any agency or hooker.

The odds are not great of anything like this happening, but your odds aren't high that you are going to get in a car wreck today, but I bet you still wear your seatbelt. The potential damage for many of you guys is simply to great to take even a small risk IMO.

I'm not sure why... But last time I asked about giving a whitelist I wasent allowed because I have a 'agency' acct.  

It all depends on their acct type.  

Hope this helps!  


No reflection on our local providers or agencies but you need to draw a firm line regarding what you're willing to give up. P411 is your best option for ease of verification and you don't necessarily have to give up your real info. Stay away from RS2K, they demand your real info.

The TER whitelist has some value if the referrers are local, well-known, and recent. If they're older than 6 months, no provider will accept them. Some providers use the whitelist along with another verification method. Look into P411, that's your best option.

As I have said before, when (not if, WHEN) and agency gets raided and your ID is on their hard drive or in a file cabinet (true story, saw it happen to coworker) you are hit.

I have seen the cops come to work and pic up a guy in front of everyone for questioning over his hobbying.  

Agencies that demand copies of my ID AND my pay check stub (again, they have) I laugh at.  No thanks.  I'm not losing my clearance over this shit.

TwoMints1186 reads

What could they possibly prove?  

Yeah he's fucked, but I can't believe he could be prosecuted.  

I don't doubt your story and yes you should never give that information out.

What would that conversation sound like with a lawyer.  Officer: "We found your client's name on a list from an escort agency." It says that he saw Brenda TightSnatch on xxxx date.
Lawyer: "So is it illegal to hire an escort? Do you actually have some evidence that he paid for sex?
Officer: "well, Ms. TightSnatch said he paid her xxx for buttsecks."
Lawyer:  "So do you have any actual proof?"  Officer: "Just the witness, that says its him, and his name in the file"  Lawyer: "Wonderful, either arrest my client or we'll be leaving now".
Officer:  gruffly responds "good bye."

They need actual evidence that you asked for sex for money. Not a name in a file and a lady that says he did. They need it on tape or need to directly witness him soliciting sex. Any lawyer would get him off.

They where fishing and he didn't need to go with them. The problem is he thought he was going to talk himself out of it, instead of realizing he probably already lost his job and he should never talk to the cops.

Posted By: Stinger29
As I have said before, when (not if, WHEN) and agency gets raided and your ID is on their hard drive or in a file cabinet (true story, saw it happen to coworker) you are hit.  
 I have seen the cops come to work and pic up a guy in front of everyone for questioning over his hobbying.    
 Agencies that demand copies of my ID AND my pay check stub (again, they have) I laugh at.  No thanks.  I'm not losing my clearance over this shit.  

wet-n-slurpy981 reads

its game over, even if they can't prosecute you. You will be treated like garbage by civil society.

ladies who screen dont want drama or problem clients and avoid them like the plague!  
IN MY OPINION - it is risky to see anyone who doesn't screen. The more difficult one
makes it for u to see them the more likely they dont wish u harm.  Makes sense....

if a provider makes it easy for u to see them and doesnt screen perhaps they are le or trying to rob/rip off

this is my point of view to which I am entitled and everyone is entitled to their own

sometimes we have to agree to disagree

stay safe and everyone should do what they feel comfortable wit

wet-n-slurpy1203 reads

Screening is not the issue. It is how intrusive is acceptable. If you don't share real life info why should the guys.

How much more real life information do you need?  

I'll just echo what the other ladies have said.  

You may think you are risking a lot by providing screening information - a career, a wife, other personal relationships, etc.  

I am risking my life every single time I am alone with a client.  

Rarely are clients killed in this business and I cannot think of one single incident when a client has been murdered by an established, reputable provider. But the number of providers murdered by clients are far too numerous to count. Think about it - this is my livelihood.  What would I possibly gain by outing you or any of my other clients?  

I require all kinds of screening information, including real names. And you know what? My clients are perfect angels. All of them. I have a sneaky suspicion that I would attract an entirely different caliber of clientele, one in which I am not at all interested, if my screening were not what it is.  

