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Aspen Edwards - Films, Frenzies, and Fundamentalsteeth_smile
aspenedwards See my TER Reviews 940 reads

Happy Hump Day Everyone!  

Wow! What a crazy week last week was! In the world of crazy schedule flips I would rank last week to something comparative of a wolverine trying to get out of a lace backseam RHT stocking on a hot summer day! But such is life in the world of scripts, shoots, and slaying the hobby world one amazing connection at a time.  

SO – for those who wrote me about missing me last week due to all of the craziness in what appears to be everyone’s fall frenzy – I have added some dates. JUST for you. Catch those at the end of my post and let me know if they work out for some exciting times.  

Also – THANK YOU for all of the props on my video and the appointments system on my bookings page! I’m so glad you all like it!  

Without letting too much out of the bag I will say last week was crazy mainly from being cast for several projects at once (when it comes it comes in loads ** Total pun intended – enjoy). Tossing you a tid bit of insight the spot is a supporting role that focuses on a girl deep in the adult dancer world mixed with a little debauchery and edge. Yes Please. Amidst speaking with the Director on the particulars there were some great hobby related questions. Not propositionally speaking, but inquisitive as to the dynamic of the industry and how to survive and strive in it.  

“How does a girl compete in a world like this with so many flavors to choose from?”  

Which is a great question and one that I wanted to bring into this week’s post. How DOES one survive? Looks? Rates? Social Stamina? Advertising Powerhouse? A mouth like a hoover on hooked up to the Van De Graaff Generator at the Museum of Science in Boston?  What makes a girl make IT?  

I thought about it and to me it seems the answer is pretty simple and straight laced. It doesn’t matter how much you advertise, how amazing you look, how many 42$ words you use in your ad, or how many agencies (eh … “Assistants”) you use. Success bears no focus on how extravagantly airbrushed your photos are of how “Well-Travelled” you may be – which have we not at times lost the true meaning of this phrase these days?  I digress. I’ll never give out my exact formula on what makes a girl amazing in this industry in my eyes, and please keep in mind that my opinion does not constitute that of others, it’s simply my thought. But, I will say this about encounters and feel free to use it anywhere you please and with anyone you meet…

‘Amazing is when, at the culmination of your encounter, you are left with the absolute feelings of both contentment and intense joy while embracing time with someone you can relate to and enjoy on multiple intelligent and intimate levels’

Those in the game for the quick score – on either side of the field – will always undoubtedly be left with jilted feelings and empty purses. The hobby world, like any other lucrative venue, is void of get rich quick formulas and aside from making pornography this world is quite easily the quickest gig to jump into and the hardest one to be successful at. That success comes with a plan and a commitment to looking past one’s self and focusing on not only the connection but the dance leading to such and beyond.  

So how does a girl compete in this world … she cares.  

So I will close with an example of a note that was sent to me from a mate in Australia just this morning that caught my eye and made me smile. Getting letters like these everyday make everything I do combined in the business world, film world, and hobby world worth much more then one could ever imagine.  


RE: Random from Australia ...

Yep, it probably is very random but I felt I wanted to say hello, even from half way across the world

Not specifically to compliment you on your looks or body [though both are clearly stunning] but about what your website says about you

Whilst trawling through the internet, I came across your picture which obviously caught my eye. On briefly looking at your site though, I was VERY impressed to see you put up a charity section. That is not usual in the world of erotica that I have seen and places you apart, in a very very good way.

Clearly, along with your life history, that suggests lady of personal integrity. The fact you like erotica is just a part of you and you are brave enough to take control and enjoy. You also have a mind and compassion. Whilst your looks may [only may!] ebb with age, your website hints that you will remain beautiful forever.

Enough random suff … have a great day!!

Phil :)


Thank you all so much! See you soon.



• ATLANTA |  OCT 23-25
• PHILLY | NOV 18-21
• SAVANNAH | NOV 21-23
• DC | NOV 23-26
• VA BEACH | DEC 01-03 (****NEWLY ADDED)
• RALEIGH | DEC 07-09
• SAVANNAH | DEC 09-10
• ATLANTA | DEC 11-13

Time to TOP my threesome with Mario and Luigi .. How you enjoy! Plenty more to come today.

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 9:44:09 AM

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