
From One Escort To Another
Sexy Talaya See my TER Reviews 28997 reads
1 / 10

If anything changes, I'll edit this post. But as of now, I have had it. It was nice knowing all of you.

Ahvani See my TER Reviews 31356 reads
2 / 10

Talaya you can NOT let this business or anything else get to you in such a way that you would seriously think about harming yourself, you may not realize it but you play a major role in life itself and this industry and have put too many smiles upon the faces of our gentlemen.

As far as this "business" it's always up and down and sometimes very frustrating. The guy's expect us to put on a happy face at all times and don't think about what we go through on a daily basis - and why should they we are providing a service for them, so we deal with it the best way we know how. But when it get's this bad, just take a break get some self time a figure out if this is what you really want to do, because it's not for everybody, even if you do have a passion or it. I for one have been on almost a 3 month break and now I am back - everyone on TBD & TER know I go through phases where I am not answering my phone and this is why, sometimes we need a break - just like they need a vacation from their 9-5. I know bills have to be paid on a monthly basis that's why we have to start saving for the down times or when are depressed.

As far as your personal life, I can't comment on because I don't know, but what ever it is I am sure it will pass, the hurt will fade and happy days will be yours again. If it's money maybe I can help you out. I want you to know that I am here for you even though we are "escorts" we are still human beings with feelings just like everybody else.

I am sorry for what ever has got you feeling this way. Call me Ahvani 630-479-8264

Kitara.Woods 32008 reads
3 / 10

I couldn't have said any of it better myself.  Give her a call as she suggested.  We all need a breather when things get hectic or when frustration kicks in.


Paige Paradise See my TER Reviews 34002 reads
4 / 10

This is DC calling!  Please think about what you are doing and edit your post.  It is clear that you are suffering from some sort of depression and problems.  We are somewhat of a family here, if you need something e-mail or call me at 202-431-3786.      

-- Modified on 8/2/2002 6:00:04 PM

bustybambi 30928 reads
5 / 10

Talaya, whatever problems you are going through cannot be worth taking any drastic measures against yourself. I know everything can build up and it may feel like things will never get any better but believe me girlfriend it will eventually get better. If you want to talk to someone who has been through just about anything you can imagine you can give me a call anytime, day or night. And remember that there are people that do love you and would miss you terribly if you were gone. Please make the right decision, because if you don't you can't go back and change your mind about something like this.

                 Please call or atleast post a message and let us know you are okay!

               Bambi (773) 459 0485

alsolikesfeet 31864 reads
6 / 10
177mm 31140 reads
7 / 10

do now we have an escort giving a clinical diagnosis. are you going to prescribe diazepam or depakote, I wonder.

Talaya is a dear; and I thoroughly enjoyed our little rendevouz.

RacingMan 2 Reviews 30384 reads
8 / 10

I have to agree with Paige Paradise, something is truly wrong with this lady.  There are people here to help you, just give us all a chance.

qp4 26615 reads
9 / 10

Those of us who know ahvani (to extent she'll let us anyway) know she speaks from the heart.  This is an understanding and well balanced lady who seems to have a lot of caring in her.  Speaks well for the business and for other providers who have her to talk to.  Hats off to you, Ahvani.

Moishechazzer 34957 reads
10 / 10

Talaya, I'm sure you don't remember me - we met briefly at a party at Berlin last year, I think.  You struck me as having an incredible smile & a wonderful energy - someone who would bring beautiful friendship to anyone with whom you graced your presence.  If you'd like to talk about whatever's going on, please feel free to call me.  (773) 262-7018.

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