In the end, you're not as special or as important as you think you are. If you cannot provide me with the basic courtesy of making me feel safe *before* we meet, I can only imagine what a horribly demanding and boundary pushing asshole you'd be after we meet. No thank you.

I know this one chick who didn't screen I got to her place and she wasn't the one I saw in the ad. She ripped me off but I wanted to see her anyway. I do think screening is a sign that they are authentic.

That's because so many get scared by their tactics and fold, and forget the number 1 rule...STFU.  

Posted By: wet-n-slurpy
its game over, even if they can't prosecute you. You will be treated like garbage by civil society.

GaGambler831 reads

but I am the exception, and for most guys the very act of being questioned is where the real damage comes in. A misdemeanor conviction for solicitation is hardly as life altering as getting divorced, fired, etc once it becomes known that the average guy is a whoremonger.

That said, I am SO happy that the world already knows I am a whore mongering pig. That means no one can do so much as even embarrass me, well maybe if someone has evidence that I fucked a fat ugly chick, I would be a bit embarrassed, but that's the extent of it. lol

They had informants bust several girls, the girls have up the agency, the agency was searched and they went after a dozen clients in order to sweat them to cooperate against the agency.   It evidentially worked because the agency "owners" or whatever were prosecuted.  The guy DID lose his job and govt clearance over this very quickly.  


Posted By: TwoMints
What could they possibly prove?    
 Yeah he's fucked, but I can't believe he could be prosecuted.  
 I don't doubt your story and yes you should never give that information out.  
 What would that conversation sound like with a lawyer.  Officer: "We found your client's name on a list from an escort agency." It says that he saw Brenda TightSnatch on xxxx date.  
 Lawyer: "So is it illegal to hire an escort? Do you actually have some evidence that he paid for sex?  
 Officer: "well, Ms. TightSnatch said he paid her xxx for buttsecks."  
 Lawyer:  "So do you have any actual proof?"  Officer: "Just the witness, that says its him, and his name in the file"  Lawyer: "Wonderful, either arrest my client or we'll be leaving now".  
 Officer:  gruffly responds "good bye."  
 They need actual evidence that you asked for sex for money. Not a name in a file and a lady that says he did. They need it on tape or need to directly witness him soliciting sex. Any lawyer would get him off.  
 They where fishing and he didn't need to go with them. The problem is he thought he was going to talk himself out of it, instead of realizing he probably already lost his job and he should never talk to the cops.  
Posted By: Stinger29
As I have said before, when (not if, WHEN) and agency gets raided and your ID is on their hard drive or in a file cabinet (true story, saw it happen to coworker) you are hit.  
  I have seen the cops come to work and pic up a guy in front of everyone for questioning over his hobbying.    
  Agencies that demand copies of my ID AND my pay check stub (again, they have) I laugh at.  No thanks.  I'm not losing my clearance over this shit.  

I think the conversation would go like this: Officer: "We found your client's name on a list from an escort agency." It says that he saw Brenda TightSnatch on xxxx date.  

Person being questioned:  Says nothing.  Nothing.  NOTHING.  

His LAWYER then says FOR him:  The escort agency can put any name they want on their list and say anything they want about that person.  It proves absolutely nothing.  

Officer:  But we checked the phone records.  Your client called this number.  

His LAWYER says FOR him:  First, how do you know it was my client and not someone else using his phone?  How do you know it wasn't a wrong number?  


normancooper1133 reads

Listen to these guys above.  Never do rs2k.  Never give any agency or escort your real name/address/phone/anything really.  You are dealing with strangers who you likely should not trust.  If you are willing to risk your reputation and your family's, then go for it.  Otherwise, stick to ter and p411.  Plenty of ladies will see you

Posted By: normancooper
Listen to these guys above.  Never do rs2k.  Never give any agency or escort your real name/address/phone/anything really.  You are dealing with strangers who you likely should not trust. .    
Wow, I had no idea I was so untrustworthy.  Thank you for enlightening me.  :huge eyeroll:

All sarcasm aside, I do not understand how it is ok to trust us with your physical being (thereby risking your health, in some cases) but not with your real name.  
Are you just as concerned with distributing such vital info when you attend networking events, conventions, etc and pass out your business card to perfect strangers?

