
SmegmaJones 30 Reviews 1392 reads

Anyone see Eden of Chicago recently (like last few years)?  She has a current post up in the Ad board but the last reviews were from 2018.  Looks decent but a lot can change in 6+ years.  Nothing since 2022 in her Twitter either, not that means anything.  OF is there, but I'm not subbing to see if the posts are 5 years old.  IG and Tic Tok look unused.

I see other ad posts from her, but no one making any contact on them.

I'm more worried about LE using some old info vs just an appearance change.

She is legitimate. I saw her a few years ago and her online persona has remained unchanged. Her website and RS2K status has been consistent. Are you looking at her correct X account??

Thanks for the reply.  Yes, that's the X account I looked at, but it looked like the last post was Dec 2022.  I wouldn't know about her consistency on the website or RS2K, as this is the first time I looked into her.  She could have set them up a week ago for all I knew.

The 6 year gap in reviews was more concerning, especially since she's had several ad posts in that time, so seemingly still active on this board.

But I'll take your validation from the reply as positive info.  Unfortunately my immediate need is past, but I'll keep her in mind for my next available outing.  Thanks.

Are you using the X app to view her site? I see much more recent posts, some within the last 24 hrs.  Sometimes if you use a browser only older posts are visible  

Now the content and subject matter is an entirely different issue (not my cup of tea).

Yeah this can be a bit of an LE trick. Assuming the role of an inactive provider. Some hot shots think they got cute with this move. Be aware… look to see if any of her regular reviewers are active; can always reach out to see if they know more. Stay smart!

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