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Aspen Edwards - I'm Batman .... (BAM!)teeth_smile
aspenedwards See my TER Reviews 822 reads

Good Morning Everyone!  

Happy hump day to you and of course … HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Personally one of my favorite days of the year, no so much for dressing up myself since every day is a dress up day for me, but more for the generous amounts of adult eye candy out and about for spooky parties in their sexy satires!  

Quoting Jay from Clerks…  

"Yo, what's up, baby? What's up, sluts?"

It’s just a FUN time of year.  

And with that fun came multiple emails last week asking me about to main items. What productions are in the works for the Candyshop? And, what in the heck am I going to be for Halloween?

The production question is the easy one … TONS. With luck a fairly large mainstream project I am slotted for with be green lit for production this year, or early next so that will be tons of fun. I will be filming out of Country so if any of you gents have a passport handy I just may need someone to tag along and keep me safe and sound. :-)

I’m also coordinating with writers on a reality based project focused on the world of kink and BDSM. Can’t let much out right now but you will surely see more on this in the future.  

Typically a third question is “Where can I find your stuff!?!?” ..  My website and multiple private collections. You would be surprised that about 75% of what I film is done specifically for private venues under specific requests. Which is why I am constantly bouncing to Raleigh and Charlotte.  

Which brings me to my next toss out! Ill be back in Raleigh from the 2nd to the 4th shooting a bunch of stocking kink and will be available for throughout my downtime for anyone who would like to meet up. : - )  Just let me know and we can have our own Post-Spooky Soiree!  

So .. Spooky Day abounds and you’ll notice below that this week’s shots are of a sexy Batman ensemble. Actually … the shirt came from the same place as my Tag Team Mario Bros. Gamer Chic series. Totally a youth size small (WINNING!) which captures the 34J “Just Plain Huge” (Thanks guys .. LOL) pierced beauties of mine.  

I’ll warn you – this set gets pretty risqué and I will try to post all of the images here for ya so I can push out my next set out next week. (Another tiny tee series great …. Youlle love it)  

So the backdrop .. which you will see in the behind the scenes vid I put together .. is my actual Bedroom computer setup. This is primarily where I come to focus and push out of my work related stuff when I don’t feel like traipsing down to the office. My little corner where I can sit naked and drum up the next helping of insanity for you to devour.  

The Mac and my WACOM Cintiq Graphic’s tablet both sit on top of my custom built steel 4’ x 6’ cage which stands about 36” tall. Normally theres a padded insert in the cage making it a nice little bed for me to crawl in when I’m feeling extra kinky. In all honesty – I had the cage built for shoots and just haven’t moved it into a main studio location yet. It will make it there soon though :-) I figured since you all have asked so much about the other parts of my room following the Gamer Chic piece – why not oblige?

Question of the day – If you were actually Batman , what would you carry on your Utility Belt?????

For me the answer is simple and I welcome all of your ideas… Of course in this shoot I am sans said belt and my stockings just survived a tangled battle with Catwoman … but who cares!  

Firstly … A super powerful, ion powered, custom fabricated vibrator would be must. Hands down … or on for that matter. I would also need an automatic condom shooter because you need know when the urge will hit. Perhaps a lube injector? A Cock-Cage for my prisoners? (Evil gets no mercy!!!!! BWAH HA HAAA! BAM!) I would totally need a grappling hook.. just because what girl doesn’t want a grappling hook! I mean that one is a given. Honey Badger darts because Im tired of that fucker trying to outdo in bed from my last few postings. I would also desire a wine canister and dispensing system, Pinot Noire of course. Oh I would totally need handcuffs.. totally especial. And A pair of thumb cuffs .. simply due to their greatly annoying powers of persuasion. OOH OOH! I would want a piercing gun! (That’s just got all shades of vengeance written all over it!) And lastly … a pussy magnet. DUH!  (How do you think I tangled with Catwoman in the first place!)

Enjoy the sets and the upcoming video !

Rock on guys! Keep your head up and your cape flying! Can't wait to see you!



Raleigh| NOV 02-4
SAV/HHI | NOV 4-12 (Not available NOV 6-8)
PHILLY | NOV 18-21
DC | NOV 23-26
VA BEACH | DEC 01-03
SAV / HHI | DEC 03-06

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