The old, "I'll tell her my real name when she tells me hers!" reply just doesn't cut it with me as I'd really like to know just how likely it is that a provider will attempt to invade your personal life, contact you at your home or office, or heaven forbid begin stalking you.    

I've had all of the above happen to me, multiple times, when I hadn't even given them any personal info.  People intent on mischief will find a way, no matter how anonymous you attempt to be.  

:stepping off soapbox now:

I love the humor of, "dealing with strangers who likely should not trust," but yet your calling for "Hobbying." So you trust them enough for what that entitles?

wet-n-slurpy814 reads

Would you be willing to share your real name and the city you live with a hobbyist? I guess not then why do you expect us to.


This has been stated over and over and over ad nauseum: we ladies are far more at risk than you men.  

Oh right: if we don't consider the risk worth the reward we can quit.... AND SO CAN YOU.

Out of the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of "hobbyists" who are active every year, how many are harmed, stalked, humiliated, put in fear for their lives, or publicly outed?  

And how many "providers" of all walks of the streets (whether they be literal streets or the internet highway) are victims of the above?  

Does anyone honestly believe the risks and percentages are greater/higher for the "hobbyists" than the "providers"?

So many of you have little to no respect for the risks we face.  Not to mention little to no respect for us as human beings, but that's another diatribe for another day. ;-)

As I mentioned in an above post, I've personally been stalked, outed, threatened, and put in fear for my personal safety on multiple occasions and HAD NEVER GIVEN MY PERSONAL DETAILS to any of those lovely individuals.    

I can only imagine how often these things would happen if I were to share my real information with clients.   Some guys seem to LIVE to violate our boundaries and unfortunately, no amount of screening can completely weed out all of them.  Yes, the vast majority of you have zero interest in us past our time spent together but there are those who just have to let us know that they have the upper hand and we are nothing.  That he/they are entitled to do/say anything they want because after all, we're obviously far inferior creatures with no rights whatsoever.  These guys find the very idea that I expect them to adhere to my procedures/rules and to respect my limits wholly laughable.  

These things have happened to me when I had the person's personal details, but far less frequently than when I didn't, which is why will no longer operate without my RS2K safety net.  

So just what would the unsavory types do if they knew my real name and the town where I live?  Anything and everything they could, that's what.   Both physically and psychologically.  

The same holds true for you men: the overwhelming majority of "providers" and agencies have no ulterior motives whatsoever when we ask for your information.  Let alone pose any threat to your physical person or personal lives.  And notice that the main fear seems to be getting outed. Yes, that is serious but not as serious as having a lady show up at your home.  Yes, there are even rare cases of blackmail but does that really compare to a physical threat posed to yourself or your family??

We ladies HAVE EVERY RIGHT to ask for as much information as we need to feel comfortable meeting with you.  
I respect your right to behave as though every lady is a potential threat to your job/career/personal life so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find it within yourselves to respect our point of view too.

You won't see me because I insist on RS2K?  That's fine.  I won't insult your choice or reasons for that and in fact, I totally respect your boundaries and peace of mind.... so stop behaving and speaking as though we ladies are a greater threat to you than you men are to us, and/or YOUR need for privacy is any more important than MY comfort  level.  
Remember: Just because you don't give someone your real name, doesn't mean she/they cannot find it out anyways.

If someone wants to harass you, he or she will find a way.

But I'm sure you're all much smarter and cleverer than I, and would never leave any breadcrumbs for bad people to follow back to your home, office, etc.

So what do I want you to take away from this rant?    

1) Clients and potential clients pose a greater and more immediate threat to providers than vice versa, and that would be dramatically increased if you/they were to know our personal identifying information.

2) Our need for privacy, and comfort level achieved by our screening standards, is/are just as important and valid as your need/desire for privacy and/or anonymity.   RESPECT THAT!!!!  


-- Modified on 2/21/2015 6:54:20 AM

wet-n-slurpy1150 reads

You just need one out of tons of ladies to screw your life. Even her jealous BF can do that. There are several cases of guys being screwed over by ladies after getting personal info.
BTW I have been a long time RS member, but never share that info any more. Over and out.

normancooper1625 reads

What a stupid thread.  Am I actually reading that the sellers are making demands on what the customers have to do?  Excuse me, but no.  If the customers walk, what are you lovely ladies going to do?  Get a real job?  We can go to a variety of sugar baby sites, AMPs, civvy ladies, porn, etc.   What are yall about to do?  Strip for $400 an hour?  

Customers dictate in this business - the supply far outweighs the demand.  The only reason RS2K is even around is that there are many stupid men out there.  

By the way, you think knowing a guy's name is going to prevent them from stalking/raping/hurting/killing you?  Do you not read the news, ladies?  Nearly all women who are the victims in a crime KNOW their attacker.  Knowing their name prevents NOTHING!

P411 and ter whitelisting should be good enough, assuming a decent number of okays from legit providers.  If not, just go prey on the stupid guys out there who willingly give out their info.  Those guys will soon learn the hard way.

And yes, you're the customer! So go be a customer to girls who will listen to your shitty attitude, pay them and stfu already lol! Jesus!

Am truly offended at guys who try to give suggestions about how to run MY business.
It is my creation.  You are in MY world now and that means you play by MY rules...or else I am not gonna play.  
Each of us ladies is the boss and the CEO, so to speak, of our own business. Some of us have had bad experiences and you guys don't know the situation so it's no one else's place to tell us how to do shit!  No man and no other woman makes my decisions for me, but ME and that includes screening.  
Now let's all lighten up and have a lovely day, lol

I have avoided everything you mentioned due to the fact that I know every one of my clients

Good try..and since you mention what would we did if you guys walked??

there is always another one behind you to take your place

Just saying!!

normancooper878 reads

Now, if you'll excuse me, I, and all the other smart hobbyists out there, are going to go give our money and gifts to top quality talent that does not care about real names but only that we treat ladies well.  Ciao.

Never, ever send a picture of your ID and/or a paycheck stub to a provider or agency. Did I say never, ever??

I agree that even if your name shows up on an agency list that in itself is not enough evidence to prosecute you for solicitation, but it could and probably will, bring unnecessary attention to you and your mongering habits.  Could affect relationships, security clearances, your job, your reputation, etc.  Not worth it, so never, ever send a picture of your ID and/or a paycheck stub to a provider or agency.

Was I clear enough?

-- Modified on 2/20/2015 12:15:14 AM

Most agencies demand work verification, a lot of independent high end providers do also.  Now I belong to RS2K, 411, and DC and have been a member of TER for a more than a few days.  Are you saying that I should delete my accounts with these verification sites, and just forget about seeing high end providers or is there some secret handshake that I need to learn to see them.

Please explain

First of all, having your name on a rs2k list means nothing.  Secondly, Kathy has been keeping lists for close to or over 30 years now without a single glich.  Finally, if (and it will never ever....did I say never ever happen) the police were to confront you about your name being on theirs or any other list....simply claim identity theft and if your job punishyou, gey a good lawyer and thank them foe an early.retirement bonus!  End of story.  But like I said, it will never ever happen nor has it!!

Stickythong1138 reads

If you had my name you can find my work info and a picture from Linked In.
My address is available from any number of places.
Phone number is my throw away phone.

The funny part is my employer has changed and I have moved since I set up RS2K. The address on my DL is the one I signed up with, but it's been changed in all the SoS data bases.

If you are that paranoid perhaps you should find a new hobby.

Posted By: SimplyGFE01
First of all, having your name on a rs2k list means nothing.  Secondly, Kathy has been keeping lists for close to or over 30 years now without a single glich.  Finally, if (and it will never ever....did I say never ever happen) the police were to confront you about your name being on theirs or any other list....simply claim identity theft and if your job punishyou, gey a good lawyer and thank them foe an early.retirement bonus!  End of story.  But like I said, it will never ever happen nor has it!!

Not sure about that.  In other areas (Washington DC and New York State come to mind) LE has subpoenaed the mailing list and leaked it to the press.  The client can holler all he wants about identity theft, but guess what: everybody else will be saying their identity was stolen too.

Because of the above, I'm not on any verification service.  So it's been very hard to schedule a date, even though I am right in the phone book, offer employment verification, and have offered to meet in public to furnish proof of who I am.  I could go to BP, but uh, no thanks!

I agree with someone's comment above, TER whitelist should be used.  It's foolproof as far as I can see.

It shouldn't be this hard.  The good news I'm saving a lot of money otherwise spent on the hobby.  Just my two cents.

considering how hot LE is out there.  If you were to offer that hot ass of yours for some pokin to $$ what info would you need to make sure there was not blow back on you and your family?  Le have and do use employment verification with local area businesses to get in and bust providers.  There are also providers who whitelist or give P411 ok's to whoever because they honestly can't remember who they have seen and freely admit to it in other avenues.  Nothing is fool proof 100%.  But ask yourself how much you would need to offer it up for cash knowing all of the things we do including that fact we(providers in general) are more likely to be robbed, beaten, or even killed by our potential guests then you are by any lady listed here with a history and reviews to prove herself.

I know many of you gentlemen are scared, I would be too if I were you and I can TOTALLY put myself into your shoes and see that.  So if you need new, unreviewed or little reviewed, search for the diamond in the rough you totally are taking a leap.  Hopefully you are ok and find a gem.  If you are going with highly reviewed, classy ladies then there is NO WAY in HELL we are going to sacrifice our reputation by causing you issues at home.  We work hard to establish that rep and 1 case of something f-up it all goes down the drain.  So no, your chances are very slim if almost non-existant with an established well reviewed lady who takes pride in herself.  Along with that, RS's records I believe are kept on data base overseas so as not to be supeana'd(spelling?) and keeping a list of people who's work and other info is not illegal.  They do not keep a running list of who contacts for verifications on a person and if someone complains about you they only keep the offense not the ladies name on your file.  Note there: don't f-up to where it would be noted like shorting, not paying, beat, rob, NCNS, or the like.

Agree if you like or disagree if you like.  Personally I have no desire to get down and dirty with anyone who is unwilling to give something as small as their real name.  That in and of itself makes me think you are potentially thinking of doing something wrong to me and do not wish for me to be able to report it to other ladies.  Not a turn on and certainly will not get you a day with me

Of course many ladies what guys that they can verify and of course many guys want to remain anonymous.

Both make perfect sense to each party.

Yes you can hobby without every giving out your personal information. There are a lot of guys that do. It does limit the ladies that you'll be able to get a date with.  

Ladies that insist on that verification limit there risk at least in their own minds, but also limit there pool of johns but its what they need/want to do to feel safe and they should continue doing it. Its pointless arguing about it. There will never be a winner.

If I'm asked, I'd tell a guy never to give out their information. But I've done it. More then a few times. I've willing accepted that risk in some situations with more then one verification site and with at least one lady with a long list of reviews.

I'm not particularly worried that I'll be outed. Just because I'm in some file somewhere, doesn't mean that LE can actually do anything with that information. Yes my life would be ruined, but didn't we accept that was a possibility when we began doing this? Is there a chance the lady goes BSC, and tries hassles/blackmailing me, maybe. I doubt it, she has a reputation to protect as well.  

I understand why some ladies want more information, while I don't agree with it, think its a bit of faulty logic in some cases, its a fact of life. If I want to see that particular lady, I'll need to give that information or I won't get that opportunity.
Usually, I just skip right over ladies that require it, its simply not worth the hassle when I can use the other methods of getting a date, so easily.

Someone bitches about this weekly.  Why bother. Either give the information or don't and find someone that doesn't ask for it. The majority of providers don't ask for your personal information

Posted By: SimplyGFE01
First of all, having your name on a rs2k list means nothing.  Secondly, Kathy has been keeping lists for close to or over 30 years now without a single glich.  Finally, if (and it will never ever....did I say never ever happen) the police were to confront you about your name being on theirs or any other list....simply claim identity theft and if your job punishyou, gey a good lawyer and thank them foe an early.retirement bonus!  End of story.  But like I said, it will never ever happen nor has it!!
If I were to run an agency or verification service, I would make sure to have a number of well know politicians and high ranking police officers listed in my contacts.

Find someone who meets your comfort level. If a lady doesn't screen enough, find someone who screens harder. If she screens too much for you, find someone who doesn't.

Problem solved. We're all different. Done.

Such an easy and simple solution Courtney. Not sure why this is always such an issue on ALL of the boards ALL of the time

Mostly an issue on the Chicago board, since it's predominantly used in Chicago. Seriously. Every two weeks. Ugh lol

So much yes!
This should be like duhhhhh right but .... lol

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Find someone who meets your comfort level. If a lady doesn't screen enough, find someone who screens harder. If she screens too much for you, find someone who doesn't.  
 Problem solved. We're all different. Done.

I'm one of the girls who require names, etc. If a guy can't give that to me, it's ok. He can see someone else. No sweat.

But I've noticed a few things with guys who are adamant about white lists. They ask for them, and misbehave after I give them to him.

If they don't provide a name, 50% of the time he cancels or doesn't finish screening and just wastes time, makes scheduling harder, etc.

As much as guys think women who ask for what they're comfortable with are mean spirited, the way I keep a good, healthy glow and a skip in my step, is to feel 100% comfortable with dates and choose guys who match me well.

But the guys who have all white lists and no reviews, and don't want to give me their screening info - well - I've noticed they're just tougher to deal with. Not all, but enough to keep me sticking with what I'm comfortable with.

There are a lot of opinions on this thread about what should and shouldn't be done. But we've all only got ourselves in the end, and have to answer only for ourselves. With the amount of providers in this world, some girls will accept what the guy is comfortable with. And some guys will accept what we're comfortable with.  

Whitelist only leaves no dialogue, and I'm not about to start cold emailing other providers with whitelist approvals. They don't always respond nicely to it. From my own personal experience, guys who are really adamant about white lists probably make it tough to say no. Again not always true, but sometimes.

I've taken whitelists away before because I thought their sudden bad behavior didn't match my branding. They gave me shit, but it is what it is.

1. Generally speaking do most of the ladies respond when they are listed as a reference?
2. I always give the lady my TER you read the reviews made by the client?
3. On the "first date" do you ask to see I.D

Absolutely to Question 1 and 3.  Possibly to 2 if my VIP membership is updated.......

1. Generally speaking do most of the ladies respond when they are listed as a reference?  
 2. I always give the lady my TER you read the reviews made by the client?  
 3. On the "first date" do you ask to see I.D.  

wet-n-slurpy968 reads

Used RS to schedule. When I arrived she checked my ID for a few minutes and then called you and said something about my address over the phone. My obvious inference was that you had my address from the googling my RS info. Very very scary.

Lots of providers monitor posts there and willingly give a helping hand.

GaGambler893 reads

There are a few providers that hang out on the newbie board to indoctrinate the newbs into acting against their own self interest. Fortunately there are several guys that also monitor that board, myself included, to make sure the newbs get the straight scoop, and one of those things we look out for is to remind the newbs of the danger of giving out their personal info.

I don't tell anyone whether or not to give out their info, and I have no issue in giving out my own, but there is most definitely a risk in doing so, and despite all the hookers claims to the contrary, you can see hundreds of different ladies, quality ladies at that, without ever having to give out any information about yourself that you don't feel comfortable about.

It just is not worth the risk.  The term..."keep honest people honest" comes to mind.  If a guy is in a room with a lady and suddenly feels a little mischievous knowing he can't be identified, he is more likely to do something stupid.the only way I will ever consider a p411 or whitelist is if it is an out call to his home or 3 star hotel or above.It is like playing Russian roulette.You could spin the chamber 50 times and then once hit the bullet and its over....too late!

The concept of the girl providing her personal info makes no sense at all.  What possible safety risk its there for a guy with a reputable provider or agency? If it is a new girl or agency maybe and that is probably the reason so many his wait to see reviews on a new girl and the term...take one for the team plays out.

But a reputable girl or agency is not going to risk all the hard work it took to get that reputation and the benefits that rep provides to suddenly start ripping clients off!

Also, the reason this subject and others deserve mentioning on here over and over at the risk of redundancy is that this community constantly evolves and the new people both hobbyists and providers need to be educated.

So, if you are new here please take the time to apply a little common sense when participating. Know that there are risk involved on both sides!

Also and so you know, I happen to know a guy who runs a service on BP and all of his girls answer the phone and for all intensive purposes appear to the clients as independent but absolutely are not!  Screening is minimal at best and they March the guys into the rooms at the hotel like an assembly line and his security team is in another room with baby monitor listening to all that you do. One wrong move and you have a gun on your face within minutes. They except the risk involved and know there are going to be arrests but are slim to absorb that risk because of the many teens of thousands risked for a 100 dollar fine and 500 dollar lawyer Bill.  The girl has the phone and computer in room with her and he says he has had probably 20 computers and phones confiscated in just the last few years. They just go to walgreens and get a new phone for 50 and best buy and a new computer for a couple hundred and back in business!  That is what you are dealing with trying to find that needle in the haystack!

Happy hobbying!

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
I'm one of the girls who require names, etc. If a guy can't give that to me, it's ok. He can see someone else. No sweat.  
 But I've noticed a few things with guys who are adamant about white lists. They ask for them, and misbehave after I give them to him.  
 If they don't provide a name, 50% of the time he cancels or doesn't finish screening and just wastes time, makes scheduling harder, etc.  
 As much as guys think women who ask for what they're comfortable with are mean spirited, the way I keep a good, healthy glow and a skip in my step, is to feel 100% comfortable with dates and choose guys who match me well.  
 But the guys who have all white lists and no reviews, and don't want to give me their screening info - well - I've noticed they're just tougher to deal with. Not all, but enough to keep me sticking with what I'm comfortable with.  
 There are a lot of opinions on this thread about what should and shouldn't be done. But we've all only got ourselves in the end, and have to answer only for ourselves. With the amount of providers in this world, some girls will accept what the guy is comfortable with. And some guys will accept what we're comfortable with.  
 Whitelist only leaves no dialogue, and I'm not about to start cold emailing other providers with whitelist approvals. They don't always respond nicely to it. From my own personal experience, guys who are really adamant about white lists probably make it tough to say no. Again not always true, but sometimes.  
 I've taken whitelists away before because I thought their sudden bad behavior didn't match my branding. They gave me shit, but it is what it is.

It's very scary, and kind of gross seeing and hearing the sick, twisted pleasure the guy gets from it. It shows the human soul a little too much.

If you want to date the real me, you can't meet me through here. A pissed off guy with money is not a good thing.

-- Modified on 2/22/2015 9:22:41 AM

yourexwife976 reads

Speaking for myself.. Whitelist mean nothing to me because "good guys" can get crazy or mean at any point with that being said. I always ask for the full name of person and that is for my comfort level. I always want to know who Im dealing with. If the gentlemen does not feel comfortable giving that info then I respect that and wish him luck. I believe its a mutual compromise/respect that one should meet me in the middle and would like to meet individuals who are like minded. Otherwise we prob would not be a match anyway.

wet-n-slurpy805 reads

So should all girls provide their real names.

yourexwife815 reads

You know the name on our site. If thats not good enough. Keep it moving..

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